“OUTLOOK OF THE GOSPEL LIVING” OF A 101 YEARS OLD SISTER ROZALIA 2014/9/29, 6:15am, It was my turn as principle celebrant of the Conventual Mass at Taishan Friary. I quoted the last sentence of the Gospel of the day to begin my brief homily: “I solemnly assure you, you shall see the sky opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man” (Jn. 1, v. 47-51), for just the day before, I visualized the soul of Sister Ellerik Rozalia of the Franciscan Missionary of Mary, being carried by the angels to the bosom of Abraham (Lk. 16, v. 22). 2014/9/28, As I entered Convent of the Franciscan Missionary of Mary in Taipei to say the 8:30am Mass, Sister Superior was waiting in the parlor and told me that just 2 days ago, Sister Ellerik Rozalia 101 years of age, with the assistance of a Filipino care-taker, after enjoying a good meal, as her routine, read the Bible. So the caretaker left for her meal, while eating, suddenly her heartbeat ran fast and became alert that something and somewhere might have unexpectedly happened; she immediately called home in the Philippines and was told that all were fine, then she went to see Sister Rozalia, surely, Sister Rozalia appearing a peaceful composure, sitting comfortably, holding the Bible with her two hands, but her pulse was gone. Immediately I visualized what a beautiful picture of living up for 101 years to the “Not on bread alone is man to live but on every utterance that comes from the mouth of God””Mt 4 v 4”, being “carried by the angels to the bosom of Abraham”. Sister Rozalia at the age of 22 left her homeland, Poland to Beijing, China. Once we were neighbors here in Taishan. I saw her many times. She was always active, peaceful, smiling, friendly and devoted to the Blessed Sacrament. Several months ago, her Sisters brought her to their Convent in Taipei where I say Mass for them on Sunday. Sister Rozalia was unable to talk, but her mind was very on the alert. She insisted wearing her religious habit in a wheelchair to participate in the Liturgy, and receive both Body and Blood of the Blessed Sacrament. I had carefully to break a tiny piece of the Consecrated Host and drop It into the chalice and with a very tiny spoon for her to receive. After the last blessing of the Mass, I bowed to the altar, then to the statue of the Blessed Mother next to the altar, and finally to her, she always returned a bow with a slightly sweet smile! As people chase madly “ To live on bread alone” , ignore and even reject “Every utterance that comes from the mouth of God”- charity and justice resulting social injustice and unrest, the “Outlook of the Gospel living” of the 101 years old Sister Rozalia is a good lesson to learn and fine model to follow! ! !
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 05:22:49 +0000

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