**********OPEN LETTER TO THOSE SEEKING THE OFFICE OF MAYOR********* Are you people serious, all ive seen this weekend and monday is the red light controversy all over the media. Even tho i agree that the cameras are only a money grab that issue is not important. Are you people that out of touch that you would waste your time on this issue. Its as if you people were put up to run for office by mayor 9 fingers himself and hes dictating your strategies. You people show no fire no spark you have a rat to defeat with a mega buck war chest and you argue redlight cameras???? GOOD INNOCENT CHILDREN ARE BEING KILLED each day. Yet your concern is a stupid fine. Crime is sky high or are you believing 9 fingers and deputy dogs b/s that its down. Theres a fire storm HIRE MORE COPS. If the muggers have the balls to rob the son of 9 fingers right by his house, doesnt that set off a bell in your heads. The issue of 9 fingers CLOSING 50 SCHOOLS, even if closings are called for due to enrollment dont any of you canidates think 50 all at once is an important issue, WHERES YOUR FIRE. Common sense dictates you close 5 or even 10 at a time and see how that pans out, NOT 50 AT ONCE. All those vacant huge buildings how much does it cost taxpayers in upkeep. Ive seen many hospitals and Catholic schools converted to condos, but yet nobody in the race has addressed this, WHERES YOUR FIRE. This mayors dealings with firms engaged with our PENSIONS, why isnt anybody pounding their fist calling for investigations, especially when they donate to him, WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR FIRE. Ms Lewis pegged him right THE 1 % MAYOR, she laid that platform out for you but not a one is pounding their fist on this issue. Tax the rich grow some balls. HONOR THE RIGHT CONTRACTS including your workforce. Not a one has said anything about mayor minimos self serving deals or called for investigations or loopholes on how to get out of that parking meter deal but yet sit back and allow the rape of pension contracts, of the very people that are and were the backbone of this great city, again WHERES YOUR FIRE. To win you need the Black vote, SHOW THEM THE FIRE. To win you need the Hispanic vote, SHOW THEM THE FIRE. To win you need the Middle class vote, SHOW THEM THE FIRE. Wake up canidates your putting the voters to sleep and 9 fingers giggles about it. Start a war and stop the minute issues get mad wake up the voters or this clown will walk in for another 4 years. With his relationship with bruicey rammer and the 1% they will drain this city. WAKE THE FK UP!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:10:42 +0000

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