“One Click Away: Anti-Common Core Resources List” Compiled - TopicsExpress


“One Click Away: Anti-Common Core Resources List” Compiled from Dec. 11, 2009 through Nov. 8, 2013 by Donna Garner Since Dec. 11, 2009, I have carefully researched and documented the Common Core Standards as they have slowly-but-surely engulfed our nation’s public schools. For four long years, I have continued to warn the public about the takeover of the public schools by the Obama administration -- ObamaCore. (This is very similar to the federal takeover of our healthcare system – ObamaCare.) Fortunately, the horrors of ObamaCore (and also ObamaCare) are finally being understood by a vast majority of people across our country. The Anti-Common Core Resources List is a way to help equip moms, pops, grandparents, caring citizens, businessmen, legislators, the media, and everyone else to arm themselves with the facts about ObamaCore so that they can fight to keep this and succeeding generations of children from being indoctrinated rather than educated. WHERE TO START **The beginning point – an understanding of Type #1 and Type #2 philosophies of education: educationviews.org/comparison-types-education-type-1-traditional-vs-type-2-cscope-common-core/ OR nocompromisepac.ning/profiles/blogs/chart-comparison-of-two-types-of-education-type-1-and-type-2-1?xg_source=activity COMMON CORE STANDARDS ALL IN ONE EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND GRAPHIC ***[The following arrows mean “lead to.”] National standards → national assessments → national curriculum → national teacher evaluations with teachers’ salaries tied to students’ test scores → teachers teaching to the test each and every day → national indoctrination of our public school children → national database of students and teachers containing personally intrusive information ONE CLICK AWAY ANTI-COMMON CORE STANDARDS RESOURCE LIST FROM DEC. 8, 2009 THROUGH NOV. 8, 2013 educationviews.org/updated-anti-common-core-resources-list-from-12-11-09-through-11-8-13/ OR nocompromisepac.ning/profiles/blogs/updated-anti-common-core-resources-list-compiled-over-4-yrs-by ========= COSTS OF COMMON CORE -- UPDATED LINKS: 9.6.13 – “Non-Common Core States Will Save Millions of Dollars” – by Henry W. Burke -- educationviews.org/non-common-core-states-will-save-millions-of-dollars-2/ ============== 9.5.13 – “State-Specific Common Core Implementation Costs” – by Henry W. Burke -- educationviews.org/state-specific-common-core-implementation-costs/ ============= 8.29.13 – “States’ Taxpayers Cannot Afford Common Core Standards” – by Henry W. Burke - educationviews.org/states-taxpayers-cannot-afford-common-core-standards-2/ Donna Garner [email protected]
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 20:01:21 +0000

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