*** NEWS FLASH *** NEWS FLASH *** NEWS FLASH *** July/August - TopicsExpress


*** NEWS FLASH *** NEWS FLASH *** NEWS FLASH *** July/August 2014 Dear Family, Friends and Loved Ones: Finally, spring is in the air and I need your ongoing support? My show: The BCS Experience: History-Arts-Culture-Politics in Review and Discussion is one of GoProRadio Network’s top rated shows. I want to thank my loyal listeners and supporters for honoring me so.!!! Your Donations Are The Backbone of Keeping Black Radio Alive…!!! • I need your $upport Today! I am asking each of my committed and loyal listeners to please commit to donating/sponsoring $5 per person to help keep my show as on the air. You have been and continue to be a loyal supporter. And I want to continue being a service to you each week as I present informative topics, featured call-in guest, and giving you a voice and format to give your opinions. • The BCS Experience: History-Arts-Culture-Politics in Review and Discussion airs - live - from 5-6 pm (EST) every Wednesday. • Now you can watch The BCS Experience… - live streaming on – ustream.tv/channel/go-pro-radio-network. • If there is ever a time when your support is needed, it is now. It is the perfect way to make sure that our African American Businesses stay alive. As a people did you know that African Americans spend annually over 1.7 trillion dollars? We need you to make sure that our communication businesses – radio, tv, news outlets, and social media – operate to keep our community and the world informed about us as a people. ”The BCS Experience: History-Arts-Culture-Politics in Review and Discussion” on the goproradio network is produced by BW Moving Images and will now be broadcast to you - live - every Wednesday from 5-6 pm (EST). Remember, we are listener sponsored radio programming. That means that your dollars and cents give us the platform to continue our mission of presenting the best on-air talk shows. Become a stakeholder and supporter of my radio show…!!! Send your donations to – BW Moving Images; P.O. Box 349; New York, NY 10185. And please make your checks or money orders out to Black Wax Nation. Mark on your checks or money orders that your support is for: The BCS Experience. Or you may make your donation by using PayPal that is located on our website goproradio. Click on Donate in the Make a Donation box. In the payment notes section put - For The BCS Experience. For additional details and information about BW Moving Images and the GoProRadio Network, please visit our website at bwmovingimages. My show is the “New Underground Railroad Express”. Next stop is your neighborhood. All aboard to Freedom and to Freedom Land…!!! Once again, thank you for your donations, continued assistance, and sponsorship support! Peace and Love…always…!!! Byron C. Saunders Your “BCS: Experience…” Radio Host With The Most
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 05:19:27 +0000

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