#Optimism TRUMPET CALL 2014-04-24 “That I may know Him, and - TopicsExpress


#Optimism TRUMPET CALL 2014-04-24 “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death.” ~ PHILIPPIANS 3:10 A CONFLUENCE OF STREAMS It is a common geological fact that a confluence is a union of streams. Regardless of the gradient of each of the streams, they can only converge if they are flowing in the same direction. The Church of God has its headquarters in heaven, and there is a general assembly of the Church if we must go by the authority of Scriptures {please see Hebrews 12:22-24}. As its extension on earth, it behoves on us to be conscious of this whilst articulating what our roles should be as a Church on earth. This is not an appeal for a universal Church, but a reminder to all of the eternal purposes of God for His Church. But where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty {2 Corinthians 3:17], liberty to joyfully submit to one another in the fear of God {Ephesians 5:21}. Just as the man functions better when all parts of the body are functioning as it should, so will Christ’s body when all is functioning as it should. Paul the apostle, after over five decades of walking with God discovered the truth about resurrection power of Christ which is associated with the sufferings conformable or compatible to the sufferings of Christ, that is His cross (though he had walked in great power). Most of Christ’s apostles and followers were not acquainted with the full plan of God to restore man completely from his fallen malfunctioning and dysfunctional state. Until they received the Holy Spirit, they could not understand that if man had not fallen, regardless of our race, size, function, gender or any other classifications or stratifications man would have been identified with; man would have been internally exactly like Jesus Christ. That was God’s plan, it remains His plan forever {please see Romans 8:29, Ephesians 4:13}. Referring to the fullness of God as high-minded, ambitious or lofty will be akin to telling someone with two legs that he is ambitious for desiring to walk on two legs. Fullness of God should have been and actually is the natural state of mankind. Paul was probably the one who first apprehended this basic truth in full. Paul realised that he has not attained or tasted this state of existence. So we are safe. If he had he would not have written to the Roman Church that; “For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.” {Romans 8:24-24} It is clear that all that is in the Scriptures is summed up in Christ. A.B Simpson did a marvellous work in his Christ in the Bible commentary (six volumes). This is the point we are trying to convey; euphemistically we are described as lively stones {please see 1 Peter 2:5}, this includes Jesus Christ Himself as the Chief cornerstone {Isaiah 28:16, Ephesians 2:20, 1 Peter 2:6}. We are a single spiritual building made up of different stones that should fit together {Ephesians 2:19-22}; one household of God cohering. As we begin to realise these basic truths, we become more conscious that if we will fit together, all hands must be on deck. This way we can genuinely prepare for a mighty harvest and stay revived. The evangelist believes that the most important aspect of Christianity is salvation of souls. He believes the buck starts and ends with him. This is commendable, laudable and understandable. That is exactly how God designed him and how Christ expects him to feel; after all, he is just a lively stone. Now, the prophet believes even the evangelisation of the world must begin with him. He sees, for he is appointed to see. He is addicted to seeing, that is his calling. He hears the heartbeat of Christ every day. His’ is a permanent state of euphoria and joy; that is what he is appointed and accustomed to. He knows if he does not practice joy, he may not hear or see. Naturally, he believes everything starts and ends with him; sure enough, he may have dreams and visions to confirm this. Well, it is understandable, except that there are no Scriptures to back that claim. Actually we are commanded to speak God’s word faithfully above any dream or vision {please see Jeremiah 23:28}. And the teacher; everyone is out of order. Precept must be upon precepts, and line must be upon line {Isaiah 28:10}. He is right. So he believes his word is sacrosanct which is understandable. The building cannot stand without the teacher; we will be seriously disfigured and not habitable. And the pastor, all the troubles of the whole world is upon his shoulders. We all create the mess and he gets to clean it all up. Plus he has to shepherd highly argumentative sheep that were supposed to comply. We all need to feel sorry and be more appreciative of the pastor. And the apostle; unappreciated! He has to suffer more, bear more and shout more; because he can see the tilt in the building, the plans of people that