(Nasir, March 15, 2014) SST has learned from credible sources that - TopicsExpress


(Nasir, March 15, 2014) SST has learned from credible sources that the rebel leader Dr. Riek Machar has secretly left Nasir following reports of a bid to assassinate him by disgruntled members of the ‘White Army’ which is a civilian militia group allied to him. The disillusioned White Army had previously retreated from Bor after defeat by the government forces. The White Army had reportedly incurred heavy losses of about 2000-3000 men in the battles of ‘Sudan Safari’ and ‘Jameza’. The White Army further suffered more losses in the protracted battle for Malakal. The group is alleged to have earlier withdrawn from Malakal after sustaining heavy casualties at the hands of government forces. According to sources on the ground, Dr Riek’s rebel movement is in a dire state with the White Army, reportedly calling for the movement’s fighters to reflect the geographic representation of the movement’s leadership. The White Army has particularly demanded that Dr Riek produce an army from his own area of origin that is Unity State. They have threatened that the Nuer from the states of Jongolei and Upper Nile, where the rebel outfit is based, cannot be continuously used to fight the government alone. This opinion is shared by leaders from the area who insist that the Lou cannot be used for rebellion by Dr Riek again. Opponents argue that during Dr Rieks 1991 rebellion against the SPLM/A, it was the Lou who waged the war, and when the SPLA retaliated, it was the Lou community that became the victims of Dr. Rieks war. Following the alleged failed coup attempt on 15 December 2013, Dr Riek once again moved to the Lou area and used the White Army which has so far lost thousands of strong young men in the course of the fighting. The community now fears that the government response in curtailing rebellion in the area may result into more losses for the community as they are the majority of the forces currently being used by rebels. For now, reports from Nasir indicate that Dr. Riek Machar has fled and is heading to the Ethiopian border where he is expected to be received by elements associated to him. The said associates will seek his safe passage and assist him to possibly gain asylum from a third party not yet established. When his escape is eventually confirmed, it remains to be seen where he will ultimately be granted refuge. Eritrea, which has been accused of sympathizing with Dr Riek’s armed rebellion, has strongly come out to disassociate itself with the rebels. A press release by the Eritrean Ministry of Foreign Affairs hit out against Ethiopia for sustaining propaganda against the legitimate government of Eritrea.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 01:52:26 +0000

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