"Our aversion to politics has led us to believe that democracy is - TopicsExpress


"Our aversion to politics has led us to believe that democracy is limited to a series of rules about how citizens elect other people to act on their behalf. This way of understanding democracy has allowed political affairs, which concerns us all, to be appropriated by opportunistic politicians and, in particular, by charismatic leaders with paternalistic attitudes who wish to impose on us their intolerant perceptions of how to conduct our affairs. In contrast, Dewey believes that democracy is a virtue that must be nurtured, consisting of the capacity to listen to others, receive and give advice, change your mind when others make a stronger case, and, above all, to always assume that public affairs concern us all, that they should not be left in the hands of those who falsely believe they have all the answers and insights into the future. In terms of victims, democracy perceived as a virtue includes the idea that it is everyone’s responsibility to care for those who suffer, regardless of their condition, because if not, democracy would be exclusive, in other words, it wouldn’t be a democracy. For, is not democracy the notion that community life is something that belongs to everyone and is for everyone?" ictj.org/news/reflection-ictj-voices-dignity
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 14:41:52 +0000

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