>>Nigel Farage for Prime Minister. >>This is what he - TopicsExpress


>>Nigel Farage for Prime Minister. >>This is what he said: >> >>I am the Tory Partys Worst Nightmare. >>I am a White, Tax-Paying, God fearing English man. >>I am a hard working Brit and I work long hours to earn a living. >> >>I believe in God and the freedom of religion, >>But I dont push it on others. >> >>I believe in British products >>And buy them whenever I can. >> >>I believe the money I make belongs to me >>And not to some governmental functionary, >>To share with others who dont work! >> >>I think owning a home doesnt make you a capitalist; >>It makes you a smart Brit. >> >>I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, >>And does not entitle you to anything. >>Get over it. >>Join in with the majority! >> >>I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, >>You should do it in English. >>I believe there should be no other language option. >> >>I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God >>When and where they want to. >> >>My heroes are fellow Brits like Freddy Flintoff >>And Winston Churchill >>And I know Ive missed a few thousand!!!!! >> >>I dont hate the rich. >>What I hate is the way they always manage to avoid paying proper taxes. >>I dont pity the poor, >>I just hate the way they are always moaning that they are hard done by!! >> >>I know wrestling is fake >>And I dont waste my time watching or arguing about it. >> >>I believe if you dont like the way things are here, >>Go back to where you came from >>And change your own country! >> >>This is ENGLAND..... >>We like it the way it is and even more so the way it was >>So stop trying to change it to look like some other socialist country! >> >>If you were born or legally migrated here >>And dont like it... You are free to move >>To any Socialist country that will have you. >>I believe it is time to really clean house, >>Starting with the House of Commons, >>The seat of our biggest problems. >> >>I want to know where the Do Gooders get their money from, >>And why are they always part of the problem and not the solution? >>Can I get an AMEN on that one? >> >>I also think the cops have the right to pull you over if youre breaking the law, >>Regardless of what race, colour or creed you are. >>And, no, I dont mind having my face shown on my driving licence. >>I think its good.... >> >>I dislike those people trying to guilt me into making donations to their cause. >>Get a job and support yourself and your family! >> >>I believe illegal is illegal no matter what the lawyers think! >> >>I believe the Union Jack flag should be allowed to be flown >>Anywhere in the United Kingdom ! >> >>If this makes me a BAD Brit, >>Then yes, Im a BAD Brit. >>If you are a BAD Brit too, >>Please forward this to everyone you know.... >> >>We want our country back! My Country..... >> >>I hope this offends all illegal aliens. >> >>My great, great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Boer War. >>My grandfather watched and bled as his friends died in World Wars 1&2. >>I watched as my friends died in Sierra Leone Bosnia, & Desert Storm. >>Our sons and daughters watched & bled as their friends >>Died in Afghanistan and Iraq . >>None of them died for the Afghanistan and Iraq Flag. >>Every Briton died for the British flag. >> >>At one high school, >>Foreign students raised a Middle East flag on a school flag pole. >>British students took it down. >>Guess who was expelled. >>The students who took it down . >> >>West London high school students were sent home, >>Because they wore T-shirts with the Union Jack flag printed on them. >> >>What is going on?? >>What idiots do we have in authority?? >>Enough is enough. >> >>This message needs to be viewed by every Brit; >>And every Briton needs to stand up for Britain . >>Weve bent over to appease the Brit-haters long enough. >>Im taking a stand. >> >>Im standing up because of the millions >>Who died fighting in wars for this country, >>And for the British flag. >> >>And shame on anyone who tries to >>Make this a racist message. >>IT IS NOT ! >> >>Britons, stop giving away Your RIGHTS ! >> >>THIS IS OUR COUNTRY ! >> >>This statement DOES NOT mean Im against immigration ! >> >>YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN MY COUNTRY, >>Welcome to come legally: >> >>1. Get a sponsor ! >>2. Learn the LANGUAGE, as immigrants have in the past! >>3. Live by OUR rules ! Dress as we Britons Do >>4. Get a job ! >>5. Pay YOUR Taxes ! >>6. No Social Security until you have earned it and paid for it ! >>7. Find a place to lay your head ! >> >>If you dont want to forward this for fear of offending someone, >>then YOURE PART OF THE PROBLEM ! >> >>Weve gone so far the other way. >>bent over backwards not to offend anyone. >> >>WAKE UP BRITAIN ! ! ! >> >>If you do not Pass this on, may your fingers cramp ! >> >>Made in BRITAIN & DAMN PROUD OF IT!!!!! >> >>AMEN >> >>Nigel Farage >>UKIP
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 10:42:01 +0000

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