"Narcissists have a grandiose, inflated, messiah like self image - TopicsExpress


"Narcissists have a grandiose, inflated, messiah like self image and cannot stand to be criticized. Obama’s Christ like view of himself is very clearly revealed in his Democratic nomination victory speech in St. Paul, Minnesota on June 3, 2008 in which he tells a worshipping audience, “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” Clearly, this is a delusional statement. At the end of Barack’s Super Tuesday speech in Chicago on February 5, 2008 Obama makes another ludicrous and insane pronouncement telling his followers “We are the ones that we have been waiting for.” This is narcissistic double speak; in translation what Obama is really saying is, “I am the one the world has been waiting for.“ "What mentally balanced, stable human being enjoys seeing the shrunken heads of dead people from another race? Obama, himself, even seems to understand that there is something mentally wrong with him. Barack realizes that is abnormal to take delight in such a macabre sight. He uses the term “morbid-glee” which is almost an oxymoron. Normal people feel sadness and repulsion over morbid sights. This is unquestionably and most definitely a sign that Obama is not of a sound mind. "Obama has, “Perceived injuries,” “Hidden enemies” and he sees “imagined traps.” Wouldn’t a person with unreal, “perceived injuries;” “hidden enemies” and someone that sees non-existent “imagined traps” be diagnosed as suffering from paranoia? "‘Oh so you are so and so’s son’ No one here in Kenya asked how to spell my name or mangle it with an unfamiliar tongue. My name belonged so I belonged….” “And yet, even as I imagined following Malcom’s call, one line in his book stayed with me. He spoke of a wish he’d once had, the wish that the white blood that ran through him, there by an act of violence might somehow be expunged. Expunging their white blood through acts of violence? That doesn’t sound very emotionally well adjusted to me. Barack Obama is an emotionally unbalanced, racist. His own words make this an undeniable fact. Obama is not a “nice guy”. He is an intrinsically evil human being. Obama is a pathological liar (his word is worthless) and he is not intelligent. He views the world through a leftist ideology and he sees American history as an ongoing “white vs. black” racial conflict due to white suppression and oppression of blacks. He believes social justice will be attained through economic redistribution of wealth He has a radical, militant Black Panther mentality. Obama has taken his hatred for whites and rather than release it in domestic street violence he has channeled his rage into politics. Obama’s destruction of America is intentional. "
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 14:22:10 +0000

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