#Nixxdale Among the compound outside Manehattan, a pair of - TopicsExpress


#Nixxdale Among the compound outside Manehattan, a pair of guards make their patrol along the exterior walls. Theyve seen all the Veterans pass through. But.. Wheres Legacy?, the beige earth pony asks his pegasus partner. Who?, he rerorts, and the earth pony only sighs. Warrant Officer Legacy. Yknow, the Admirals brother. Uses that bow and wears a cloak--, he nudges the Pegasus and shakes his head. His partner took a moment, before recollecting himself. Oh, right!, he exclaims, I dunno. Ive seen all the Vets pass on and out, cept him. Heard Discord was even askin about him. Usually hed stop by, not just for business but to see the Admiral. The Pegasus nods as they both walk, and the Earth pony only continues to wonder. No news of him getting married yet, but he kept on talking about it last deployment. Maybe hes getting ready for that? The Pegasus shrugs, shifting his rifle that lay on his back. Hell if I know. Thats personal business, and thats personal business related to The Admiral. Meaning, I wont be dippin my ear in that, just aint right. Not right?, he snorts. Egh..Whatever. Im sure well see him soon, probably with his nurse wife of his in hoof. After the conversation, the two simply chatted on other small matters, and continued their patrol outside the compound. However, a certain teal haired young man was running shifts in Sol still..Telling his fiance, Redheart, that hed catch a ship back to Equestria right after [he] was done getting something.. Its been two months. No physical signs of him, but hed constantly write via Omni-Tool to Redheart - Though every piece seemed so..fake. And made her worry, more and more. The Nurse would bother Phoenix about her own brother, but she would only say the same thing: Hell probably be back soon, so theres no use in wasting fuel and time to go to him when hes already on his way to us. Where was the Hunter? --- Youre..sure you wish to buy this, sir?, an English man had asked. Positive! Its got perfect potential for me and Amanda. Shell love the surprise., the all too familiar voice of Legacy had said, rather excitedly. A sigh emits from the older man, as they stand at the Citadel, in front of a one story flat home, modern architecture, simplistic. Two bed, two bath, one master and one guest, and all the other essentials a married couple would need. It was overlooking the Commons, and was quieter than most the Citadel, which he liked, and hed hope Amanda would like. Do you have- Ive got more than enough. Ill have the paperwork signed off and all, and youll be fully paid for the lot. Just send it all over to me. Legacy had said with a smile, hands and arms crossed over his chest. He didnt have his cloak on. Instead, he was wearing casual wear. Black pants with boots, and a V-Neck long sleeved white shirt. His glasses hung folded from the collar of his shirt. Though, he had a slung messenger bag on his back, but thats all he carried. The real estate agent nods in comply, and taps at his Omni-Tool, and moments later Legacys pops up. Ill take one last look through in the house..Ill lock up, you just head home sir. Ill meet you at your office tomorrow by 2. Legacy fishes the key card out of his pocket, approaching the home and swiping the card over scan, unlocking the front door and sliding open, to which he steps in. He carefully steps along with the flat heels of his boots clacking against the sleek metal flooring, shoving the card back in his pocket. Approaching the kitchen island, he drags his finger tips along its sleek, smooth top, admiring it all as he gazes around. Though, the door is heard sliding open again, and Legacy darts his eyes back, seeing it close. Real estate agent old man? You come back in here?, he calls out as he slowly steps out from the kitchen. Clack, clack, by his heels to the floor. As he creeps around the corner, he peeks into the refurbished living room, but only to be met by a fist to his face. Legacy stumbles back and held his face, rubbing it and cursing under his breath. As he takes his hand away, he saw a grey skinned elder Turian in some sort of carbon armor approaching him. Legacy was about to get into a defensive stance, but a Turian merc grabs hold of him from behind and locks his arms behind his back. Latius. The mercenary comes up and hooks his fist into Legacys stomach, winding him and making him cough, only to be held up and socked again across the jaw. Legacy pants lightly, but slides his foot back and hooks it against the Turians ankle, pulling forward his foot and tripping the one behind him, but falls with him. Though as he falls, he brings his elbow thrusting down to the Turians beak, smashing against him and rolling off. All while sliding his bag off and unzipping it, pulling out his classic compound plasma bow and unfolding it to full size, from its compact travel to weapon ready use. Just as he pulls back a charged bolt, Latius grabbed the bow and yanks forward, Legacy with it, and drives his knee up into his rib cage. The teal haired Hunter gasps, Latius thrusting the metal bow back to smack Legacy in the face and shoves him to the ground. Standing over him, and stomps his foot against his hand, so he cant grab his bow. Latius leans down, dragging his talon across Legacys bruised jaw and blood that comes from his nose, the sharply grasps his chin and brings his head up. Speaking low, and keeping his yellow eyes to his baby blue eyes. Kin to the she-devil. Soldier of her cause. Where is your fellow Task Force and Admiral?. Legacy began to resist, but Latius tightens his grip and squeezes his talons into his skin. Leggy only gasps and uses his free hand to claw at his wrist, gritting his teeth. Whoever you are, Ill make sure you dont find any of them, and I promise you that they will find /you/ before you find them! Youll wish you never messed with- Latius squeezes down harder and lifts up Legacy by his jaw, then proceeds to shove him against the wall. Latiuss eyes glare up at The Admirals brother. You are full of murderous desire and evil as much as she and her crew. No wonder you are related to that she-devil. The merc only shakes his head, dropping him to the floor and then thrusts his knee against Legacys face again, which instantly knocks him out, and breaks his nose. A few other Turian mercs flood in with their rifles drawn, but lower at the sight. Take him to the ship. Well get answers from him. 10 minutes later... One of the grunt mercs had Legacy thrown over their shoulder, and Latius exits the home last. Holding the key card in his hand, he turns and swipes it to lock the house up once again, and keeps hold of it. Following his mercenaries out, as they lead back to the docks, where their ship lays for wait.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 02:54:10 +0000

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