“My biggest concern with this Mr Gibson, is if there is not a - TopicsExpress


“My biggest concern with this Mr Gibson, is if there is not a significant change of attitude and mindset of police officers in the inner cities of black America, this country is on the verge of a civil war,” he said. He also suggested that white police officers not be used in majority black communities. Ferguson protesters were captured on video openly calling for a Communist revolution. Others have advocated genocide — the deliberate and systematic murder of all white people — while some have called for the murder of former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Last week, two St. Louis-area Black Panther leaders were arrested after allegedly trying to buy explosives for use in Ferguson. Although they reportedly plotted to blow up the Gateway Arch and allegedly plotted to murder St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch and Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson in separate acts of domestic terrorism, Eric Holder’s Justice Department has limited the prosecution to minor gun charges.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 05:07:29 +0000

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