#Optimism TRUMPET CALL 2014-09-28 “And blessed is she that - TopicsExpress


#Optimism TRUMPET CALL 2014-09-28 “And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.” ~ LUKE 1:45 PREPARING FOR OPEN DOORS How very apt is the saying that truly the invisible world could be fairly understood by the visible world. Paul the Apostle wrote; “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even the eternal power and the Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” {Romans 1:20}. So the United nations are borrowing from an eternal principle of unity. Usually when God’s people are unaware, God pulls the strings and someone receives an inspiration for something of profound significance. From internet to Facebook, God is at work in far greater ways than anyone can imagine. If the world can come together, produce charters that are fairly binding, we may ask ourselves, is it not possible for Holy Spirit carriers? With one great meeting, we can all pour it out once and for all, settle old grievances, hug each other; for we have discovered, it is much ado about nothing. We will all find in our Bibles answers that will give us Christians far more greater opportunity to be united, enormously gloriously blessed, and for all eternity, settle everyone who ever doubted that Jesus Christ is Lord. For the world to know Christ Jesus is Lord, Jesus prayed for unity {John 17:21}. When we asked the Lord why His own people have suffered and are suffering, His answer was simple; we desire the blessings of obedience without having to obey God in full, we want the blessings of unity without being united, we long for the blessings and rewards of change, without enduring the necessary stipulated changes. We can do this; change and settle it forever to the glory of God. We are doing this repost as directed. May we all praise God for showing us as he has never failed to do, that there is a way, the old godly paths. God said through prophet Jeremiah; “Thus saith the LORD, ‘Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk therein.” {Jeremiah 6:16} We will say; “We will walk in the old good ways”. We have learnt a lot since the time of Jeremiah. People of God, God is forever willing to move as a lot of God’s people have prophesied, our role is to share with all the need to prepare. We need not say God moved, this time God moves and camps permanently. We alone decide the outcome of it all. There is a huge difference between describing a concept as plausible or eternal, suggestion or obedience, an option or the only solution from the Creator. As usual, it remains a matter of choice. History gives us the opportunity and resources to retrace our steps and to find the old paths. May we all see this basic truth: this world will not be won by carefully articulated arguments or philosophies, rather, by the means God Himself provided; power from unity. #Optimism TRUMPET CALL 2014-05-16 “AWAKE, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.” ~ ISAIAH 52:1 GOD’S TWELVE STONES We are led to share this briefly. As we prayed, we saw someone blow the Shofar; we are careful about what we share. We know the significance of blowing the Shofar, however, we have a strict mandate to stay with the word of God in faith and faithfully rather than dreams and visions {Please see Jeremiah 23:28}. We can only encourage our elders that God is with them, and that no one need to be afraid of taking the bold step by stepping forward. Our role is what most may have been reading in our messages. We know the twelve stones know themselves. It is a simple agenda. What will unite Christs body and make it possible for God to set up “HIS OWN GOVERNMENT” will be found in the 27 books of the New Testament. What divided His Church can be found outside those 27 books. These are just starting reference points. May all concerned receive the necessary courage, Amen. We are reposting this message with few amendments. TRUMPET CALL 2013-12-21 “And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it: because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” ~ HABAKKUK 2:2-3 ANOTHER REMINDER AND ENTREATY God alone decides the destiny of man. It is however the obligation of every man to discover his/her destiny. Men may snigger and laugh at whatever one discovers as one’s destiny. That is fine, as long as heaven is not sniggering or laughing at it. We have been led to repost the message below. Most part of the original message remains the same. We have been led to present what we believe can be a resource and possible point of reference or agenda for change and reform. These recommendations are designed to point us in the direction to that which may unite us in Christ’s body whilst we leave out that which has divided us. Please remember always that these are recommendations. We have over 6000 years of Biblical history, from the first Adam to the day of Pentecost and the acts of Christ’s apostles. We have the Bible and the Holy Spirit; we are now more than ever able to define Christianity. Who is a Christian? How are they to be recognised? The