Obama to Resign Over Terrorgate Pending Congressional Charges - TopicsExpress


Obama to Resign Over Terrorgate Pending Congressional Charges of Conspiracy and Treason | Truther.org How? This may be the straw that breaks the Camels back? Only a selected few are receiving this little birdie told me report. In part, less than 32 minutes ago. I am not a lawyer but I can read. Do the same! Read #1 truthernews.wordpress/2013/09/29/obama-to-resign-over-terrorgate-pending-congressional-charges-of-conspiracy-and-treason/ Read #2 truthernews.wordpress/2014/06/01/obama-white-house-linked-to-murder-of-14-special-forces-over-memorial-day-weekend/ U.S. President Barack Obama plans to announce a $1 billion fund to help boost defensive capabilities of European allies shaken by Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine, according to a U.S. official. President Barack Obama’s European trip this week is tailored to get the attention of Vladimir Putin, who’s done more in recent months to unsettle the continent than anyone since the end of the Cold War. Obama will use his speeches and meetings with allies to emphasize the Russian president’s choice between further economic isolation, if Russia continues to seek more control in Ukraine and other former Soviet areas, or an easing of sanctions if he changes course. Starting tomorrow in Warsaw, then in Brussels and Paris, the U.S. president will promote economic cooperation, energy security, and solidarity among NATO and Group of Seven nations. He’ll meet with Ukraine’s Petro Poroshenko, newly elected to become president, and underscore the benefits for Russia if it leaves Ukraine free to pursue its own path. Putin, who will cross paths with Obama at the June 6 ceremonies marking the 70th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, will be making his own priorities known. The Latest 9/11 NAZI Paperclip NSA Bush-Cheney-Clinton-Obama Cover Up Continues And Now It Is A Department of Justice Ponzi Scheme UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the alleged five (5) released Taliban terrorists that were released to the current Afghanistan government are double agents for both the Saudi Intelligence Agency and the Israeli Mossad and the NAZI Paperclip NSA. These alleged terrorists have direct links to the scripted U.S. NSA George W. BushFRAUD, Dick Cheney, NAZI German Becker 9/11 Hamburg cell that have direct links to the Saudi Intelligence Agencys mission to make former NAZI Bush NSA-CIA employee Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman, the Lee Harvey Oswald patsy, in reality what was an INSIDE JOB direct attack against the American People, their Constitution and their U.S. Treasury by the filthy, TREASONOUS NAZI German Bush Family.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 05:45:21 +0000

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