‘OPERATION SECURE CORRECT DOCUMENTATION’LEAVES OVER 150 MORTOR BIKES AND VEHICLES IN POLICE CUSTODY By Hassan Bruz Northern Bureau Chief ‘Operation Secure Proper Documentation’ was introduced by the newly transferred Traffic Police Officer in Charge of the Northern Region-Assistant Superintendent Ahmed Karamoh Kabba. It is aimed at ensuring that Vehicles and Motor Bikes plying in his area of responsibility are not only road worthy, but that every pertinent document is secured or else debarred from plying the routes. The Operation which commenced some few weeks ago has left over 150 Vehicles and Motor Bikes in the custody of Divisional Traffic Officers at various Police Stations in the North/ Western Region. These are Vehicles and Motor Bikes whose Drivers or Riders could not produce the required documents when demanded by the Team of Traffic Police Personnel. According to Assistant Superintendent Ahmed Karamoh Kabba, the Team was hunting for Unregistered and Unlicensed Vehicles and Motor Bikes as well as the Dress Code of Commercial Motor Bike Riders in particular who were also required to put on their Safety Crash Helmet. He said Drivers are bound to use their Seat Belts together with Passengers that occupier the front seat in their Vehicles, adding that it is also an offence for Drivers and Riders to talk on Mobile Phones when the Vehicle or Bike is on motion. The Regional Traffic Officer who was recently transferred from the Legal and Justice Support Department where he had served as Legal Adviser in the Western Area, said the idea to effect such an operation was developed following his assumption of office in Port Loko. He said it was quick for him to realised that most of the Vehicles and Motor Bikes in this Region did not seem to have proper documentation and that a lot of traffic offences were being committed with impunity. Assistant Superintendent Ahmed Karamoh Kabba in an interview with the Sierra Leone News Agency , explained how he wrote to the Commander of the North/ Western Region- Assistant Inspector General of Police F U K Daboh and later went round to acquaint the various Divisional Traffic Officers and Local Unit Commanders of his intended line of action. In Kambia where the operation started, 50 Motor Bikes and 25 Vehicles were rounded up for various traffic offences. Inspector Shaka Dumbuya is the Divisional Traffic Officer in Charge of the Northern District of Kambia. He said all cases were charged to Court and that their Vehicles or Motor Bikes could only be released to them after the Court Proceedings and when they produced an evidence of payment from the Sierra Leone Roads Authority. A similar Raid has also been carried out in the District Headquarter Town of Port Loko where over 75 Motor Bikes were arrested and subsequently charged to Court. Unlike Kambia and Port Loko, the Regional Traffic Officer said there was much cooperation in the Marampa Chiefdom Headquarter Town of Lunsar where he said, there was a degree of compliance. He noted that arrests were hardly made because most of the Vehicles and Motor Bikes were registered and licensed. While commending the efforts of the Lunsar Divisional Traffic Officer –Inspector Mohamed Mansaray and the Local Unit Commander, Superintendent Max Kanu for the solid support, Assistant Superintendent Ahmed Karaoh Kabba used the opportunity to single out the issues of Mobility for his Divisional Traffic Officers and the lack of a Licenses’ office in the North /Western Region. He said the absence of both aspects posses a major setback in efficient service delivery. He therefore appealed to the Management of the Sierra Leone Police for the provision of Motor Bikes to enable them avail their presence at the scene of an accident without much delay. He opined that the establishment of a License office shall also ease the burden on Owners of either Vehicles or Motor Bikes who were often left with the only alternative of travelling to Freetown to effect payment. He said the establishment of a License’s Office in Port Loko will ease their problem. Below is the Photo of the Regional Traffic Officer- Assistant Superintendent Ahmed Karamoh Kabba and a section of the arrested Motor Bikes....
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 09:44:00 +0000

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