#OFCOURSE the #DetroitBankruptcy story would not be an story - TopicsExpress


#OFCOURSE the #DetroitBankruptcy story would not be an story without a #RACEBAITINGCOMMENT by the likes of Rush Limbaugh.. #BARFWARNING #INADVANCE #FANS "During an appearance on Fox News’ On The Record with Greta Van Susteren on Tuesday, Limbaugh claimed that “unchecked” Democratic rule “since the last Republican mayor [in] 1957″ created a lazy and bloated culture of out-of-control spending and corruption. LIMBAUGH: “You’ve had that — that town has been a petri dish of everything the Democrat Party stands for, everything the Democrat Party loves — massive unions, massive pensions, pay people pensions and health care long after they’ve stopped working,” he said, before arguing that the city’s first black mayor exacerbated the city’s spending and sparked racial riots that chased white people into the suburbs: LIMBAUGH: You have massive welfare states where citizens are given things left and right in order to buy their votes. You have no opposition whatsoever. And in the case of the — you throw race into the mix and you bring on Mayor Coleman Young who causes riots in 1967 in Detroit and Mayor Young caused a white flight to suburbia, and Detroit is left with nothing but liberal Democrats running it. It is what it is. And you — any place in this country that has similar circumstances, the same fate is going to happen to them." thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/07/31/2387681/rush-limbaugh-detroit-went-bankrupt-because-blacks-forced-white-people-out/
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 21:36:24 +0000

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