“Out of the reservoir of light and darkness springeth life - TopicsExpress


“Out of the reservoir of light and darkness springeth life fully blown and miraculous. Sweetly the pollen nourishes the universe whose mouth opens with a childs craving for food. The golden bees of our thoughts carve out the nest of the world. Sweet honey-voices sing lullabies & hosannas, and our voices sting— not with venom but with honey. Let my body move with gladness, my joints like springs of wisdom flourish, and open sweetly night & morning like gates swinging back & forth in the wind. How sweetly life bubbles through my being. How I move with nature as it moves with me. The poem represents the unity of inspiration and of healing, the wedding of art and reality. The poem invokes all of Ruburts abilities to unite and work together. In its own fashion the poem states Ruburts purpose—the purpose that was his, and always will be—but here the physical and spiritual are reunited, and each is strengthened and aroused.”—Seth through Jane Roberts, The Personal Sessions, Book 7 of the Deleted Seth Material, 1983
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 10:11:54 +0000

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