#NigerianImmigrationEmployment: In a country where records have - TopicsExpress


#NigerianImmigrationEmployment: In a country where records have shown that one cannot be comfortable in his own house for fear of a plane crashing through, where one cannot even venture as a traveller or a tourist to the Northern zones of his home country, where one is bedevilled with several years of unemployment and menial labour even when armed with a university PhD degree, where one is afraid of even going to church for non-religious reasons, the only way to keep hope alive for the masses is to present them with the prospect of a satisfactory job employment. However, most Nigerians know that it is almost an impossibility to be among the lucky 4,600 that will be employed in the recent Immigrations Vacancy posting. Of the almost 6 million applicants, the probability of each of them getting a spot in the openings is 0.009%. It is so thin and yet Nigerians, in keeping the hope alive, still applied for it on the basis of the faith that My God will work WONDERS! It is even more ironic that the employment process was contracted to a company that has never been heard of until now and it becomes more sinister to find out that the said contractor requested each of the almost 6 million applicants to pay N1000 as application fee. The paradox of this is self explanatory. How does the government expect a poor unemployed youth to get N1000 considering the recessive economic situation of Nigeria? They are indirectly asking the applicants to steal! The situation is poignant. The mere thought of it makes my gut retch and I feel like puking at the face of the Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Ngozi Okonjo Iweala. The situation gets a different façade when the applicants are asked to write an aptitude test. What is so aptitudal about a paramilitary organisation like the Immigration Service? Be that as it may, the test was conducted en masse in a manner that takes us back to the 19th century! Whatever happened to the internet? or at least, a batch-based test! Applicants were packed together like Titus sardine can and the rush for hope led to the death of an average of 20 persons and injuries were sustained by several more. So much for a government dedicated to the plight of the masses! So much for leaders who put the interest of the people first!!! Nigerians die each day for plenty reasons and today, I added the search for employment to my checklist! Employment seeking is now a killer in Nigeria and when it kills you, your family gets 3 FREE slots whether on MERIT or NOT! It reminds me of the tactics adopted by fundamentalist terrorist groups when employing the services of a suicide bomber! To acquire a financially secure station for your family, you must sacrifice a life! Such an irony! To even get the job yourself, you must either break a limb, a ligament or have your head smashed by the boots of hopeful youths. Even a pregnant woman or a father of 8 is not spared from this pogrom which was committed! O Great Nation! Quod Vadis? I write today as a humble Nigerian youth and an observer of affairs! I know this will not do much but at least, it will educate us, in Achebean parlance, of when the rain began to beat us. Fair well, my friends, till we meet on a boot stampede or live to hear of it. I remain, my humble self, Orhero Mathias Iroro.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 14:33:40 +0000

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