"On Saturday the Orangemen of Ulster, led by King Carson, will be - TopicsExpress


"On Saturday the Orangemen of Ulster, led by King Carson, will be celebrating the same victory as the Pope celebrated 223 years ago." James Connolly "In 1686 certain continental powers joined together in a league, known in history as the league of Augsburg, for the purpose of curbing the arrogant power of France. These powers were both Protestant and Catholic, including the Emperor of Germany, the King of Spain, William Prince of Orange, and the Pope. The Pope had but a small army, but possessed a good treasury and great influence. A few years before a French army had marched upon Rome to avenge a slight insult offered to France, and His Holiness was keen to curb the Catholic power that had dared to violate the centre of Catholicity. Hence his alliance with William, Prince of Orange. King James II of England, on the other hand, being insecure upon his throne, sought alliance with the French monarch. When, therefore, the war took place in Ireland, King William fought, aided by the arms, men, and treasures of his allies in the League of Augsburg, and part of his expenses at the Battle of the Boyne was paid for by His Holiness, the Pope. Moreover, when news of King William’s victory reached Rome, a Te Deum was sung in celebration of his victory over the Irish adherents of King James and King Louis....."
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 09:25:06 +0000

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