“NEW MODEL OF PARTNERSHIP FOR THE STRENGTHENING OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND INTEGRATION” SECOND AFRICA –TURKEY SUMMIT 19-21 NOVEMBER 2014 MALABO, EQUATORIAL GUINEA Africa-Turkey/Assembly/Draft/Decl.(II)Rev.2 DECLARATION “NEW MODEL OF PARTNERSHIP FOR THE STRENGTHENING OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND INTEGRATION” WE, the Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegation of the Africa, representing the continent and the African Union and its institutions and the President of the Republic of Turkey meeting in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, for the Second Africa Turkey Summit on 21stNovember 2014; EXPRESSINGour gratitude to H.E. Mr. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, to the Government and People of Equatorial Guinea for their warm welcome and generous hospitality, as well as the excellent organization of the Summit; CONSIDERING the historical, economic and cultural ties existing between Africa and Turkey as well as the mutual solidarity towards economic development and well-being of their populations; REAFFIRMING our adherence to the goals and principles stipulated in the Istanbul Declaration on Africa – Turkey Partnership adopted during the First Africa-Turkey Cooperation Summit held in Istanbul, Turkey on 19 August 2008; WELCOMING the historic opportunity offered by this partnership to create a united front to serve socio-economic development objectives for the establishment of peace and security, the further improvement of democracy and good governance, as well as the promotion of social justice as a basis for balanced economic development of our countries; SUPPORTING the goals and aspirations of the African peoples for sustainable development as manifested in the landmark 50th Anniversary of the OAU/AU and FURTHER EXPRESSING strong support for the African Union Agenda 2063. ; CONFIRMING our compliance with international conventions, in particular with those related to respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of States as well as non-interference in their internal affairs; RECOGNIZING our strong desire to cooperate, particularly to strengthening trade, the sharing of best practices for the development of education, health, science and technology, industry, culture and tourism, agriculture and rural development, , youth training and empowerment, employment creation, gender mainstreaming in the various fields of development in our respective regions hence the need for joint actions in these areas; REITERATING our strong commitment to fight terrorism, piracy, drug and human trafficking and other forms of organized crime, including payment of ransom to terrorist groups and transnational organized crime; REAFFIRMING our commitment to further enhance Africa-Turkey relations in the political, economic and socio-cultural domains based on the principles of mutual benefits and solidarity; COGNIZANT of the status and level of cooperation which has been reached by Turkey and African countries since the First Africa-Turkey Cooperation Summit of 2008; and DESIROUS of furthering and deepening collaboration in the fields of mutual interests that were set in the Africa-Turkey Cooperation Framework adopted at the Africa-Turkey Cooperation Summit in 2008, as well as in the Joint Declaration and the Joint Action Plan adopted at the first Ministerial meeting held on the 16thDecember 2011 in Istanbul and strengthening current mechanisms of cooperation in the interest of the States and peoples of both parties, DECLARE ANDAGREE TO: 1. Continue collaboration in all fields of peace and security, including conflict prevention, resolution and management through the exchange of expertise, information, training programs and strengthening the culture of peace; 2. Condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, strengthen cooperation in the fight against this scourge and consider crimes committed by terrorist groups as grave violations of basic human rights and an incessant threat to the national safety, security and stability of nations; 3. Intensify coordination of positions in global economic and commercial fora in order to handle issues of common interest, without prejudice to International Treaties and Agreements weare parties to and in accordance with the spirit of the Africa-Turkey Partnership; 4. Promote investment exchanges and encourage establishment of direct trade relations between Africa and Turkey, without prejudice to International treaties and agreements weare parties to andthrough the opening of new markets and raising the level of trade relations between the two sides; 5. Work towards the mobilization of stable financial resources for the promotion of economic and social development in Africa and Turkey, particularly in areas of infrastructure, industrialisation, tourism, small and medium scale enterprises (SME’s) ,to create added value in the economy, employment and technology transfer; 6. Support, without prejudice to International Treaties and Agreements we are parties to,support Africa’s continental priority programs such as the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM),NEPAD, Accelerating Industrial Development in Africa (AIDA), Boosting Intra-African Trade, Continental Free Trade Area and Africa Mining Vision (AMV),Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) andAfrican Women Decade 2010-2020; 7. Work towards the adoption, in Paris in 2015, of a fair, equitable and legally binding Agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and be guided by its principles, which will apply to all parties and come into effect by 2020 at the latest; 8. Cooperate in the field of livestock breeding within the framework of enhancing food security and coordination between the two sides in using the appropriate advanced technology to enhance livestock and its productivity; 9. Enhance cooperation within CAADP framework in developing expertise in the fields of manufacturing, particularly cotton and textile to contribute to the transformation of raw materials locally in order to add value in the production in Africa; 10. Promote tourism and cultural interaction amongst peoples to enrich human civilization and to revive the cultural bridges between the two parties; 11. Promote and enhance private sector investments in cultural and media exchange programmes as well as interactions between Africanand Turkish people to encourage a culture of information sharing; 12. Strengthen collaboration in the fields of science and technology, and higher education between the two sides; 13. Enhance joint cooperation in the fields of health to develop infrastructure and medical systems, control and prevention centres to combat diseases and epidemics, increase the efficiency of health institutes and support efforts in training programmes for health personnel; 14. Promote the cooperation of the parties to improve the status of the youth, through capacity building programmes and knowledge exchange among them and strengthen their capacity to meet the challenges of globalization; 15. Reinforce the empowerment of women by enhancing womens economic, social and legal status, aiming to enhance their participation in the economic, social and political spheres; 16. Develop relations and cooperation between institutions operating in the fields of human rights and democracy; 17. Enhance cooperation in combating the crime of human trafficking and illegal migration within the boundaries of relevant international charters and treaties; 18. Pursue efforts and cooperate toward reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 with the conviction that the post-2015 development agenda and the AU Agenda 2063 provide a unique opportunity to realize our common vision of a peaceful, just and equitable world that is free of poverty and respects the environment; 19. Strengthen the follow up mechanism which was established by the Framework of Cooperation for Africa-Turkey Partnership, done in Istanbul on 19 August 2008;through regular and intensified contacts; 20. Adopt the attached “Joint Implementation Plan of Africa -Turkey Partnership 2015-2019” to further strengthen comprehensive cooperation between Africa and Turkey; 21. Agree to hold the 3rdAfrica-Turkey Partnership Summit in 2019 inTurkey. Done in Malabo on 21 November 2014
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:33:18 +0000

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