#NobelPrize winning scientist Dr. Otto Warburgs discovery: #OXYGEN - TopicsExpress


#NobelPrize winning scientist Dr. Otto Warburgs discovery: #OXYGEN kills #cancer youtube/watch?v=Ei2wUzrXRyU#Scientists say:O²Breakthrough®s *sole source* ASAP of O² to cells. ONLY O²Breakthrough® get this done, hugely. Deprive a cell of oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous. Dr. Warburg made it perfectly clear that the prime cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency. Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in high levels of oxygen. Google Dr. Otto Warburg. Research, reveal for you, all whom you love, how to KILL cancer! (y) #Scientist Dr. Otto Warburgs #NobelPrize win for discovery #oxygen kills #cancer means O²Breakthrough® is THE oxygen answer to cancer. Scientists, specialists in oncology say: O²Breakthrough®s sole source of HUGE, unprecedented, unparalleled amounts of oxygen immediately delivered, within seconds, to every body cell, rendering each cell as hostile to cancer. World renowned scientists also agree, seeing their own research results confirm already extensively examined scientific studies, revealing 21 times more weight loss, 6 times more muscle gain, 12 1/2 times more flexibility than any weight lifting, power training, traditional exercises, pilates, yoga, martial arts disciplines. Dream BIG! Allow no challenge, no high health risks, genetically, environmentally, to circumvent you living life at your youngest yet. *GOOGLE Dr. Otto Warburg, the Nobel Prize winning scientist, awarded in medicine for his discovery: oxygen kills cancer! Every oncologist with whom I shared my oxygenating breakthroughs actually discussed this discovery, to reiterate why this award in medicine, this discovery is so significant, in this; cancer cells cannot live, nor can these cancer cells grow in an oxygenated environment. O²Breakthrough®, they all concur, creates a hostile environment making it impossible for cancer cells to live or grow is revolutionary! So, in fact, are historic inventions of the airplane, the telephone. O²Breakthrough® is historic! Your story, now, is to be historic, too. Just as the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wrights invention of the airplane elicited Impossible! many also are incredulous of O²Breakthrough®s many thousands of calories burn in only minutes and making each body cell hostile to cancer, viruses, harmful bacteria. See scientific studies showing comparative research results: bodybyzna/blog/research-results/ See science. (y) Just as each person hearing about this airplane invention found it outside their grasp of comprehension, not able to wrap their heads around the aerodynamics and science and, incredulous, finally SEE and EXPERIENCE flight personally, transportation changes forever, historically, also, is the oxygenation discovery, find, invention: O²Breakthrough® ONE minute 7,000 calorie burn which many experience in first learning session! Doctor recommended, see leading physicians letters of reference on the blog; their take here: bodybyzna/blog/research-results/research-client-case-studies/ See astonishing successes, clients case studies, also.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 16:08:42 +0000

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