NOW A UKRAINIAN MP from Kiev comes out against Obamas and NATOs - TopicsExpress


NOW A UKRAINIAN MP from Kiev comes out against Obamas and NATOs phony war on Eastern Ukrainians and by proxy, RUSSIA. (Try to watch the sub-titles guys and not her tits ..ok.. this is important) Ukrainian MP Viktoria Shilova demands Poroshenko government to stop the civil war, exposes actual number of war casualties; A member of the Ukrainian Parliament, Ms. Victoria Shilova, addressed the public on video on issues of the ongoing civil war in Eastern Ukraine. Her speech also contains valuable information on the actual numbers of casualties sustained by the Ukrainian army, and which has been concealed ti the public by Poroshenko’s government. Here below a transcript oh her brave anti-war speech. TRANSLATION: Hello, my name is Victoria Shilova, I’m a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, representing the Dnepropetrovskaya district. I will speak in Russian, so all the Slavic brothers could understand me. Please ask yourself this question first. Do you want war? Do you want innocent people to die? Do you want your relatives, family members, kids, husband or wife, your grandmother or grandfather to be killed? I’m one hundred per cent sure that your answer is NO. Then what, for the past 4 months, has happened in Ukraine? I call it a civil war, definitely not any anti-terror operation. In my eyes, only swat teams or anti-terror units could perform an anti-terror operation. How could be possible living over eight million terrorist in Donbass? Eight million terrorists, on its (own Ukrainian) soil, that is what Poroshenko is calling. Including infants and elderly people. What do you think, can a disabled person fire an anti-air defence system? Or may be it is an infant, like Egor Aleksandrov, who got killed in his mother’s arms. Simply killed near Kramatorsk city, was he holding a gun? Of course not. Today the murderers are in our government. We, the Ukranian People, replaced Yanukovich-the-thief (the former president) with Poroshenko the killer! And today, our government think that the majority of Ukrainian people are brainwashed by the propaganda of the national television. I would like to disappoint them: the latest independent social poll [show that] 75% of the Ukrainian people are against the war. Most of them are afraid to say their opinion in public, because they could be imprisoned, interrogated, kidnapped or even killed Anything can happen in Ukraine today, because we replaced thieves with killers! So, what happens in Donbass? 8 million people are under fire; they call me a terrorist, but what they will say of what the Ukranian soldiers from the 72nd, 79th and 24th brigades are doing, when they come back? What does Nadezhda Savchenko say? Right, she says that in Donbass do live the same Ukrainians, our brothers, same people that live in Lviv, in Ivano-Frankovsk and in Kiev, and they are definitely not terrorists! They are rebels, miners, and our citizens. But of course this is not shown on our national TV. Just because all these TV channels are owned by oligarchs! All of our national TV is owned by our biggest enemy-oligarchs. And the oligarchs? They are bloodsuckers. Like vampires, they suck our blood, the blood of Ukraine’s people. For 23 years they have sucked our soul, but it is not enough for them. And now from virtual bloodsucking they have come to suck real blood, the blood of our children in Donbass, the blood of our mothers and sisters, of our sons, husbands and wives. On the real number of casualties in the Ukraine war: Do you know what are the real numbers of killed civilians? I will tell you. And it is the truth. There are about 6,000 civilians killed. Everyday about 170 to 200 people are being killed. The Ukrainian army is killing them with 122mm multiple rocket launchers, just because they are being told they are fighting Russian terrorists. Just because so were told by Porosenko and the national TV. But as time passes our army realizes what it is really happening in Donbass. And everybody who has experienced the bloody war is now starting to tell the truth; against Poroshenko. They say that in Donbass they confront Ukranian people. They say that we should start negotiations. We should stop this bloody civil war. And now. Let’s talk about casualties in the Ukrainian army. It is about 11,000 lost soldiers. Hacked e-mail of the Ukrainian ministry of defence can prove it. And if we count injured soldiers: they are about 19,000 injured that are in hospital; but what about the injured that were left behind? And what about others, who say the truth, and being sent to mental hospitals? IIUkrainians, Ukrainian people around the world: I beg you to break the Ukrainian propaganda. My heart suffers for people from Lviv, Drobovoche, Lugansk and Donetsk. But today my heart hurts for people of Donetsk and Lugansk. Because children are being killed there. And now mothers, I ask you, what would you say to this new president if your house is ruined, or worse, if your children were killed? Would you support him? Of course not. That’s why his support is falling down, and it will continue to fall, because he is covered in blood. And when deaths of innocent people are higher than 22,000 – including the army’s – it is impossible to hide the truth. The truth is coming out by itself and that is why we start to see a different point of view. Not only in Russia, but as well in Europe and USA. German journalists, British, Italian, and French are protesting against the war in Donbass, against Poroshenko – who kills his own people. So what did we do, and what I, Viktoria Shilova, did? We prepared a document and gave it to the best independent lawyers in Ukraine, for them to address this matter upon our courts. And do you know what is written there? We demand to be ruled that it is unconstitutional to perform the so-called anti-terror operation in Donbass. We demand to prosecute the people who are involved in breaking our constitution; the members of the Ukrainian Parliament who unlawfully voted in congress. They, unlawfully, approvedthe petitions signed by Poroshenko on the so called anti-terror operation. This constitutesunlawfully use of the Ukrainian Army against the civilian population of Ukraine. We don’t have war. We have not officially declared martial war. Since the Martial law is not officially in effect, how could you use Ukrainian army on the territory of Donbass? Unlawful use of military reserve. And by the constitution, any Ukrainian citizen can defend himself against any aggression, protect his life. An army cannot harm its own citizens on its soil. And it is written in our constitution. Please open this golden book, the constitution book, and see for yourself. But unfortunately we replaced the government of thieves with the government of murderers. And now blood spills all over in our country, Ukraine. I’m addressing to all people of Ukraine. To all who respect Bogdan Hmelnickiy, Taras Shevchenko, and to all who remember the Yellow-Blue flag created by Grushevskiy. I’m addressing to all the 75 per cent of Ukrainians who are against the war, who are for peace: We should unite and demand the new elected government to respect the law and the constitution. Stop the so-called anti-terror operation, the bloody civil war. And start negotiating. Do provide humanitarian aid; do help people survive the catastrophe. To those fighting along with Poroshenko: Why are you fighting along with Poroshenko against children of Donbass? You can’t do it, for you will be prosecuted. People pay the price for these inhuman errors. Hague tribunal is waiting for you. That’s why our army wouldn’t listen to you anymore. And that’s why military mobilization doesn’t help you anymore. Day by day, people realize and find the truth, they don’t want to be part of your murders. [I have changed syntaxes in the whole following paragraph, following Viktoria Shilova’s direct addressing in section above]. To the oligarchs: You, who accumulate your capital everyday, started this war. You are the one who need this war, because then you can blame war for the economic crisis, for all what really started the war. Ukraine is in bloodshed now, thanks to you. But Ukrainian people are against the war. Ukrainians don’t want the war. But we want peace. III People:Please, let’s unite.Let’s protest against this war. Let us be heard, just like during the Vietnam War. – How long will you be bombing us? How long will you be shooting at us? How long? We are being bombed for months. Please stop this! I cannot believe that you don’t have any kindness in you. Are you not human? What are you doing? Shooting, bombing on us? What are you doing? Viktoria Shilova https://youtube/watch?v=5veOECY0tKQ
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 16:07:47 +0000

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