#NoToDogMeat - supporting our friends Animal Protection Law - TopicsExpress


#NoToDogMeat - supporting our friends Animal Protection Law Urgers - were at the Chinese Agricultural offices - saying that they want laws! Witten by Crystal Ericksen (Beijing China) Edited by Nathalie Qin (Belgium) Pictures edited by Zhaobingfei (Shuzhou China.) 【The heaviest burden of rescued dogs! 】China, dogs & cats slaughtered, traded & eaten as livestock illegally. Local CP government & CP police involved. The exorbitant profits come from lowest cost, when dogs & cats are stolen or robbed pets of citizens, guarding dogs of villagers, seized or confiscated ones, that are homeless, without paid certificates or higher than 35 cm, by CP local government or CP police. Ever since Aug 8, 2014, thousands of dogs & cats rescued from transporting trucks, markets, restaurants & slaughter-houses, most of which got hundstaupe & died with emergency treatment, that is the heaviest burden for the shelters. Few vets as volunteers, few veterinary hospitals donated in China without charity to animals. The shelters have to keep all dogs & cats life time, while adopting means being sold, eaten, abandoned in China without Animal Protection Law. In winter even more dogs & cats are eaten, suggested by practitioner of Chinese medicine at local CP media BTV. Since Dec 6, 2014, over 80 homeless dogs have been seized at Shangri-la county , Yunnan province. Dogs are confiscated at least once a year to get administration expenses. Homeless dogs seized whenever international games or meetings held in China. The seized or confiscated dogs are slaughtered cruelly, buried alive, burnt alive, suffocated in hot rooms. The bigger ones are sold to dog traders… Contact: ericksen@163 Nathalie_qin@yahoo Face book: Crystal Ericksen, VolunteersChina Animalpro, https://facebook/nathalie.qin.1 【The heaviest burden of rescued dogs! 】 【获救狗狗的沉重负担! 】在中国,猫狗被当做畜禽非法屠宰经营。地方政府和警察以为合法!暴利来源于低成本!因为猫狗是盗抢的宠物狗和乡下的看门狗。还有可能是抓捕的流浪狗和收缴的无证超标狗。 自从808-2014,数千狗狗从运输路上的卡车、市场、狗肉馆、屠宰场被解救。其中多数感染犬瘟而大量死亡!紧急医治费用是中国动保的沉重负担!因为在没有动物慈善机构的中国,兽医志愿者少,动物医院捐助少。中国动保无奈抚养获救狗狗一生!因为在没有《动物保护法》的中国,领养可能被卖掉,吃掉,再遗弃! 冬季更多猫狗被吃掉,因为中医在官方媒体推荐! 在云南,香格里拉县,2014年12月6日以来, 云南香格里拉县,已经抓捕80多流浪狗 !至少每年一次收缴无证超标犬,为了收取养犬管理费。为了国际会议抓捕流浪狗。据悉被抓的狗狗非人道屠杀。活埋,活烧,高温窒息。大狗去向可能是非法狗肉经营。
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 12:08:50 +0000

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