‘Obituary Mr. Phil Lock One of the best known personalities - TopicsExpress


‘Obituary Mr. Phil Lock One of the best known personalities associated with the pastoral industry of Australia, Mr P. H. (Phil) Lock died at St Kilda early yesterday He was aged 72 years. Mr Lock was also a leading figure in racing circles and although he did not achieve a great deal of success racing horses himself he earned a reputation as a judge of horses. He first gained prominence as a horse dealer. He was one of the leading shippers of horses to India and during the South African war sent horses to that country. He was also a leader in the sheep and cattle industry and was widely known in Victoria and South Australia for the high quality of the stock which he bred. Before the war he was one of the principal buyers of properties for subdivision. With Mr William Lenehan trading as Lock and Lenehan he purchased Bryan O Lynn, part of Ettrick, Staughton Vale, Poon Boon, and other large properties, which they subdivided and sold. Lock and Lenehan turned over £1,500. 000 worth of land. Land transactions in which Mr Lock himself was Interested amounted to £4, 000. 000. The site on which the Corpus Christi College now stands at Werribee was bought from Mr Lock in 1922 by the Roman Catholic Church. At the time of his death Mr Lock owned The Manor at Werribee and bred racehorses there. Mr Lock earned distinction as a most charitable man and he did much to assist returned soldiers. He was born In Victoria and although his business interests carried him to all parts of Australia he spent most of his life in this State. For many y ears he resided at Airlie, Warrnambool. In recent years he lived in retirement. He has left a widow, four sons, and a daughter.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 04:46:02 +0000

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