...ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE... I am convinced that the - TopicsExpress


...ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE... I am convinced that the main stream media have been instructed to keep reporting over and over, anything which will make Black people feel like victims. When reporting about the 2 NYC cops who were executed by a Black Muslim, they invariably said, ..two NY police officers shot in response to the killing of 2 UNARMED BLACK men by white police officers without mentioning that the perp was a black muslim. You see, they are intent on reporting the race of whites who kill blacks, but never reporting the race of blacks who kill whites. There is the perpetuation of the MYTH of Hands up, dont shoot which NEVER EVEN HAPPENED, but is plastered all over the media, with the gesture even copied by celebs and reporters so that the lie will not die. The Governor of Massachusetts said, I am tired of unarmed Black men being shot by police officers while walking down the street. Like that happens every day, day after day!! How stupid!! But Gov. Patrick is from Chicago and is from Obamas elite circle of friends who are bent on bringing America to its knees. This is deliberate. Stir up the anger, stir up hatred, stir up vengeance. The medias ideal response is rioting and looting... and blacks do not even know they are being manipulated, controlled. The flip side is stories like the one I have posted here which are used by the some media outlets (usually conservative websites or radio shows) to stir up white people. Do you know that there are websites exclusively devoted to reporting black-on-white crime? And it seems like I cant listen to talk radio any more without the talk turning to racial strife. The story posted here has the headline ABSURD and yes, it is ABSURD that people think all of these stories have to do with race. The acts and the outcome would in most cases be the same no matter the race of the victim. There are criminals looking for trouble and they find it, either at the business end of a cops gun, or as the evil-doer against an innocent citizen. Either way, criminals will behave as criminals, no matter what race they are. The USA is being chopped up into warring factions by the elite. And we are all falling for it. We are slipping away from the ideal of One Nation Under God, Indivisible... We are very much divided. We need to strive to see others as part of the HUMAN RACE and not allow our feeling to be controlled by people who do not have our best interests in mind.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 17:39:10 +0000

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