(Open RP) *Deep down far under ground in a complete other non - TopicsExpress


(Open RP) *Deep down far under ground in a complete other non human existent world where the 9 layers.of the underworld. The farther down you went the more horrible your life would be. But this story is about the 1st layer of the underworld the layer where the 3 super powers of hell lived. These great leaders were known as Satan, Death, and Hades. Satan was the ruler of all demons he controlled 75% of the the underworld and ruled with a iron fist. He was ruthless and cruel leader, he would do anything to make sure he got what he wanted.He would decide which layer you would be banished to in the underworld. Then there is Death who only ruled 20% of the underworld. He ruled over all skeletons and cared for his people his job was to bring those who died on earth down to hell. And last but not least was Hades the god of the underworld. He surprisingly only ruled over 5% of the underworld his job was to keep everything in order and for years thats how it was order so he went to a deep sleep and gave his land to his friend Satan. After the years went on without Hades presence and so Satan began to rule with his own plans. He one day went to Deaths kingdom and try to make him a deal. The deal was that instead of Death working with Satan he would work below him and his people would be down graded. Death was furious and refused this deal having a love for his skeleton people. A great one on one battle occurred in Deaths throne room it torn his kingdom apart. Satan was badly hurt and saw he had a disadvantage so he made his retreat and fleed from Deaths castle but as he left Death shouted out that this means war. And so thats what it was for next dozens of centurys nothing but war. Skeletons fighting against demons, Death against Satan it was truly chaos. On Deaths side he had one blood thrisy general named Chains he was feared but respected greatly by his skeleton brothers and he helped lead the skeleton army to victory in many battles. As the years went on Death became insane from the war to the point where general Chains began to call all of the shots and with the general leading the army they continued to push the demons back taking over more territory. Until one day Gener Chains lead a assault against a demon a large important demon outpost and to his surprise Satan himself had entered the battle field knowing if he didnt General Chains would have slaughtered his men. It all went down hill after that for the skeletons it was lost after lost the demons took back everything they had lost and more. As great as General Chains was he couldnt match the power of one of the 3 super powers so all he could do was try to hold Satans army off while Death went through insanity unknowing of his people needing him to fight. Eventually Satan had pushed Deaths army and his territory all the way back until all that was left was his kingdom. Satan then lead his final assault upon the great kingdom with little to no defense to guard his kingdom all that was left was Death in his throne room speaking nonsense while Satan invaded his land. General Chains took the handful of skeleton soldiers he had and tried to protect Deaths throne room as best as he could. And this is where our story begins...*
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:35:19 +0000

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