(Ok folks this is it, the start of the war that i will continue by - TopicsExpress


(Ok folks this is it, the start of the war that i will continue by the end of the summer by sept if not before, feel free to comment and see who wants to be in Maralenia during this , most may know the basis of this start but i feel its the best way to start the war in my opinion :) ) Peter Hayley II was preparing for another council meeting to discuss the nearby towns inhabited by Martin McCallister Xvii and his men and loyal followers, when he walked into his wifes chamber to see her kissing one of his Knights, his smile faded and anger and dissapointment crossed his face, he had the knight locked away in a room as he spoke to Queen Tara. she admitted to loving the knight but also loving Peter* Peter: your will chooses me, but your heart chooses him! there will be a hearing to decide what is to happen to you both...The Law will judge you!" *Peter spoke to his men as they walked to the council meeting and entered* Peter: "ready a court hearing in the Palace square tomorrow morning, open the city gates ... i want everyone there" Council men: "Sire i do not think that is wise, this should be dealt with in private, with the war still going on, its best not to have the gates open for the duration of a court hearing" Peter: "should i be ashamed? should i skulk about in the darkness in this palace ? no i want everyone to know that the Law is absolute, that noone is above it, that the Law rules in White star" *the next morning , the Sun was sun was shining although as Autumn was around the corner, it was due to rain, the summer was failing, Peter sat in the Kings chair , his knights behind him and about the square as the first Knight in Peters council held a parchment with the list of charges held against the Queen and Sir Galandral of the kings royal Elite Guard, Tara stood in a wooden witness box, Galandral in the other , facing Peter , the crowd packed in the square to watch.. *Peters first knight read the list of charges and started the court hearing as most of Maralenia was in the square and in the streets of Maralenia watching and listening* “Queen Tara I, Lady of Lorena, and Queen of the White star Alliance, and Sir Galandral, Knight of the Kings Elite Guard, are charged in their own persons, and in collusion, one with the other, to bring dishonour to the realm, violation of the Kings rights and the law, this action constitutes a wilful act of treason against the Kingdom of White star, the Penalty under law is death, Sir Galandral may answer to the charges” *the first knight looked from the parchment to Galandral who looked to the King* Galandral: “what I have to say is for the King alone” *the first knight who read the charges and leading the court hearing looked to King peter who sighed and nodded, Sir Galandral headed to Peter and knelt in front of him* “My Lord….the Queen is innocent…but if my life or my death serves Maralenia and White star…take it, do what you like with me” *he stood up* “Brother to brother, yours in life and death” *he headed back to his stand, Taras eyes where filled with tears as she watched Peter , peter was deflated, he looked defeated and full of dissapointment, the one person who he relied on had Betrayed him in his own palace, Elizabeth , wearing Purple and Samantha In White both sat nearby to the side of the court watching their father and felt awful for him, and wondered how this would impact the war, Peter lowered his head and pondered what he was to do with them, whether he would go through with sentencing them both to death under law or not….the Square was silent……the first knight looked to King Peter II and spoke* “Is it the Kings wish that the Queen be Questioned by this court?” *peter looked up to Tara who whimpered softly trying to keep her composure in front of the People, Peter looked to the Square and the people then down again saying to himself….* Peter: “may god forgive me….” *The knight spoke said again* “Is it the Kings wish that the Queen should be questioned by this court?” *just then several people around the square and others that ran ontop of the walls looking down and from some windows in the palace uncovered cloaks showing the colours of Rebel King Martin XVII started surrounding the palace square and the city, the noise made peter and his knights look up* “Who goes there?! You on the roof..who goes there?” *another knight shouted* “Close the gates!! Close the city gates! *by then the gates where kept open by martins men and in rod martin with his daughter Lucy and his lead men on horseback, the crowd parted as they came up into the square and stopped short of the court in front of Peter, his knights ,Queen Tara and Sir Galandral* *Martin smirked and looked directly at Peter as His knights reached for the hilt of their swords, martins men all held up crossbows pointed at Peter still seated on the throne in the outside Square* Martin: “Nobody moves or Peter dies….my men control the city gates to the city and every exit from this square, on every roof…you will see men with burning torches, all I need to do is lift my arm and your golden city falls to ashes…I AM THE LAW NOW! You obeyed Peter and now you will obey me” *Peter stood up* Peter: my People are unarmed Martin….if its me you want, here I am” *Martin laughed* Martin: look at him! Look at the great King Peter of White star! Ha! He is a man waking up from a dream. The strong rule the weak…is that how your God made the World?” Peter: “God makes us strong only for a while, so we can help each other” *he said in a calm tone, Tara and Galandral looked from Peter to Martin and Lucy* Martin: “My god makes me strong so I can LIVE MY LIFE!, “ *Martin looked to the crowd* “Peter says to you, serve one another….. When will you start living for yourselves?, this is the freedom I bring you…freedom from Peters Tyrannical dream, freedom from Peters Tyrannical law, freedom from Peters Tyrannical God! …” *The crowd muttered under their breath as Peter sighed looking to Martin* Martin: “I want your People to see you Kneel before me here…” *Peter looked around briefly and sighed lowering his head slightly , many citizens shouted* “No!” Martin: “Kneel before me…or die..” *Peter paused thinking on what was being asked of him * Martin: whats the matter? Too proud Peter? “ *Peter met his gaze* Martin: “or do you think you can better serve your people dead?” *He smirked* *peter raised his eyebrows almost in humour to his comment at him being too proud, he shook his head indicating no, the Two witches appeared by Martins side at this point in a puff of Green smoke and fire and grinned looking at Peter* Peter: “I have no pride left in me” *and sighed bowing his head as a shocked public went silent and Tara looked to him as did his knights as peter gripped the hilt of his sword , Liz held her hands to her Mouth as Sam gripped liz with her left hand by Lizs arm standing her up and stepped slightly in front of her, sams other hand brought out the Sorcerers Wand from her white robes and kept it behind her back, while nearby Maria was out in the patrol car with Sheriff winters, they seen Martins men enter the city and ones head toward the palace, maria and ray looked to each other and races toward the Palace across the city knocking down some of Martins soldiers along the way. Peter looked to the people* Peter :what I do now, I do for my People, and for the White Star Alliance…and may they forgive me” *he unsheathed his Sword and held it out in front of him in his hands* “This is my last Act as your King…do not be afraid….all things change….” *he looked to Martin and he struck his sword to the ground in front of him to lean on as he looked to the crowd* “I am Peter of Maralenia, King of the White star Alliance, and I command you now all…..” *he went to kneel but stood up swinging his sword and striking the air in a final act of defiance* Peter: “TO FIGHT!” (Rp will continue from here in Sept when this final rp of the civil war concludes) :D
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 22:46:46 +0000

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