*********PARALLEL UNIVERSE*********** Have you heard something - TopicsExpress


*********PARALLEL UNIVERSE*********** Have you heard something about “Parallel Universe”? A parallel universe or alternative reality is a hypotheticals self-contained separate reality coexisting with ones own. Modern fantasy often presents the concept as a series of planes of existence where the laws of nature differ, allowing magical phenomena of some sort on some planes. In a book named Biocentrism by Robert Lanza he believes consciousness goes from multiverse to multiverse and never actually dies. For instance, if you die in your sleep as an 80 year old man, you might wake up as that same man at aged 20 and you just think that you had a dream that you were an old man who was dying. Maybe people who have near death experiences actually die and they wake up in a parallel universe. That would be interesting. I remember I thought someone was dead. I was sure of it. I even remembered the news stories and everyone talking about this person’s death. When I saw they were still alive, I was shocked. I just knew this person was dead. Could I have died in one universe where this person died and woke up in a parallel universe where this person was still alive? Typically, there are two classifications of parallel universe. The first where two versions of the universe share a common history up to a point of divergence. At this point, the outcome of some event is different in the two universes and their histories continue to become more different as time elapses after that point (e.g. Parallels (Star Trek: The Next Generation)). The second where despite certain, often large, differences between the two universes history and/or culture, they maintain strong similarities. In such cases, it is common that every person in one universe will have a counterpart in the other universe with the same name, ancestry, appearance, and frequently occupation but often a very different personality (e.g. Mirror, Mirror (Star Trek: The Original Series)). I read something in a blog which I would like to add up here- “A few months ago, I broke my moms cup straw and hid it (only the straw broke though). After that happened, I almost got hit by a car walking home but I swear I did get hit by it. Then all of a sudden there were no cars like anywhere in sight, not even the one I barely avoided. The cup was forgotten for a while. Yesterday she asked me where it was, I said I didnt touch it. Now I didnt say this as a lie. I genuinely believed I had never hidden or broken the cup. I actually didnt even remember washing it the day I had actually broke it. (I know, this seems strange to read, it ties up.) Later that day she finds the cup and when I see it, I think to myself wait....wasnt this straw broken?, but I think nothing of it at the time. Was that a connection of two dots in parallel universe? In transferring to another multiverse that allows me to continue the same timeline, I somehow brought over a tool of synchronicity to get me back on track. Kind of like a second chance because my role in this timeline isnt supposed to be over yet, and the death was a glitch. So the universe made a carbon copy of the original intention without me dying in that accident. And the straw was a symbol for me to recognize this, as Ive reached heightened states of enlightenment in recent weeks.” Maybe such incidents have happened with you and you just ignored them thinking them to be just your illusion. A recent event that triggered my thought about parallel universe is the missing Malaysian flight. How come such a huge plane vanished in thin air and there is no trace of it? If it has been hijacked it must have landed somewhere or we must have seen a 9/11 type crash till now or some demands from the hijacker. But nothing till now. If it had been crashed we must have found some debris with 25 countries scaling the seas with navy and military ships, observing through the satellites, using all the modern technology that they boast of. But all in vain. It can certainly not keep flying for so long. Can the flight not have slipped into one of the planes of parallel universe, unaware of the fact that they are lost from this universe! Therefore there has been no threat alarm, no distress signal from the cockpit. Because for them everything was normal. They must have landed in their destination as per schedule and went to the specific place they were travelling to. Thus leading a normal life. Maybe someday we’ll just wake up and find that nothing of that sort really happened. No Malaysian flight went missing. We just had a “bad dream”. It might happen beacuse some day we too might die and wake up in the universe where this plane actually landed.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 07:35:50 +0000

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