~~Old Post of Mine from 8/22/2014~~ IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE THE - TopicsExpress


~~Old Post of Mine from 8/22/2014~~ IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE THE WORDS PLEASE USE THEM RIGHT!! Merry Meet- Is normally said when you are meeting someone that you are happy to be seeing/meeting with or hope to have merry or happy meeting with. Merry Part- When you are leaving someones company its to say that you are leaving on good terms (or hope to) and in a merry/happy way. Merry Meet Again- Expressing your hope and desire to happily/merrily meet up again next time you meet. Blessed Be - A common fair-well mean to wish good will and luck to the person you say it to. A term at the end of spells and rituals to send it off into the universe in a blessed way In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust- I do this in pure love and trust the God and Goddess have Perfect Love and Perfect Trust for me so I am returning this to them. So Mote It Be- Basically means So I Will It To Be usually said with power or Force. **OTHER TERMS** Altar- A religious space, which could be the surface of a flat table, a shelf, some garden stepping stones, or even a piece of cardboard on your floor that you can pull out and put away when you are done using it. Your alter can be just about anything you want it to be. but its most often used as a place to pay homage or give offering or prayers to your deitys Earth/North- represented by stones, sea salt, soil, etc. Air/East- feathers, incense, fans, etc. Fire/South- candles, lighter, matches, etc. Water/West- water, sea shells, ice/snow, etc. Soul/Center- personal items, pentacles, representations of yourself and your true nature, etc. Athame- a ritual knife or dagger Skyclad- Be clad/clothed only by the sky, to be naked without any clothing or any adornments (jewelry, etc.) Besome- a witchs broom. Deosil- Clockwise or moving in a clockwise direction. Chalice- A goblet often used for ritual. And the Great Rite. Eclectic- When someone derives ideas, practices and beliefs from a broad range of diverse sources. Divination- A practice like reading tea leaves or tarot card reading that is done to learn things you dont know like things about the future. Or to communicate with spirits. Elements- Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Spirit, Most Wiccan and Pagans work with the elements as part of their practices. Familiars- Animals that you feel a great connection to even when it comes to your faith, an animal like a cat, bird or dog that in some way seems to help you in your pagan practices. Esbat-A full Moon Ritual or the day/night of a full moon. Karma- What comes around comes around. When you do good things good things will happen to you when you do bad things bad things will happen to you. Evoke- to banish. Invoke-to bring forth. Handfasting- A term for a pagan/wiccan Wedding. Magic Circle- A ritual circle placed like a bubble like barrier before ritual and/or magical workings to keep out negative energy. Offering- An offering to the gods it can be about anything but is often food or drink sometime placed upon an alter till is spoils and then it placed/poured outside to go into the earth. Pendulum- A tool like a chain or string with something, a weight tied to the end sometimes stone or wood used for divination. Pentacle- A star with a circle around it meant to represent the five elements with the five points and the circle the ritual circle.Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Spirit. Reincarnation- A belief that when you die that your soul is reborn into a new body in the world of the living.This can mean animals, humans, etc. Wheel of the Year- The year turns round and round the Sabbaths come and go and come again. The wheel of the year is referring to the eight Sabbaths of the year the come and go with in one year. Ritual- An act of communing with spirit and deity. Widdershins- Counter-ClockWise direction. Runes- A tool like wood or stones with markings used for divination. Spell- An act of magic to achieve a personal goal. Tarot Cards- A tool like a deck of cards used for divination. )0(Selenyx Sunray Phoenix Coven High Priestess
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 23:34:42 +0000

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