word says that if the Spirit of God dwells in a man then he is in the Spirit, but if not, one is not of Christ [Romans 8:9]. What do Christians do? What does God require of us? As a family, we should know our family members. By the time we all sit together and appraise ourselves, we will be able to see that division is absolutely unnecessary, and that God’s plan for us to have the same or one mind which is to have the same understanding is possible {1 Corinthians 1:10, as it is in heaven Philippians 2:2}. Usually God’s solutions for prevailing issues are simple, representing the cross of Jesus Christ which ultimately is about returning to His plan in total agreement with God. 2013-04-24 Apostle Paul wrote; Rebuke not an elder, but entreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; ~ 1 TIMOTHY 5:1 AN APPEAL TO CHURCH ELDERS To entreat our elders whether in the church or at home can be considered as virtuous instruction from the Holy Scriptures. It will be completely inappropriate to rebuke an elder even when we may think they are erring. We are commanded to honour our parents (spiritual and biological). However we know not all who claim to be fathers or men of God are who they claim to be. This message is therefore an appeal, an entreaty to all true elders in the church of Jesus Christ, to consider these recommendations we are presenting. We have found that there is hardly any problem or issue that has no solutions. We find the Bible, which we know is the authoritative and infallible word of God to be full of solutions. Our recommendations are not exhaustive, but can be considered as a starting point. We ask that careful considerations be given to these recommendations to determine its source, whether they are inspired by Gods Spirit or carnal reasoning (Philosophy). They however may appear foolish, but we have a promise that we may be foolish, but we will not err [Isaiah 35:8]. God stirred the spirit of Cyrus the king of Persia at about 538 BC according to the word of God through Jeremiah the prophet concerning the returning remnant of Gods people Israel. He made a proclamation and decree that all who God stirs should rise up and return to build Gods house in Jerusalem [Please see Ezra 1:1-5 Haggai Chapter 1]. Gods people responded, and the mission was accomplished through the prophesying of Haggai and Zechariah together with Zerubbabel, Joshua the priest, Ezra etc. God helped them. At about 325 AD, Constantine the Great, Emperor of the Roman Empire convened a council meeting of Bishops in Nicea to determine a lot of issues concerning the divinity of Jesus Christ and afterward, the canonization of what we now have as the Bible. Constantine sponsored or paid the bill for that meeting or conference to be held. There, they were able to silence the Gnostics and concluded with a creed which is still in operation today. They agreed that God is Triune, and also what should and should not be included in the Holy Bible. The meeting was arguably considered a success. This is about seventeen centuries ago. There has been several ecumenical conferences since then that has not achieved much in line with Gods plan for His church. We are proposing as a recommendation that it seems right or appropriate to convene another conference of church leaders to appraise where we are, to review the church history, repent where we got it wrong and to produce a teaching/building manual or book, similar but not the Bible to unify teaching/building that will usher us into unity of faith. United Nations was born because nations saw the indispensability of coming together. The same is true for the EU and every nation that forged constitutions out of divergent views. Ours is different and unique because we have the Bible and the Holy Spirit. We are not advocating a new world order or communal living but rather a unified interpretation of the Scripture in a teaching/building format that would be designed to address Gods purpose for the church, whilst identifying theology (using philosophy and reason to interpret Scriptures). We should see theology as having served its purpose and is now presenting a problem that apostle Paul identified long ago [Colossians 2:8]. We should differentiate the teachings from theology and teachings by the Spirit of God. OUR RECOMMENDATIONS: TERMS OF REFERENCE, ISSUES TO ADDRESS 1. What is the New Covenant? We recommend [Ezekiel 36:23-27, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 8:8-13]. 2. Did the Holy Spirit truly give birth to the Church? Is Acts 2:1-4 a fulfilment of the promise? 3. Are human believers the Temple of God? [1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19, Ephesians 2:20-22]. 4. Is receiving the Holy Spirit after believing into righteousness being born-again as the Scripture says? [John 3:3, Romans 10:10] 5. Is it Gods plan for believers to be transformed and conformed to the image of Christ? [Romans 8:29, Ephesians 4:13]. 6. Is water baptism immersion or sprinkling of water? 7. Are the Holy Communion elements tokens of the body and blood of Jesus Christ or transubstantiation? 