“No question now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. - TopicsExpress


“No question now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”- George Orwell, Animal Farm, Ch. 10 And in this en-lies the epitaph of the now slowly dying Liberty Movement. Now as Ron Paul’s career is over, his ability to articulate and defend his message turning over to the people like Jack Hunter to hold up as they forswear to tear it down, and sacrificing his principles and that of his son for their own ambition, seeing power as something that is granted by the powerful FOR the powerful and at direct expense of the people who put them there in the first place; the Ron Paul Liberty movement now struggles to find the next threat to liberty and Ron Paul’s principles to fit their needs. It can’t be too specific as to show the glaring undermining and trashing of Ron Paul’s legacy and principles, that would force the people to ask questions, and question the hierarchy, that cannot and will not do. So their must be new hierarchies to challenge. But you can’t get too close. You can’t undermine the leaders of the party like McConnell, Boehner, et. al. You can’t go after the media like Hunter since you need them to keep your people in line. You can’t go after the policies because you would piss off the insiders that Rand Paul must ingratiate himself into and appease if he is ever to be considered, let alone chosen to bear their ring of absolute power… So what is left for outpost the Daily Paul and people like Jack “the Hack” Hunter to do??? Why go after the one part of the equation easiest to control and intimidate, and police the former Ron Paul and now, what MUST become Rand Paul supporters. That’s the ONLY way the gravy train continues, so that those who are living off of the people can continue to do so, in perpetuity, and can continue to absolve themselves of any responsibility for their own actions, and be forced to live under the consequences of their forever, failed, partisan, self-serving and self aggrandizing, ideologies. THAT is where the urgency lies. Not in stopping or slowing down the now daily evisceration of the people’s natural rights and liberties, but saving those responsible from the consequences of their own hubris. While we are made to suffer with less and less, while they, the privileged, engorge themselves with more and more. In a manner that has been not seen since the days and time of feudalism. That is the penultimate banner that shall be exalted and held high, by the likes of the Daily Paul, and the Daily Rand Paul, or whatever the hell comes next to replace it. Like the Rand Paul Liberty movement. But you can bet for sure that nothing that they advocate, fight over, censor or dare to expose, will do a damn thing to actually help one person in need, or prevent another person from becoming one in need. And that is the underlying problem with all political movements who start out as ideologies, fail to transcend them, and ultimately die out. It is the slow, painful death of the death by a thousand cuts and murderers, a death that begins when silence becomes a virtue, and obedience is seen as the only way to achieve freedom, for the mind, the body, and the soul. It is the freedom like King said, of a society that is closer to spiritual death. And that is the whole sad legacy of the Ron now Rand Paul movement… They spent all this time listening to everyone, but themselves. And instead of following the example of a Dr. King, and learning the lessons of how he won the Civil Rights battle, they listened to no one, and leaderless, were led back into the arms of those who brought them to the same circumstance they found themselves in, in the first place. When you can no longer hide from your own reality, you must face it, so that you can move on. Now with the distraction of the campaign over, the false promise of hope for change, evaporated… Some cling forever harder, and clutch their symbols and ideologies ever tighter and keep them even closer than ever before. But that will not save them, nor provide for them, while the march to oblivion continues unabated. Speeches without convictions cannot forestall what is to come, convictions without principles, cannot forestall even what is already here. So how can we expect to do anything to stop what is coming and improve our daily lives and the lives of others by focusing time and resources we don’t have on things that do not matter. And ultimately are therefor, irrelevant. This irrelevancy has enveloped outpost like the Daily Paul and the Ron, now Rand Paul Liberty Movement. Where once before, people united to preserve and protect and defend the ideals of liberty for all, where now they enforced the privileges for some at the expense of others, and turn a blind eye and a deaf ear, to their neighbors, their loved ones, and even to themselves, to the harsh truth that all of the conviction in the world, cannot save one devoid of principles, and that all of the prevailing self-serving ideologies cannot protect one from society unhinged. One day soon all of us will have to face that reality, and if we do not take a real inventory as to how we got here, that reality will have its way with us, as it has with everybody else, and no one will do a thing to stop them, as you did nothing to stop the masses from doing the same to them, in kind. Politics cannot forestall this harsh reality. Only the people themselves can. Are you willing to give up the ideologies, stand up on your principles, and see to it that, that day never comes, for another person, so that it may never come for yourself? Please realize at this time that your answer is your own sentence. Should you choose to be free, or to be condemned, that choice is yours and yours alone… That day begins when you stop listening to everyone else, and listen to your own conscience. That day begins when you talk face to face with another and come to an alliance about how each of you will protect the rights of one another. No exceptions, no exclusions. We are running out of time, and no one will be there to help us. Are you finally ready to do what it takes to help each other, so that we can preserve what we have left, and will not lose any further? Excuses are a luxury we don’t have anymore. It’s time to appeal to that primary of all self interests, self-preservation. Forsake politics and the media and all of the insignificant things that do NOT matter when it comes to survival, focus on what you can do for yourself and each other to preserve what you have, and not lose even more… and you will be ready when what is coming is finally here… Politics is the problem, YOU have to be your own solution!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 15:15:09 +0000

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