(No negativity please, this is a dedication) Here is a story - TopicsExpress


(No negativity please, this is a dedication) Here is a story about a fellow home player, friend who passed away a few months ago. We met in the original home plaza. She was a simi pro at home an I was a noob lol. I had no idea what I was doing . She soon became my friend and taught me all she knew. As the years went by she started to explain her real life. She told me that she was handicap and had a few health issues. Eventually we became best friends and started Skype calls and I got to see her. She cried because she thought I would judge her but all I could say was Im so happy to see you!. Our friendship grew over the year an home played a big part. Her health got worst an she told me her time was limited. A Few years ago she asked me if I could help her build a life on home an so we did. Set up our own spaces and fantasy homes. Fun scenarios, sleepovers, parties, We had vacation spots,cars, pets, jobs, created a literal family, she even fell in love (yes online love can happen for some people) which lasted untill her last day of life, and they even had family members (grannys, sisters, kids, brothers etc.), a club house for family events such as holidays where we would actually decorate an celebrate with other devoted home family. I watched her sad frown become a big smile. She was happy to live a life of freedom compared to the horrible life of constrictions an limits she had in her real life. I was honored to help her. So not to long ago she passed away. Now each time I look at her account I shed a tear an watch as the time goes by counting the last time she was on... I keep the family going in her honor. She inspired me to take the aspects of our home life and make it a reality. Im very much like my psh character now. So this is her psh life story an I hope you all understand how important home has been to people like her. It kills me inside the I wont be able to keep her life going on home, our family, everything... But the main point is She couldnt have an actual reality so she created one. We can all do that. Its inspirational to me. This may not mean anything to anyone else but thats ok. Its not ok to poke fun at ppl for liking psh but ppl will do it anyways. just remember your words reflect on people who have no choices in life. Be grateful that home ever existed and remember the great times. Rather it goes or stays just treat it as if its a real life. Sorry this was so long. I really wanted to share it because people kept asking why home was special to me... Well this is one of the many reasons why. :) ~ Viva la home ~ ^_^
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 18:15:55 +0000

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