.......On 19 February 2001 he proceeded to the International - TopicsExpress


.......On 19 February 2001 he proceeded to the International Conference Centre where he found that Hon. Okwir had already written a statement which was being typed announcing his withdrawal from the EBTF. Lt. Cot. Mayombo was in the room. After the statement was signed Hon. Okwir voluntarily signed it, and the two shook hands. Hon. Okwir promised to put in writing the reports he had given verbally within 3 days, they had lunch with Hon. Okwir and his wife at Nile Hotel. According to Major General Tinyefuza Hon. Okwir asked for facilities including security to enable him meet his Youth Constituents, at the Ranch on the Lake to brief them about his decision. Security was provided to Hon. Okwir by Lt. Col. Mayombo consisting of a pistol and two guards. In the evening Hon Okwir could not be traced. On 20th February he received information that Hon. Okwir had been apprehended at Entebbe International Airport and taken to the headquarters of the Military Intelligence. In his affidavit, Lt. Col. Noble Mayombo, the Ag. Chief of Military Intelligence and Security of the Uganda People Defence Forces (UPDF) and a Member of Parliament representing the UPDF denied the allegation by Hon. Okwir and Hon. Byanyima that on 19 February 2001, he and Maj. Gen. Tinyefuza forced him to sign a document at Nile Hotel, announcing his withdrawal from the EBTF. Lt. Col. Mayombo states that his job involves collection, analysis and dissemination of intelligence reports on matters of security and distribution of such information to the President, Army Commander, Commanders of various units and other security organisations of the country. He further states that on 1st January Hon. Okwir who is his young brother and very close friend came to his house for the New Year celebrations and in the course of a political debate told him of his intention to support the Petitioner. From the time Hon. Okwir returned from Rwanda, he had been using him to collect intelligence and security matters in Uganda and Hon. Okwir had given him very good intelligence reports on security matters in Uganda. Lt. Col. Mayombo states that he encouraged Hon. Okwir to join the EBTF so that he gives him information about security related plans of that group and he agreed to do so. On many occasions between that date and 17 February 2001 Hon. Okwir had given him information of a security nature for which he received remuneration from him. As a result of information received from Maj. Gen. Tinyefuza, a meeting was arranged in Sheraton Hotel where he booked the room. The meeting was held till 4.00 a.m. and food and drinks were served. Hon Okwir informed the meeting that the Petitioner and Naser Ssebagala were planning to start insurgency in the event that the Petitioner lost the elections. Hon. Okwir also informed the meeting that they had linked up with people who were throwing bombs in the city, that they were hatching plots to kidnap their own members and blame it on the Government and had hired assassins to kill prominent politicians and leaders in Government. Hon. Okwir further informed the meeting that they had imported guns and were receiving money from neighbouring countries, which were interested in destabilising Uganda. Lt. Col. Mayombo stated that on 19 February 2001 he went to Hon. Okwir’s residence where he found many people including his brothers, and had breakfast with them after which he travelled with them to the International Conference Centre room 328. Hon. Okwir wanted typing services for his statement withdrawing from EBTF and his Secretary Aida provided the services. While at the Conference Centre, Hon. Okwir discussed with him and other officers who included Lt. Col. Mugasha, Lt. Col. Gowa, Col. Kasirye Gwanga about his decision to abandon EBTF because it was involved in planning subversive activities. Thereafter, Hon. Okwir signed the document withdrawing from EBTF and they went to have lunch at Nile Hotel. Lt. Col. Mayombo further states that Hon. Okwir asked for security and he was given a pistol and two armed escorts, one uniformed guard at his house and other in civilian attire to travel with him. After leaving the hotel attempts to contact Hon. Okwir proved fruitless; and Lt. Col. Mayombo got worried. He suspected that Hon. Okwir could have been kidnapped by the EBTF after hearing the statement on radio. He received intelligence information that Hon. Okwir was going to be killed in Adjumani by the EBTF members. He telephoned the Director of CID and the Inspector General of Police and it was decided to stop Hon. Okwir from travelling. He deployed Capt. Monday and Capt. Rwakitarate to stop Okwir from travelling. When these officers were obstructed by the Petitioner and others he informed the Director of CID who instructed his officers at Entebbe to effect the arrest. Hon. Okwir was subsequently arrested and brought to Lt. Col. Mayombo’s office at Kitante Road. Hon. Okwir said he was not feeling well and a doctor was called from Mbuya Military Hospital who checked him and found him with no serious injuries. Hon. Okwir was given a bed, blanket and bed sheets and received food and cigarettes supplied by his wife. Hon. Okwir asked Lt. Col. Mayombo to avail him an opportunity to talk to H.E. the President that he wished to travel abroad for treatment, rest and adequate security......
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 10:16:51 +0000

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