#Optimism TRUMPET CALL 2014-07-08 “Now then we are - TopicsExpress


#Optimism TRUMPET CALL 2014-07-08 “Now then we are ambassadors of Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be reconciled to God.” ~ 2 CORINTHIANS 5:20 AMBASSADORS IN CHRIST’S KINGDOM Paul the Apostle Just like Jesus Christ used a lot of analogies in his writings to buttress his messages. He wrote; “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and the Godhead: so that they are without excuse:” {Romans 1:20} One of such is the description given by Paul that Christians are ambassadors of Christ. Ambassadors do take their jobs seriously. An ambassador is senior diplomat sent by a state or country as a representative of that country to another. He speaks on behalf of his country. This means whatever he says or does is done in the name of his country and his country is accountable for his conducts. An ambassador will be reprimanded if found to be doing his own business instead of the country he represents. The country he represents makes every necessary provision for effective representation. Jesus gave His Life, His blood to pay for our ransom and to ratify His word, His word that cannot the broken and the Holy Spirit the executor of his will Who is the unseen administrator of His kingdom. He also gave us elders and the five-fold ministry as His visible representative for administration of the day to day affairs of His kingdom. Our prayer; that those who know they have oversight will in the name of Christ see to it that Christ name is not dragged in the mud. Whether we want to admit it or not, whatever a Christian or one referred to as a church, ministry or minister does, it is in and with the name of Christ. No one representing America or United Kingdom will go anywhere and do as they please without consequences. It appears that it is only in Christ’s kingdom that this is possible. Anyone who wish or hope that we will be silent because of the numerous battles and challenges we are facing, should judge for themselves. This will not happen. We are under instructions to stick to the plan, hearken to God and speak what we have seen and heard {Acts 4:19-20}. There were few people and things that drew the ire of Jesus during His time on earth; the Pharisees, Sadducees and doctors of the Law for their self-righteousness and those buying and selling in God’s house. Jesus was soft and gentle but; “Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” {Psalm 45:7} Every Christian believer, share in this mandate to love righteousness and hate wickedness. This is how we can be reconciled. It will be unprofitable and futile to attempt to reconcile whatever is contrary to Christ with God. So many prophesied about reformation; we all know prophecies leave us with responsibilities. Nothing just happens. We, not God need it. For example recently, right under our noses on most of London buses, in the full glare of the public some were advertising and peddling anointing oil for breakthroughs, direction for marriage and good jobs etc, all these in the name of Christ. Some of us have to answer embarrassing questions from the people we go to witness to in the streets. This is Christ kingdom; we will now ask our elders to see to it. It is important to let those who are concerned know that we are not against the scriptural use of anointing oil. What we know and have suffered for in the past is the abuse of such practice to gain entrance into the lives of unsuspecting innocent people, whose lives are in jeopardy because of strange elements who have mingled with believers in Christ’s kingdom. We counsel that Christians should be instructed that they will be empowered, led and directed by the Holy Spirit and not anointing oils {Romans 8:14}. Anointing oil is for healing the sick and consecration, nothing more. Besides, it is the prayer of faith not the oil that saves and heals {please see James 5:15}. When you have the substance and the original, you do not need the symbol or an emblem. Oils do not save or sanctify and anything that is ultra scriptural will lead to pervasion. God showed Haggai the prophet that holiness is not infectious, but rather unholiness is infectious {please see Haggai 2:12-13 AMP}. These are issues that have been highlighted. Those who read this, remind people to seek their total sanctification instead of holy oils or waters. As ambassadors, misrepresenting Christ and his Kingdom should be seen as a serious breach of trust. There are troubles and adverse situations that are avoidable. If we are to be reconciled but are finding it difficult to establish appropriate governance in God’s house, the pillar and ground for truth {1 Timothy 3:15}, we will not be able call anyone to repentance. Judgment must start in God’s house {1 Peter 4:17}. This is how peace will be established. If anyone is concerned about what they will lose if they follow God’s plan for reformation (which is principally to return fully into the New Covenant), that should be enough proof to them that they will have no eternal reward for those things on earth and at the time of judgment. We should be able to look each other in the eye, the world knows more about us that we dare admit. This is why impacting or imparting the world as light and salt becomes our only hope of maintaining relevance and fulfilling Christ’s mandate to make disciples of the world. If we return to God in repentance, to the Bible, to the Holy Spirit and the New Covenant, those who insist on practices that are ungodly whilst using Christ’s name will be exposed for who they really are. People will tell the difference. We can have unity, reconciliation and a clean house. This will however happen when we act. We cannot know how people we are called to help or call into light see us in the church. We are able to know this from the feedback we receive from those observing us from the outside. We can be accused of anything by the world, as long as it is not true, we are not ashamed. We should be able to differentiate between those who are brethren from impostors who drag everyone else in the mud with them and then, preach about love, grace and mercy to cover their tracks. For reformation to happen, we must see the need for reformation with God. We should see whether what we are saying can be found in God’s word, whether it agrees with God’s Spirit and if it is true that when we practice or do the same things God seeks to remove, we do not have any moral, spiritual ground or power to call anyone to account. Even when something is permissible, if it is avoidable and will be expedient to all, then we can do away with them, especially when such practices are associated with reproach. Unfortunately, most people conveniently try to misrepresent judging righteous judgement which Jesus and God’s word commanded {please see Isaiah 56:1, Amos 5:24, Zechariah 8:16-7, John 7:24} with being unjustly critical or judgmental. This is a grave error and a licence for corruption. It is also avoidable. Holiness was never designed to be exclusive or tedious in Christ kingdom. It is a natural state of those who agree with God in His word, nothing more. When we view holiness as a holier than thou phenomenon, we have a completely different mind that is not of Christ. Holiness should not be a struggle, what we should do is to labour to enter His rest, A place of stillness and composure, where all moral conflicts and agitations are put to rest. This is the forte of the Holy Spirit for “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” {Zechariah 4:6b} Pray for courage for our elders to be able to rise up and be courageous in this generation and to be able to work with God to restore honour to Christ’s kingdom. As ambassadors of Christ, we are all under God’s mandate and command to be faithful, courageous and patriotic. A wise builder will not build upon or add to a faulty foundation. In Christ’s kingdom, the apostle will see to it that the foundation is Christ and the New Covenant together with the dimensions of the stones and the building; the prophet sees and maintains the power source that it is the Holy Spirit and no other spirit, the evangelist calls and shouts everywhere, however he would be concerned that his harvest is not going into wrong hands, and the pastor and teacher does all the hard work of ensuring that the pasture is green, the water is still and good {Psalm 23:1-2}, finally that precept is on precept, line is upon line. The adequate understanding of these basic truths is sine qua non. For these reasons we will call, the kingdom of God is a kingdom of conscience. Jesus Christ’s word to us is this; “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. A man’s foes shall be they of his own household.” {Matthew 10:34} The sword is to separate what is true from what is false, what is righteous from that which is unrighteous. It is war and peace at the same time; one precedes the other, perhaps a delightful paradox. Nevertheless, as long as there is injustice in the ranks, and truth is allowed to fall flat on the ground, with rejection of equity, God cannot be thrilled {please see Isaiah 59:12-16}. It has never been noted that God seeks momentums in whatever He does. Humans and psychologist will view momentum as a sign. God needs no momentum; He has no reason to seek to impress anyone. The Truth defends Himself. Friends and brethren, a united body of Christ will be a very powerful body, no one will ever be able to mock God again; “AWAKE, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.” {Isaiah 52:1} Amen. God bless and have a good day.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 23:02:18 +0000

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