#Nixxdale Hours had now gone by since Nixxdale forces had - TopicsExpress


#Nixxdale Hours had now gone by since Nixxdale forces had deployed from the Oasis and down to Rannoch. Half gone with Commander Drift to the Squadron base to secure and lock it down once again. The other half went with Admiral Masontech to the AA Reaper Base, where Shepard had also gone. Drifts teams successfully got the base on lockdown. Phazer single handed, had brought defense protocols and turrets back on around the base to eliminate any Geth outside or inside the base. Aiding the teams so they would have assistance with the resistance of Geth. Elysia and Dawnray kept Phazer safe by ensuring that none would get to her as she made her way to and was in the control room, setting mines along the outside of the base. Iris held off the Geth that were on the outer approach with his team of men, made swift work of them as well. Not long after, the base was locked down and secured, however Luna sustained facial injuries and is in recovery now. At the Reaper Base, while Shepard was pushing in, two teams were sent in to eliminate both production lines of units and any war vehicles that attempted to leave the base. Discord and Legacy sought to the main production lines. Leggy hacking into an unfinished Geth Prime with no Reaper coding in it, so it was easy to use and make use of to destroy the factory lines and machines. With Jazz and Renny, they handled their situation quite..uniquely. Renegade getting into a tank behind lines and sweeping the rest from there. Good shit~ Gloom and Gilda sought to clearing the main hangars, consisting of mainly primes and colossi. While the job got done, Gloom went through some injuries to his arm and ribs, and few men were lost. Though nonetheless, it kept Geth from numbering in more and more troops. Phoenix, and Fire Light, both went in to the control room. It was a breeze to get there, though pushing through to it was challenging. Hunters crowded the area, and a Prime proved to be a bit of a challenge. However, was eliminated by Fire Light with the help of Nix exposing its core..Sadly, Phoenix sustained a heavy blast from a shotgun upon entering the control room by a Geth Hunter. Fire Light got defenses up to prevent Geth from landing down, and locked main doors. Cornering the remaining Geth... --- By the time Fire had gotten defenses up, Shepard was lining up the Normandys gun to the center of the base.Once set and locked, the Normandy fires down, crashing its beam against what lies below. However..The familiar electrical roar echoes off from below, and a long black metallic leg creeps out from the hole. Shepard, Garrus, and TaliZorah step back. Another leg crawls on out, until the bulking head of the Reaper Destroy climbs on out. Its red eye flashes brightly, and Shepard and his team all pull back. Heading towards where Jazz and Renegade were, to the vehicle depot. Shepard ordered all of Nixxdales troops to pull out and retreat back to the Oasis immidiately. Shepard runs up, meeting with Jazz. Youre Phoenixs Operative, right? You all need to get out of here, get all the soldiers back to the Oasis and go. Get moving!, he yells to Jazz and turns away from her. Hopping into one of the Geth vehicles and mans up on the turret. A broadcast sirens through all Nixxdale troops, via Omni-Tool. All Task Force soldiers, please report back to the Oasis immediately. This is an emergency, and order. Repeat: All Task Force soldiers, please report back to the Oasis immediately. This is an emergency, and order. It repeats, over and over. Shuttles touching down for all Operatives and soldiers. Same goes for the troops at the Squadron base. //Alright, step 1 of X steps. Please, leave a comment of you retreating back to the Oasis. Another post on its way as soon as I see: Kind of using this as a head count. Lets go.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 02:20:59 +0000

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