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✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫NOW FREE✫.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸✫ EXCERPT – LULLABY Philip began walking toward the front lawn of the Michaels’ residence and motioned for Aedan to join him. “There are a few things you need to know before you meet her.” Darius and Sapphira followed behind as Philip talked and Aedan listened. “I received word the Sanhedrin will be taking council and Osiris will be arriving with information shortly after they have met.” Aedan stopped, dead still, only a few steps away from a bright red Jeep sitting in the driveway of the Michaels’ home. Osiris? Again so soon? He thought about what it meant for Gabriel’s second in command to be so hands on in this assignment. He was the Archangel’s go-to guy. His continued involvement said something. He didn’t know what yet, but something. “It seems this assignment has become all sorts of interesting.” Aedan’s voice held a hint of uneasiness. “What exactly is going on here? Surely this isn’t just guarding a girl.” “Aedan,” Darius stepped close and spoke before Philip could reply, “we have gathered this is no ordinary assignment. If this girl were ordinary, none of us would be here. You were one of my sharpest students so I know you’ve already considered this. I don’t have all the answers, none of us do, but I know enough to stress the importance of keeping her safe.” “Why me?” Aedan truly wasn’t sure why he had been chosen to guard this girl. Considering their existence, he had only been back in the position as Guardian a short time. He was still better suited for battle. Aedan searched Darius’ expression, hopeful for an answer. “You are far from ordinary yourself, Aedan. You just don’t realize it.” Darius laid his hand on the back of Aedan’s shoulder in a fatherly manner and was about to say something else when voices distracted him. Darius and Aedan turned toward the white Victorian as Halle, Jenna and Matt emerged. “Shotgun!” Jenna skipped down the steps with a grin on her face. She always won, mostly because Halle and Matt always let her. Philip began to speak, but the only words Aedan heard were. . . ”Aedan, meet Halle Michaels, your new assignment.” And Philip’s voice trailed off, everything said after was a blur. Aedan didn’t need Philip to point out his new charge. He was drawn to her. The three friends made their way toward Matt’s Jeep parked in the driveway as Aedan unintentionally gravitated in that direction. He was standing by the back door of the Jeep before he even became conscious of moving. He stared. . . captivated. There was something perplexingly different about the dark haired girl who walked toward him. Her sun kissed skin had an illumination he had only seen in his own kind, never a human, but this glow was more beautiful than that of any immortal he’d known. It was deeper than skin, it seemed to radiate from the inside. Before he realized it, she was standing inches from him. Face to face. Aedan felt a strange, almost painful, sensation. His chest pulled tight, like it always had just before battle. Every muscle in his body tensed as he tried to maintain his focus, but the confusion of his reaction to her derailed every ounce of concentration. Was this what Jess had meant when he said it wasn’t pleasant being her guardian? Did he experience this intense discomfort in her presence too? Halle reached her hand for the door and paused. Her heart unexpectedly hit hard inside her chest. It reminded her of the knot she’d always felt in her stomach when something was wrong, but the uneasy feeling it usually brought on wasn’t there. She tried to catch her breath. Inhaling deeply, the smell of rain overtook her. Looking slightly toward the sky, she let the scent – fresh, clean, crisp – envelope her senses. It was her favorite smell. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, but she was certain she smelled rain. The air even held an odd sense of electricity, like just before a lightning storm. Even with the electricity tingling against her skin, there was something else. Comfort. Warmth. She gazed upward for a long moment, feeling like she wasn’t seeing something she knew was there. He knew she couldn’t see him, but Aedan held her stare, struck by the feeling she was staring directly into his eyes – his soul, or where he knew his soul should be. She had an effect on him; he couldn’t deny that, even to himself. Only he wasn’t sure just what it was. He wondered again if she had this effect on every immortal. At that moment, he was certain of one thing. . . Philip and Darius were right – this was no ordinary girl. Amazon: bit.ly/AMZLullaby iBooks: https://itunes.apple/us/book/id956925229 Barnes & Noble: bit.ly/BNLullaby Kobo: bit.ly/KOBOLullaby #OneClick #AmReading #PNR #Fivestar #MustRead
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 20:02:48 +0000

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