|| Okay, I feel like I must make a post about spoiler warnings and - TopicsExpress


|| Okay, I feel like I must make a post about spoiler warnings and how I view them. Its fine if you disagree but chances of you changing my mind are slim (Ive just been around long enough to know where I stand), so theres no point in arguing. You are more than welcome to unfollow the page if what Im about to say upsets you that much. In fact, /please/ unfollow the page if what Im about to say upsets you that much. The number of likes I have on this page isnt really that big of a deal. So go. Leave. Itll be good for you and fantastic for me. So, as the entire fandom is pretty much aware... Blood of Olympus has been released. Not in all countries, but most of the major ones (where the fandom is largest - basically, they go by how many copies sell per country). And if it wasnt released in your country already, there are PDF copies of BoO floating around so you can still read the book before its released where you are. Do I believe in posting spoiler warnings? Yes. I did post spoiler warnings for about a month after the release of BoO. I believe any time something new is released, there should be spoiler warnings for as many posts as possible (now did I slip up and forget on occasion? Yes. Im human). But after a certain time period, I believe it is YOUR responsibility to avoid spoilers, etc. A month was too short for a lot of people. And some people have this notion that spoiler warnings should be posted years after material is released. On an individual level, I understand that. For example, if I had not read Harry Potter and I was discussing it with friends, I may not want them to tell me what happens. But if Im reading Harry Potter, a series that has sort of ended a bit less than a /decade/ ago, and I venture onto fan sites, I do NOT expect those sites to post spoiler warnings. After all, why should they? The material has been out for ages. The material can be downloaded for free if Im really concerned about access, etc. I believe it is MY responsibility to navigate carefully. And if I really want to avoid spoilers completely, its probably best to avoid the internet fandom until I have read the material. I mean, I havent really seen any Tolkien resource post spoilers for Tolkiens works (except maybe the most recent Hobbit movie because it just came out)... becaues his books have been out for 70 years. I may ask my friends to not ruin things for me, but like HELL Id be entitled enough to ask the entire Tolkien fandom to cater to my personal needs. I havent read Insurgent or Allegiant yet but the books have been out long enough that I dont expect spoiler warnings and most pages Ive seen dont bother with spoiler warnings for the books. Fandoms where there are avid movie/TV show fans and avid book fans are a little more tricky though because you have fans who havent read the books (and wont) who are fans of the movies. So, of course, they dont know whats going to happen. Then in some cases, spoiler warnings are necessary. I follow a lot of Game of Thrones pages and there is an inconsistency in what gets spoiler warnings and what doesnt -- why? Well, there is a TV show, btw, which is only as far as book 3 in the series. All the books are 800+ pages so even for avid readers, thats on the tedious side and can take ages to get through. And the show is, actually, more or less following the books. I have friends who are only reading the books as the show progresses and so naturally, Im going to tell them what happens in Dances with Dragons, yknow? But Harry Potter has been out a while. Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit have been out a while (I may not talk about what happens differently in the third Hobbit movie, but I wont post spoiler warnings for the first two movies because theyve been out years now). Percy Jackson is basically done (minus some of the side stories). If Im going to be posting spoiler warnings for Blood of Olympus for forever because people are still joining the fandom, then everyone should post spoiler warnings for every thing ever written. ODYSSEY SPOILER: The Trojans lose. Whoops. Shouldve warned for spoilers about 3,000 year old pieces of literature. Oh no. I dont post BoO warnings anymore. Maybe I should do what booktubers and official wikis do and warn for spoilers until the book has been released in all countries (keep in mind that they do this because they are affiliated with the /publisher/ - but once the book has been released everywhere, they are NOT obligated to warn for spoilers! - I know this because I have a publisher) but I dont. Why? Because Im not an official wiki or a booktuber and while this page is very fandom-esque, its still a PERSONAL page. This isnt a page that is manned by 5 or 6 administrators. This is a page that is manned by ME (and HeartRune Hunter Tribute, who is a wonderful backup admin and is someone I am very grateful towards, even though Im shit at expressing gratitude), created by ME, and was originally intended to be a creative outlet /for me/. This is a roleplay page. This is a page I use to store the fandom art I find. This is a page where I can vent/rant and post my opinions which are often contrary to those of the general fandom... without worry about receiving hate mail (because I can just ban folks for being hateful). This is a page where I can post my Percy Jackson writing and interact with fellow roleplayers. So yes, you are actually entering my little safe haven by following this page. So when you enter a place I created for myself, the rules that I apply to myself then also apply to you. And none of those rules have anything to do with spoilers right now. *shrug* So yes, please understand this. If you dont like what Im saying - thats fine. Youre allowed to disagree. If it bothers you that much, you can leave, no hard feelings, no questions asked. Thank you for your consideration. - Aleks
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 23:33:04 +0000

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