No one has ever known we were among you - until now. ...a - TopicsExpress


No one has ever known we were among you - until now. ...a traveler from distant stars, escaped from a dying world, looking for a way to extend his own life. His body, decaying and weak, he could not prevent his own demise. Apparently, his whole species was becoming extinct. So he traveled the galaxies looking for a way to cheat death. He came to a world rich with Life, where he encountered a primitive race. Humans...a species which, with all his powers and knowledge, he could maintain indefinitely. He realized that, within a Human body, he had a chance for a new life. He found a small boy. Ra took him, and possessed his body, like some kind of parasite looking for a host. And, inhabiting this Human form, he appointed himself ruler. There was a rebellion on Earth. Fearful, Ra outlawed reading and writing...he did not want people to remember the truth. - Stargate ---------------------- From the dawn of time we came, moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives. No one has ever known we were among you - until now. - Sean Connery The Highlander ------------------------ Evil can be defined as any kind of behavior which allows one person to progress, at the overall cost of anothers material, emotional, or spiritual welfare. It is a fine line, since almost all of Human interaction is based on some form of manipulation. Either soft manipulation or hard. The hard form of manipulation that seeks to progress on the losses of others, can - and should be defined as evil. But we have learned to excuse those who perpetrate evil, to suspend justice, to turn the other cheek, and blind ourselves to the manipulation thrust in our faces on a daily basis. Some may associate this type of manipulation with strength, but those who exercise this kind of demented manipulation actually gain great pleasure in seeing others suffer and fall. When we realize the extent of this type of mental and spiritual corruption, we then can begin to take appropriate measures to defend ourselves - and even go on the attack. We often talk about Humanity, and our service to humanity. But the word Humanity contains the word Human. If we dont know of the things that make us Human, or are not aware of the sharp distinctions between Human Beings and the other non-human, manipulating entities - there is not much credence in even talking about Humanity. Humanity must be made up of Human Beings who are aware of what it means to be truly Human. Most of what we call Human is, as I have demonstrated - alien in nature. To be truly serving Humanity is to be serving the Human in us. We serve that end best when we expose what is anti-human in us, and exorcise from our own natures the traits and drives which force us to believe in, and act upon non-human concepts that are totally foreign to us. We must eradicate the concepts, traits, and drives which poison our emotions, our minds, and our planet. While we inhabit this planet, each of us has one sovereign purpose, which is to leave the planet, our home, in a better state than we initially found it. To even begin to accomplish this task, we must first have our own lives in order, and be connected to our own darhma. That is, we must be living authentically, while being passionately and creatively involved in something which is a true extension of our own uniqueness. This is mans true religion. However, the sooner we try to attend to this calling, the time comes shortly when we come into conflict with a force whose motives are diametrically the opposite - that is to destroy, and leave the planet in the worst condition possible. The serpent masters who visited our planet ages ago, arrived and took over without permission. They literally invaded our sovereign planet, and interfered with the destiny and evolution of the native inhabitants, while possessing no rightful status to do so, aside from force, entrapment, manipulation, and coercion of Human Beings. Like so many terrestrial illegal alien immigrants, neither these alien species, or any of their progeny have any respect or love for the world they have invaded and occupied. Their treatment of Earth, their plundering of nations, the decimation of indigenous peoples, and their violations of nature herself, should be taken as ample evidence of their origins. The Human victims of the Earth must remedy the injustices perpetrated against them and their Home Planet by assertively taking back their power, and exercising their birthright as Humans of the Earth. Men and women, acting as their own immigration officers have both the right and the responsibility to bring justice upon and expunge these entities who have violated, and continue to violate Universal Law, and Human sovereignty. These parasitic, predator, invaders have no status or authority of jurisdiction on planet Earth. The so-called controllers or hidden masters, the secret chiefs and those decedents of the original alien visitors, whose influence and mechanizations have brought untold horrors on the Earth and on Humanity - have absolute no right to hold their offices, pass their laws, to exercise command, or to formant wars. There is no right or justification for these foreign invaders to impoverish, slaughter, enslave, divide, or mislead mankind. These entities have no right to interfere in any way, with the destiny and evolution of the Earth. Since these invading entities have usurped the sovereignty of Humankind, and falsely appropriated their authority in the face of their alien status, they must be held totally accountable for every one of their crimes against Human Beings and planet Earth. The Nephilim of the days of old have never left this planet, and they are not about to return to save us from ourselves. They have never been away, and it is exactly they who create the conditions that plague mankind. It is the duty of all Humankind to continue to work toward the total exposure and final elimination of these universal dregs. - Michael Tsarion Quote From Origins and Oracles Series Posted by Freewill at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 07:19:55 +0000

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