are not in the plan. He can see different stones occupying the wrong positions. The stones that are supposed to be in the bottom are sticking out on top; alas, what would the Master say when He comes and inspects the building and see it hanging like a building that has been hit by a missile. To make it worse, no one appear to be listening. The power in our Head, who is Jesus Christ, is resurrection power. It however requires that, not only do we know these truths; we need to believe and obey them to flow together. Every part is important, none is more important than the other. Whether pastor, teacher, prophet evangelist or apostle, we must learn to understand together that resurrection power itself will make every part of Christ body work like a clock. It is One Holy Spirit, one body, one bone, one flesh {please see Ephesians 4:4-7, 5:30}. Our first point of call is to stop arguing or seeking pre-eminence. Then we need to believe with God, and also believe that there will be a performance of what we believe {Luke 1:45}. We should speak what we believe by the same Spirit of faith {2 Corinthians 4:13}. Yes the first Church argued and fought, it was out of love, but then we have more than 2000 years history. As we do this and allow God’s Spirit, we will appreciate how different writers worked and walked with God to write all Scriptures at different locations and times with not one of them contradicting each other. The secret is this; none of them had any will of their own. Only God’s will was involved in their work. God’s will is in His word, the Bible. Let’s all agree to end ideologies. Whether it is Calvinism, Lutheranism or any other, if it is not the Bible, we should agree to leave it alone so we can move forward. We need not put any name outside of Christ in what we believe. When we were not sure about the role of the Vatican; we saw so many things indicating that the top-man may have been specifically selected and appointed by God for a season like this. We have seen many confirming words from prophetic dignitaries. We can say emphatically that, if we all agree to work with God, stay only with the Bible (the king James and the amplified versions that are not tedious will suffice), hold on to the Nicaean creed, abandon any worthless traditions and practices that divide which cannot be found in the New Testament accounts of the Church, avoid any compromises or additions, reject any other mediator of the New Covenant apart Jesus Christ {please see 1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 12:24} and remain in the New Covenant, then the kingdom of God will be known: Christ as the Chief Shepherd {please see 1 Peter 5:4}. The last thing that will be on anyone’s mind will be a universal Church or any form of control. The Holy Spirit is not a spirit of control, He influences and leads. It will be as natural as anything Divine. We will see a kingdom of conscience. Our focus will no more be physical buildings/structures or organisations where God does not dwell {please see Isaiah 66:1-2, Acts 7:48}, but rather in human beings; built up internally through the help of the Holy Spirit, to be possessed in full by God. If we all become converted and become babes according to the admonition of Jesus {please see Matthew 18:3}, we will see how uncomplicated and easy God’s plans has always been. It is over-learning that created our disunited state. Even United Nations and the EU still manage to stay somewhat united without the Holy Spirit. If or when our elders are invited by the Vatican, please attend prepared, God will go with you. Heaven must see that we are willing and obedient {Isaiah 1:19}. Heaven will open and we will see a genuine outpouring. In the New Testament, different families and groups were identified by the householder’s name. So names or any such thing should be relegated to where it belongs. Now remember we are talking optimism. Our humble submission and contribution is this; let’s all humble ourselves by obeying this word: “I THEREFORE, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called. With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” {Ephesians 4:1-3} This is surrender and submission in the fear of God {Ephesians 5:21}. But remember, we are not called to embrace the tares {please see Matthew 13:25, 38-39}. We are to be full of light that will stripe them naked and convert those who will repent. This is a wakeup call for they are many! Then Zion will be beautiful and glorious with excellent fruits from righteous trees {Isaiah 4:2, 60:21, 61:3}. We will see the glory of the latter house {Haggai 2:9}. The earth will be filled with the knowledge of this glory (Jesus Christ- Habakkuk 2:14, Hebrews 1:3). Resurrection power is real; it starts with believing, Amen. Have a good day/night.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 15:10:25 +0000

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