#Optimism TRUMPET CALL 2015-01-05 “Therefore if a man be in - TopicsExpress


#Optimism TRUMPET CALL 2015-01-05 “Therefore if a man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” ~ 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 A NEW LIFE: A PARADIGM SHIFT One of the most sublime features of a new life in Christ is new spiritual lenses. Everything about God, about the purpose for creation and co-existence, how things work in God’s kingdom; everything is new with a new mindset. That mindset is the mind of Christ; this changes everything, from our hopes to what we have faith for, what we pursue etc. We now know that we are living, lively stones {Ephesians 2:20-22, 1 Peter 2:5}, being fashioned by God through the help of His Spirit in partnership with His disciples and five-fold ministerial gifts, for His own House, being built by Him, in the city of God {Hebrews 11:10}. Therefore, as new creatures, we are built up first individually where we are at (wherever we may be, whether a denomination or not – God is not at war with the denominations or the past, He won’t agonise over spilt milk or what He didn’t create), and then collectively. It is the Lord’s work. In this building being built by God, what will be required of us is to present ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable, which is our reasonable or rational, purposeful act of sacrifice {Romans 12:1}. God is the one who then determines where every stone fits in, in His city. One stone may be from Paraguay, the next from Timbuktu, the one on top or below may be from Sweden, the next from Japan. As long as we understand what and why we are created new, the whole paradigm becomes clear, new and not obstructive to God. It is important for us to know; man is as powerful and powerless to God in all ramifications. Man had the power to hand over creation to the devil, he has power to obstruct God (and has been doing it for ages past), man can delay God, but God can remove a man at any time. God’s will have always been for man to cooperate with Him as a partner not an adversary. The foundation of all things that God will do, in nations, homes or congregations is Christ. He does nothing outside of Christ, therefore the pattern remains Christ. What is crucial is for His people to understand this firmly. Whether it is economic, political or social, God is all and fills all with Himself. All things consist and have meaning only in Christ. This means we are no more trying to fix any political or social issue with political or social means. Also in this sense, whilst work was being done in the first temple constructed by King Solomon, no noise or shaping of stones was to be done in the temple. It was finished, quarried stones that were used for the building. In the same way, only finished living stone will be in the city God is building. Gate crashing is simply not possible, the same way entering into heaven is not by the will of man, only those admitted will enter. For this reason, this saying is apt; “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” {Philippians 2:12} We know this is not about being afraid but more about being conscious of heaven’s attention to all we do. Derek Prince, in one of His wonderful messages on forgiveness spoke about how God gave all the animals coming to Noah’s ark new hearts to be able to dwell together in those days of the flood spent in the ark. You would find the Lion having a civilized conversation with the goat without any evil imagination (like eating him), a gazelle asking a tiger what he dreamt of last night. It would have been a sight when enemies become overnight friends. This is how it becomes for new creatures in Christ, the ark of Noah prefiguring Christ. It has been the new life paradigm from the beginning, it was lost and must be fully recovered; the mind of Christ. No more lingering malignity, offence, misinterpreting messages, old wounds etc. When we see or hear a message, it will be with the ears, eyes and heart of Christ; yes strongholds of old mindset done away with. As we become attentive to what God Himself is doing that will impact and impart our world in our time, and as we refuse the old mindset of obstructing Him, many will be saved, Israel will be saved, God’s glory will be unmistakable to all. Believers will now see that there is absolutely nothing to fight about; just self who is the old enemy. “I BESEECH you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” {Romans 12:1} This is the key, Amen. The Lord showed one of us carrying large quantities of potatoes, but someone was unknowingly trying to kick it all over to spill it. He reminded us of Bob Jones’ word about the Father’s hidden love, represented by potatoes. God has shown us; it is and will remain love that is the only impetus for whatever we do in God’s name. This is how it can be received by God. If it is rebuke, instruction or reproof to build, it can only be for and in love. No man would turn a blind eye if He sees his children on a self destructive path, neither will God. Everything God does is because of love; this is what Christ also expects from His people, and why believers must be willing to experience suffering for others when necessary. Except when instructed or necessary, our messages will be purely for building. We pray that all the communities following our messages will benefit from the simple messages we present. Our website is still under reconstruction. We will alert you when materials become available again. Prayerfully, with hearts that hunger and thirst after righteousness, that is blessed {Matthew 5:6}, all things are possible, Amen. God bless and have a great week.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 00:25:00 +0000

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