“OPERATION STOP $AU1.239 BILLION (K3 BILLION) UBS LOAN” Please, go to the UBS website by clicking this link (https://ubs/global/en/about_ubs/about_us/contact/contact_form.html) and pressure them to pullout of this crook deal of $AU1.239 billion (K3 billion) UBS Loan immediately. Write short messages such as “This Loan of $AU1.239 billion (K3 billion) is a crook deal. We the people of PNG ask you to pull out of this deal to punish the people of PNG immediately”. If UBS receives such messages continuously, they would know that something is really not right and they would consider their position. Rather than talking, let’s take real action to show that we really mean business and we do care for the country and its future. Before it’s too late, lets at least play our part by saying no to corruption. You can also call this number 61-2-9324 2000 all day and warn them not to interfere with our crooked politicians. Ask them to keep out. That’s all you have to tell the switch board operator. The following is an email that was sent to the UBS on behalf of the people of PNG to warn them to pull out of this crook deal. ********************************************************************************************** Dear Sir/Madam, The wish of the seven million plus people of Papua New Guinea is kindly asking your organization (UBS) to pull out of the $AU1.239 billion (K3 billion) loan agreement with the Government of Papua New Guinea immediately. The people’s view is that the Government of PNG has had entered into an illegal agreement with your organization to buy 149, 390, 244 Oil Search shares to help a Corporate (Oil Search) to use the proceeds to buy 40 percent shares in InterOil’s Gulf / Elk-Antelope LNG in Papua New Guinea. This is a deal solely driven by corporate greed. This deal is not in the best interest of the country as it breaks the laws of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. Proper processes and procedures were not followed to get this loan approved by Cabinet. Subsequently, this loan would add more burden to a country already struggling with above soaring inflation, increased cost of living, higher taxes, higher unemployment, increase law and order problems; to name a few. The people of PNG have openly expressed their desire NOT to see this financial deal go through using all forms of media available to them as the ordinary people of PNG will not stand a single chance to benefit out of the loan except crooks. If this crook deal was done in some other countries, the people would have already reacted to it with street protests and strikes. Though PNG is a democratic country with a constitution founded on strong Christian principles, it’s the opposite – every government is a dictatorship. The government never allows the people to hold any peaceful protest or demonstration against its decisions. The government always uses police brutality to threaten, intimidate and suppress its own people. The government is the enemy of the people yet representing them in such crook deals. We the people of PNG have no other options to stop the madness of the government except to write to your organisation and kindly ask your organisation to withdraw from this crook deal immediately. Such organisation as yours would not directly involve in a commercial arrangement with a government that will directly result in the punishment of a nation while putting your own credibility and reputation into disrepute with other financial institutions of the same caliber. If your organization had properly carried out its due diligence before approving the loan, then we would like to put forward the following two (2) questions: 1. on what grounds was the Freedom of Information Act reviewed and approval performed; and 2. what were the outcomes of your internal Reputational Risk Policy & Sustainability Policy & Anti- Corruption Policy ? We will not hesitate to bring this matter of graven concern to our country further to the attention of the international media (ABC 7:30 Investigative Journalism) if our plea is not addressed accordingly. The morally right thing that you would not allow your organization to do is to punish a nation that has been punished and suffered for 38 years of continuous corruption by its leaders. We look forward to hear your announcement in the next few hours that your organization would pull out of this deal with the Government of PNG on the grounds that the people of PNG had never benefited from any of the loans except crooks. Thank you, Lucas Kiap PNG Anti-Corruption Movement for Change (PNGAMC)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 07:29:47 +0000

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