“OK, NOW, LET’S START OVER” Rembert Truluck. Update for - TopicsExpress


“OK, NOW, LET’S START OVER” Rembert Truluck. Update for January 5, 2004 Thank you for passing this on to others. The wonderful gift of starting over! God lets you begin again whenever you are ready to let go and move on. As you begin this new year of 2004, what do you want to let go and leave behind you so that you can move on into a happier and more useful life this year? Only you know what stands in your way and keeps you from starting over. LEARN FROM YOUR PAST Take stock of where you are now and why you are there. You can and must learn from your own past, but you cannot live there. You have no choice about it. You have to live one day at the time. Each day is the first day of the rest of your life. The beginning of a new year is a clear invitation to you to “let go and move on!” What that means for you is highly personal and individual Nobody else can tell you where you are been or where you can go from here. You have to be the source of your own self-knowledge and your own inspiration for new positive healthy directions for your life. THE EXAMPLE OF JESUS Jesus lived a life of starting over every day. Jesus demonstrated a healthy rhythm of withdrawal and involvement. He did not stay withdrawn all the time nor did he stay involved in activity and ministry all the time. The clearest example of how Jesus handled pressure and started over is in Mark 3 and the synagogue incident where Jesus became angry at his enemies and then withdrew to think through his purpose and to select people to be with him and then plunge again into his mission. Read the details of this incident in my book in Lesson 13 and in my web site in Step 4 (See below). Read rapidly through the Gospel of Mark and notice how many times and in how many different ways Jesus came to a fork in the road and said to his disciples, “OK, now, Let’s start over!” The human life of Jesus gives you a detailed example of how to face and deal with human stress and dilemmas that all of us confront every day. At his death, Jesus was saying, “OK, now, this is over: We can start over again, and all of you can go with me now.” Let your imagination soar. Where can you go from here? Where do you want to go now? Accelerate your vision of what is out there for you if you will just let the Spirit of Jesus be your teacher and guide and empower you to be what you are really capable of becoming as a child of the Creator and Sustainer of all things. You have no limitations except for your own passion to live in the past. WRITE IT DOWN Write out what you are letting go in order to move on. Write out what you want to become now that you are starting over. Make a New Year resolution to write something in your personal journal every day. Doing this will help you to learn from yourself and to learn from your own experiences. Even if you do not read back over what you have written, you will have made an indelible impression on your own mind and will grow in your thinking about who you are and who you are becoming. If you want to, write to me and tell me how you are starting over now. I will not always answer unless you ask me to, but just telling me and knowing that I am reading what you say will help you to express hope and encouragement to yourself in your journey. Remember that the journey is the goal. You grow and recover and build as you move along, not as you wallow in self-reflection and bog down in despair and regret. OK, now, Let’s start over. Rembert Truluck
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 13:02:46 +0000

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