#NEUCRUSHES6022 Insane Things You Do When You Have A Crush On - TopicsExpress


#NEUCRUSHES6022 Insane Things You Do When You Have A Crush On Someone 1. Youve accidentally liked an old photo of theirs on Facebook.. 2. If it wasnt your crush who texted you, your heart sinks and you curse whoever had the nerve to contact you. 3. If your crush friends or follows you on social media before you do, it is pretty much the best moment of your entire life. 4. If your crush friends or follows you on social media before you do, it is pretty much the best moment of your entire life. 5. You are able to spot your crush from far distances or in a crowd because of weird distinguishing physical features, like the shape of their head or the size of their ears. 6. Youve probably had a dream about your crush. 7. Youve probably had an inappropriate dream about your crush. 8. In your mind, youve tried on your crush’s last name, just in case you get married. 9. Youve had an imaginary conversation in your head with your crush. Usually it goes better than any real conversation you might have with them. 10. You stand up straighter when you are around your crush. 11. Youve drawn their name in a heart. It’s cute when you’re in elementary school. In a college notebook or on office stationery, it’s just creepy. 12. When you are around your crush, you absolutely, 100% cannot fart. 13. You also cannot burp. 14. Instead of your normal laugh, you do this weird forced thing so as to make it clear you think everything that comes out of your crush’s mouth is comic gold. 15. You also hang on to every word that comes out of your crush’s mouth as if they are Jesus and you are one of his disciples. 16. You will attend an event or party based on whether or not your crush will be there. 17. If you’re in the same room as your crush, you always know where they are at any given time, sort of how a lifeguard keeps one eye on a weak swimmer at all times. 18. You’ll position yourself in a room so you can see your crush, and vice versa. 19. Youve come close to perfecting the art of staring at your crush without them noticing. 20. That being said, there have been some close calls. 21. There definitely has been a time where you thought your crush waved at you and you waved back, only to notice they were waving at someone behind you. 22. But the first time your crush noticed you was downright magical. 23. And if your crush has graced you with the gift of their conversation, it was a moment in your life you will never forget. 24. Once your crush has noticed you, your emotions will soar like a kite of happiness. 25. But then, for some reason — maybe you see your crush talking to someone else — you will experience soul-crushing doubt. 26. The thought of whether or not your crush will ever like you, the most existential of life questions, will cross your mind. 27. Then, you’ll have another moment of contact with your crush, and your roller-coastering emotions will return back to normal, or as normal as they ever will be. 28. Despite all of this craziness, youve realized having a crush is one of the most human experiences you can possibly have. -j :) Time Submitted: Monday, 12/29/2014, 04:04 AM
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 05:33:41 +0000

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