*** Open Letter response to GOP ( tea party) and their candidates - TopicsExpress


*** Open Letter response to GOP ( tea party) and their candidates *** ( From a Florida-libertarian party member) Please cease and desist your arrogant, entitled trumpeting at our Libertarian party members. PLEASE just stop it, we are not members of your party, this is not a matter of keeping us in the fold,you have lost the libertarian republicans. Here is why: #1 : For those of us who did chose to leave the GOP for the Libertarian party, we did not chose to do so because of the partys past. We chose to leave the GOP and join the Libertarian party because of the future. It is the future we strife for, not the past two decades in Texas. #2 : A moot point locally is a moot point nationally. #3 I dont want to call you a spoiled,entitled brat ( again ), BUT, the fact that you honestly believe all libertarians came from the republican party such that we are exclusively splitting the vote from your GOP, shows you are disconnected and uninformed about the Libertarian party, its diversity and its demographics. Case in point: The influence of Libertarian candidates has more than doubled in the presidential elections from 2008 ( 0.40%) to 2012 (0.99%). Our party registration is growing at a similar pace and we are growing in a largely young demographic. ( 62% of Libertarians are under age 50 ) and guess what! Libertarians would rather double their influence again in 2016 than waste our efforts on another GOP loser. Yes, lets not mince words. McCain, Romney... LOSERS... and wouldnt you know it, even when you win elections you elect Losers. The truth is, we just dont have that much in common. Libertarians in truth couldnt be too much more different from the republicans if we tried to be. We are Anti-(permanent) Foreign aid, Anti-foreign war, Anti-Drug war, Anti-Militarized police and against liberty killing laws and regulations. Hell, we are pro-prostitution. Just because we have a conservative demeanor doesnt mean we have much at all in common with you. Its almost like... and hear me out now... We are a different political alignment... wow.... shocking? You have talked down to us as a party and taken advantage of us politically and you have the NERVE to lecture us about hard work? I urge every republican reading this, especially if you are a candidate running against a libertarian in November is get your pampered-self entitled rear end off your high horse and stop trying to bully our hard working Libertarian activists and candidates. Believe me, I am being far more polite to you than I really want to be. The libertarian party is not going away, we are political rivals, get used to it.~ Joshua Moore
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 22:29:26 +0000

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