☯Mystery Schools 101△Nothing Is Mysterious.The Mystery Is Your - TopicsExpress


☯Mystery Schools 101△Nothing Is Mysterious.The Mystery Is Your Eye▽ https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vPKxRl_tQvo There is only ONE Problem and ONE Solution… No matter how complex and confusing the problems, the hardships, the challenges seem to be – and they are, because we are dealing with extremely condensed, over-imposed, interlocking systems of life here – we can always trace it back to it’s root system, anchored in the pick of this stormy spiral, and come to realize that there is only one problem. Whether the problem appears in the form of personal challenges such as stress, pain, disease, accidents, dysfunctional relationships, financial hardships and the list goes on… Or if the problem appears in the form of global challenges such as war, starvation, epidemics, weather calamities etc. We have found that when digging deeper into each of these challenges we can reduce the complicated story of each challenge into one problem: The Illusion of Separation The realms of the false are anchored in a Co-Reactive system of mind that is triggered by Survival based needs. The experience of survival is a byproduct of the Illusion of separation, which produces unauthentic emotions like: fear, worry, abandonment, lack, need for control, resentment, greed and the list goes on… When we began to believe Survival as our dominant reality, we fell deeper into slumber, further away from the connection with the source and with each other, into the abyss of separation, where we traded our wings to gain experiential wisdom, that enables us to polish our unique individuality as independent source extensions into time-space energies and matter. Our connection with the Source holds invincible – the inmost meaning of our very existence. When we “lost” that, we began the search for meaning, in the worlds of illusion. It is as if we locked ourselves out of the house and threw away the key. Found ourselves lost in the outside game, running around in circles, in the race of survival. Working hard to keep our heads above the mud, to provide the basic needs for ourselves and our families, striving for higher positions in the hierarchical social structures to gain more control and power, competing for skills, capabilities, talents, achievements, possessions & ownership over more stuff, through which we have come to derive our sense of self-worth and value. And as we move into the outer rings of this storm – we roll all the way to the extremities of War… killing each other for difference of opinions…! This is insanity at it’s “best” – won’t you agree? These behaviors are in a very strong sense, the anti of what we are, and they are orchestrated and maintained by the greatest separation illusion of all – The “Rollercoaster to DEATH” and it’s gripping fear that has kept the human race in endless rides of recycled ignorance. So how do we solve this problem? What if we got lost in a recurring dream that keeps repeating itself and we haven’t found our way out of it yet? We are busy, looking for it in the sky, digging for it in caves, searching for it in books and seminars, praying to it in churches and synagogues, studying it in schools and classrooms, practicing it in ashrams & temples, articulating the great philosophies of our teachers, preachers and gurus, only to get that much closer to it… What if our way out of this entrapment is closer to us then the air we breath? What if it is simpler than we have ever thought, believed or imagined? As simple as the existence of a moment… What if we are living in more than one world right this instant? What if this other world simply exists on a different vibrational frequency, therefore, escaping our awareness while we keep walking right through it on the way to our next appointment? And if this is true, how come we are not experiencing it? What if we are actually experiencing it, but we are not aware that we are, because we are still sleeping, dreaming, the same recurring dream we mentioned earlier… remember? And what if that’s all it takes?… To just Remember… Re-Member… As We Dreamed Ourselves Asleep So Shall We Dream Ourselves Awake… What if as we dream ourselves asleep, there is another aspect of us, occupying the same space, that is watching us all along and dreaming us awake? What if the other side, or home as we call it, is not far away in some heavenly remote place, making us so tiny, inferior and insignificant, but rather… Always have been… is… and will be… right here, right now, living among us, ready & available for us in every given moment, to rediscover it as our ultimate companion, knowing our worth and value to be priceless beyond measure, holding us in it’s heart of hearts, as it’s eternal treasures… In our experience there is another spiral, which is Harmonious, Calm, Peaceful & Co-Creative. When tracing back to the core of this spiral, we come to find that there is only one solution: The Reality of Unity The