#Nixxdale After some few long days of simple traveling, the - TopicsExpress


#Nixxdale After some few long days of simple traveling, the Nixxdale and Oasis wave out above the brown planet of Krogan. Tuchanka. The Oasis remains in orbit over the planet, while the Nixxdale descends down towards the surface. An announcement was sounded off, warning everyone to be prepared for landing on surface. --- Given more than enough time, the Nixxdale was coming down over a clearing of the old Krogan ruins. To the east of the clearing, there was a large long set of darkened ruins. Structure, caverns, where the Krogan would hold themselves before. Leads up by a long set of stone beige and cracked steps. The Super Dreadnought lands down, and the shuttle bay ramp slowly opens and touches the rough sandy earth.The Admiral, dawned in her Mk. VI Marauder suit, was the first to step down onto the sand. The wind gusts along, but not exactly strongly. Enough to get Nixs short hair waving along in the breeze of it. Several soldiers begin to pile out of the Nixxdale shuttle bay, carring camp equipment and start to set up within the large ruins of what seems to be summoning pits or an old arena. Phoenix pulls up her Omni-Tool and rolls out her roster, looking it over. She looks back to the ship, raising her OT and connects to the loud comms. Attention. The following Fire Teams will be accompanying me and Lieutenant Commander Gloom Streak on our small expedition to found these Salarian rogues. Being: Gilda/Discord, Dawnray/Jazz, Elinvar Forge/Storm Front, and Miasma/Starlight. The rest of you will remain on the Nixxdale and camp until further notice or given alternate instructions. I leave it to Commander Drift to uphold order and keep everyone within the camps vicinity and on the Nixxdale. Be wary, all, Tuchanka is a dangerous place. Dangerous creatures creep around us. Be wary at night, have your rifle ready. There /are/ Reapers in this area..All the teams mentioned, please gear up and be ready to leave tomorrow afternoon. She gives out on the comms, looking out and up the stairs, to the ruins that lead out to where they need to be. She could even see dried blood from the Alliance scouts along its steps. //Alright so this is how itll work. Expedition begins tomorrow and lats until Sunday. Various assignments will be given to us. Those who are keeping fort, will be given assignments soon enough once we progress. If things go smooth and we finish before Sunday, then we move you along to missions as well. To those chosen on the expedition, I will announce our leave and first mission(s) tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 06:08:57 +0000

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