8. Are there any other ordinances apart from water baptism and the Holy Communion given by Jesus Christ and His apostles? 9. Apart from anointing oil for the sick James 5:14-15, and mantles prayed over, are there any other practices stated in the New Testament to be employed by believers? 10. Is there any other advocate and Mediator apart from Jesus Christ as stated in the Scriptures? 1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 9:15, 12:24, 1 John 2:1. Should any believer be praying to the virgin Mary or anyone else apart from through Jesus? 11. Prior to the suggestions of one of the early church fathers, Ignatius of Antioch, the church was successfully organised and run by women in house fellowship settings. He introduced the Roman civic pattern that appears as still in force today. The old pattern can be rationally restored. 12. Is it scripturally appropriate to venerate Saints (bowing to the statues etc) that have gone to be with the Lord whilst this practice cannot be found in the Bible? RECOMMENDED PATTERN: TO BE IN THE TEACHING/BUILDING MANUAL OR DOCUMENT 1. The doctrines of Christ [Hebrews 6:1-2] 2. Blood covenant and communion [1 Corinthians 11:23-26] 3. Consecration and Sanctification [Romans 12:1-2, 1 Thessalonians 5:23] 4. The Image of Christ: We identified what we understand as the nature, attributes and manifestation of Jesus Christ. They are (a) Nine fruit of the Spirit (Love) [Galatians 5:22-23], (b) Nine gifts of the Spirit [1 Corinthians 12:8-10], (c) Seven Spirits of God [Isaiah 11:2-3, Revelations 3:1, 5:6], and (d) Five-fold ministerial gifts [Ephesians 4:11]. 5. The New Covenant details as contained in the Scriptures [Ezekiel 36:23-27, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 8:8-13] 6. The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers [John 14:17, 26, 16:13]. We are recommending that individual believers be encouraged to study the book of proverbs to deal with prejudice of any kind. Prejudice of any kind is a stronghold that will distort how we hear, see and discern. Jesus also advised His disciples that it is not for them to know the timing God has put in His power [Acts 1:7]. If our concern will be to know God and to be conformed to His image we will receive the fulfilment of the promise to receive deep teaching one on one from the Spirit of God [1 Corinthians 2:10]. We mention this because we have observed the unnecessary contentions generated by such. We are however commanded to be prepared everyday for Christs return. Our recommendations are not exhaustive but rather they are topics that will take a believer from new birth to the Promised Land of the fullness of God. The end of sanctification is the fullness as seen in [Ephesians 4:13, Romans 8:29 and John 14:23]. If we have unified teaching/building materials we will see Gods power on earth like never before. We may all have to put aside vain glory for God. We will see denominational lines melt. It is one flock, one Shepherd [John 10:16]. No one will depend anymore on hype, eloquence or intellectualism to convince anyone. We remember how Jesus chose fishermen to demonstrate that ordinary folks are included in those to walk in the fullness and glory of God. Those who desire to be ordained should study for it and look carefully at the requirements [1 Timothy 3]. Ordination should be for those who want to serve in church congregations or those who desire it as the Scripture says. Let’s turn the church back to the Holy Spirit. The human Temple is Gods main purpose for shedding His blood, if we hold on to this and stay focused on His plan, unity will happen naturally. Is God stirring someones heart? Does someone out there have the resources to convene such a conference? It is possible. One unified manual as it was done in Nicea 17 centuries ago, as in the UN and EU. No one need be confused anymore. And then we should make it simple, easy to read. We should break it down for all to understand. Remember, these are all recommendations. God is ready and willing to heal our backsliding and to love us freely [Hosea 14:4], He will heal us of our wounds and restore health to us Jeremiah [30:17]. But God needs us to heed. Is this God? Church history helps us to appraise. We cant change our past, but we have today and the future to work on. Some may ask why is unity so important? It is the nature of God, the state of heaven and Gods kingdom, it is what God commanded and what He is looking for. It is the source of the precious oil and blessing [Psalm 133]. Brethren, some of us are concerned for our family name (Christians). We do not mind being called Christlike, pious, fanatics or foolish or any other wonderful title; but nothing that touches our integrity. Jesus called us the light of the world {Matthew 5:14} and the salt of the earth {Matthew 5:13}. May we all see fit to return to God in full, Amen God bless and have a great Sunday.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 22:57:28 +0000

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