(Open to one more, maybe two (if the dynamic works). If you want - TopicsExpress


(Open to one more, maybe two (if the dynamic works). If you want to join, ask below. If you want to continue in PM, add me, then message me :) My character wont be participating in any romances with any other player-characters. I only have three rules: 1 - Stick to the groups rules 2 - Only novel/novella style writing; no action marks *, Ill ignore those kinda posts 3 - please try to write at least two paragraphs, its easy for the starter: one for the setting intro, another for character intros :3 ) The high winds gusted fitfully, tossing Faes dark hair across her face, then back over her shoulders. She stood, hands atop the waist high parapets, peering off into the western horizon. The setting sun cast long shadows of distant mountains, trees, and hid the city below in the immense shade of the city wall. Only the highest tower could be seen, silhouetted against the golden blaze. She glanced down over the enshrouded city from her castle-top vantage. Able to see nothing but the faint glow of street lights, she leant further over the lip of the roof. She could see several balconies below, all were abandoned but the ones on the fifth floor, where the aristocracy were gathered; One of the Kings famous Balls. Obviously, shed never be allowed to attend, but she was on business, and didnt really mind being sent away from the masses. Anyway, they made her feel anxious. Turning briefly back to the tower door, she inclined her head upwards, towards the peak. There was a small metal compass affixed to the top of the dark blue slate roof, with a sheet metal dragon that was cut to move in the wind, and face the direction it was blowing from. Shed been there for hours now, at least four. The wind and cold didnt bother her. But the waiting was getting monotonous. Shed been kept waiting before, but never this long. It was likely just the Ball. The king was a very punctual man, and so were the servants he would send if he couldnt convey his reply in person, for whatever reasons. But four hours? It barely took him half, usually. With a sigh, Fae turned back to the western horizon to continue watching the sun set. Just as she was resting her weight on her arms, a fit of coughing took her. She stumbled backwards, away from the parapets in fear of falling. It stopped almost as on as it had started. And, looking down at her hands, she could see a small spattering of blood on one. Gritting her teeth, she took a clean handkerchief from the inside pocket of her dark, thigh-length coat with her clean hand, and wiped the other clean. Tucking the handkerchief back, she placed her hands back where they had been. Facing westerly, she closed her eyes and felt the fading warmth of the setting sun on her face.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 14:47:23 +0000

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