((Open post, but I request literate people. Also, the picture - TopicsExpress


((Open post, but I request literate people. Also, the picture represent the previous relationship she was in.)) //I actually cringed at this. Im seriously not good at the motherly aspect of role playing. Im practicing. Nor am I good at first person roleplay. // I love you. That term was so loosely said. You didnt know if you truly loved someone. For all you knew, it was simply lust. Love. The feeling of intense affection towards someone, that it almost consumed your very being. How do you know if that person, who has your affection may not be returning your feelings. Or just simply throw it back into your face. Lust however. You didnt love that person for who they were. You simply lusted for their body and looks. Love. The bane of my existence. I readjust my glasses, which were slipping off my nose, I look down at my notebook, which had a drawing, which seemed to have being messed up, by my train of thought. I set my pencil down beside the notebook. I hated love. Once, I was in love. I loved him with my very being. He didnt love me back the same way. He left, due to.... Complications. I frown, as a sound of babbling came to my ear. I turn to face the left corner of the study, to see a baby. Who was sat down just simply playing with stuffed toys. A small smile form my face. My precious, precious Kate. She lived up to the meaning of her name, and I hope she will forever. Pure. I hope she will not make the same mistakes as I did. Like falling in love with the wrong person. Who will betray you. Sure, she was illegitimate. Born out of wedlock. She was still precious to me. She meant the world to me. I wanted to be a constant figure in her life. Sure, I had collage to deal with, for the next three years. I studied Vet and I participated in Acting School. I had already done two years. I took the gap year. Which I have met the father of Kate, and ended up pregnant with her. I was on and off with both things. Clarissa Jones! Shouts a voice, as I hear thuds of footsteps as Brennan ran in. We need more milk, oh. And cake mix, eggs, brown sugar and porridge while your at it. Brennan, was my roommate. I had three. Brennan, Mark, and Naomi. We were all the same age. 20. And studying at the same University. The funny thing is, were the ones who didnt want to live on campus. We lived in a house for five. Which of course included, my daughter. We worked well together. We all payed the bills, and often went shopping together. Unless it was less objects to buy, I sigh, getting to my feet, and walked over to the play pen, and picked up Kate. She would be two soon. She giggles, pulling my short brown hair, causing me giggle as well. Mummy and Kate will go and get the milk, For Brennan. Wont we? I say shifting the little girl to my other arm. She was dressed well enough to go outside. A long-sleeved purple shirt with a pink butterfly on front of it, and pink tights. I smile, patting her curly brown head of hair, with one hand. My roommates had the joys of raising a child, as well as I. They witnessed Kate take her first step, first word. I walk out of the study to quickly grab my bag and hang it over one shoulder. In contained my personal belongings, and so on. And things for Kate as well. We walk out the door, to walk towards the direction of the little corner shop that was nearby. It was also an cafe. It was a place, that she, Clarissa went often with Brennan and Naomi. Well. Mostly Brennan. We were friends. Since middle school.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 10:22:05 +0000

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