**New Years Realness** (not to be confused with a pity post, an - TopicsExpress


**New Years Realness** (not to be confused with a pity post, an aw poor me post, a feel bad for me post or a reach out and say nice things to me post) I always hesitate to post stuff like this but then I start to think of the times I said something that lead to a chance to do or say something else that helped someone when they needed it most. So, to anyone alone (or feeling alone) or troubled and going into the new year with a dark cloud over their head and not really feeling all the festive, light hearted sentiments from everybody right now. This is for you. For me, its been a long, hard, trying, disappointing, exasperating, moxy and faith testing, life changing, introspective, retrospective and honestly, kind of a shitty year. 2015 starts at a BIG crossroads with all visible paths leading uphill at a very steep angle. Im no stranger to fighting and having to deal with and/or overcome adverse situations. There are a few new factors in the mix however. (HA, still managed to throw in a DJ pun) Im tired in general and honestly not currently looking forward to the journey ahead regardless of the path(s) I choose. Ive lost a lot of what has always kept me going and what I felt I had to fight for. At times, I have short bursts of inspiration, hope and desire but they soon get crushed and stomped out by other overwhelming realities. I dont know what a new year will bring or how much I have left in me to give, try or even care sometimes. I AM, however, very much looking forward to the end of this next step regardless of how it resolves. If it leads me to another such place, at least thats one more down and out of the way with one more step under my belt. I dont know what lies ahead in 2015 but I know what 2014 had and Im glad to be done with it. I dont usually do new years resolutions but resolve to do whatever I can to better things for myself whatever that entails. Although there is really no difference between 11:59pm Dec 31st 14 & 12:00am Jan 1st 15, we view the start of a new year as something special and a place to reset and restart. A new second chance to get it right. (again) Life often lets us down and sucks and if youre going through shit, youre not alone. Dont let all those great Facebook statuses fool you into thinking that everyone else has it made. I dont feel bad for you as much as I want better for you. This is your chance to feel like you can start over and try to get it right so, take a breath and try one more time. Theres plenty of time later to give up. (make that plan Z) Who knows, maybe itll all come together for you this time. You dont know unless you try right? Regardless of YOUR personal s(h)ituatuition, I hope you try and have a great (or at least better) and hopeful new year! After all, if youre truly at the bottom, the only place you can possibly go is up. Try to get up!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 07:10:41 +0000

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