Realms of the Truth are the Exploration of a Co-Creative open framework of Soulmates, that it’s root system is anchored in the Divine Core of our All Nurturing, original, ever fermenting fountain of life, the very Heart of our universal spirit, Our Beloved Source. The experience of unlimited exploration is a byproduct of the reality of unity, governed by the Supreme Intelligence of Divine Love, which produces authentic feelings such as: Joy, Compassion, Fulfillment, Forgiveness, Trust, Allowance, Loyalty, Generosity, Creative Goodness, Equal Sharing and beyond… And so we have two main spirals here: The spiral of the False and the spiral of the Truth. The spiral of the false is the realms of questions, problems, reflections, effects, complexities, density, confusion, distortions, externals – the lower vibrational frequencies of the “below”, the “without”, where we are lost in the machinery of survival based doing. The spiral of the Truth however, is the Realms of Answers, Solutions, Clarity, Cause, Projection – the higher vibrational frequencies of the above, the within, where we are free to explore the universe… unencumbered. What if we allowed our ego-mind to over shadow our natural quest for deeper meaning and turned it into a perpetual attempt to control everything? What if in order for us to find what we are really looking for, all we have to do is to UNDO?… Stop trying to look for it for a moment and just allow ourselves to simply BE… What if the more we spend our time BEING, the more we will Undo this prison we found ourselves locked in? What if in the letting go, in the surrender of this constant race, in shifting our focus from Doing out there to simply Being in here, in this decisive choice, in this actless act, we are opening an invitation for it… and instead of chasing it, attracting it to come to us, to reveal itself to us, to be found in us… as us… and suddenly… we access… A Whole New Experience… The very EXPERIENCE of the Being that we all share equally with no exception, individually, intimately and collectively, universally – unified, at once. The Actual Experience where we Flip and fall up… in Love again, liquefying into it as it pours into us, allowing the fusion to take place, and watch the disappearance of the old false world and the reappearance of the new real world. Every individual has an access point to the Reality of Unity in the most REAL sense… a state of being that has no enemies, no war, no hurt, no hatred, no resentment, no revenge and no lack of any sort… We each have everything we need to access DIRECTLY, our own Experience of the All embracing, All transcending, Ocean Presence of Divine Love. And as we are becoming more skillful in accessing this state at Will and begin to see results in our life, we regain our Trust in this divine process and remember our True Self Worth as Beings… regardless of what we do or posses. To put this in perspective, let us clarify that there is nothing wrong with ‘doing’ or with material possessions. However, in our world, there is a program of judgement that we became accustomed to, that’s called ‘Success’ and ‘Failure’ which weighs our worth by what we do and posses materially. That is a part of the systems of control of the ego-mind. Our true self is not bowing to such judgement! Our Sovereign Self possesses an innate sense of self worthiness by simply BEING what it is. It is in this primary state of ISNESS that the sovereign being that we all share, is having it’s life: co-creating in harmony with All of it’s members, conscious and unconscious alike, our divine sovereign kingdom and it’s expansion into the multiverse. The more we access and dwell in this our Being, the more we reveal it’s divine purpose and re-align our Doing with what we BE, re-molding our physical circumstances to more clearly reflect our true identity and become the playground of our sovereign reality. Taking the Quantum Leap inwardly and re-anchoring in the one sustainable fountain that provides the real medicine to our personal and global ailments here, with the increasing realization that nothing is outside our being – our problems are never out there and our solutions are never out there – everything is always in here, within our all embracing Beingness. The more individuals have a Direct, Personal Relationship with the Real, deepen into it and make it consistent in our daily lives, the more we bring forth our uniquely profound contributions to assist in the transformation of our world. Sharing this intensely personal journey with each other as a small family has been helping us to accelerate and enrich our experience tremendously. We thus wish to extend this sharing to our family at large and we are inspired and honored to make this connection with you. No one is excluded from The ONE fluid intelligence that holds us all – awakened and sleeping alike – Together, Forever, in Love.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 22:59:38 +0000

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