(PART EIGHT) - TopicsExpress


(PART EIGHT) also seems so Real. So, which is Real?” I asked, ready to know something more. He laughed with his wonderful mannerism and said, “Both are Real, young Duane, but one does allow a greater sense of freedom than the other. You are simply in ‘The MoreSo Position’ when you are here with me, and there are many more positions besides this one, actually endless ones. As an example, you have flown on this level, but you cannot fly where your mom lives. She and you live on a material world, where all things are as they are in their physical sense. Where we are now is in the second level, known as The Astral Realm. This is just the beginning of your journey, and many people think this place is the ultimate, but it is not, not even close. Many consider this place to be their ultimate heaven, but little do they know there are hundreds of different levels to this realm. Many of the belief systems and the psychic teachings are from this level. Some people think they have reached their god here, 65) but what they truly have found is the ruler and governor of this plane of existence that maintains this realm. To get to this place simply takes a shift of your awareness into what is already here.” I looked at him very puzzled and said, “Is this where the big guy, who moves his furniture around lives?” Rebazar laughed and said, “You can think that if you wish, but your Grandmother was only being kind, because of her love for you. Everyone has their own idea of what their god is, which is fine. They are known as the ’convenience gods.’ There are very few that know about ‘The True Reality that IS. There are many different levels in the psychic realms, and everyone who is on the earth and within the other worlds in the physical realm have their place with the education of themselves. Only The Real Universal Guides can take The ‘RealU’ into Reality, beyond the psychic realms, and back to where you came from. The earth is full of those who profess to have great knowledge and wisdom, but knowledge and wisdom is not enough, you must have, The Real Connection.” I listened intently to what he was saying, but I knew that most of it went right past me. I did get the part about my Grandmother loving me, which made sense. Rebazar laughed. He knew that I was not ready to know what he was saying, yet he was preparing me. “Of course you cannot comprehend what I have told you so far, but you will come to know what you need as you enter the coming events of your life, and begin to realize what has value and what does not,” he said, as I then felt myself fade from our meeting and back into my physical awareness. SCENE SEVEN I soon woke up, and it was suddenly another day at the babysitters, a place I didn’t want to go to. Miss Maggie, the babysitter, was very regimented. She also watched other kids like me. For the most part, she stuck everyone in front of the TV set for most of the day, while she was usually in the kitchen talking with someone on the phone, or making herself something to eat. She was a huge person who walked really slowly, because of her gross weight. She actually had a hard time getting through the doors of the house. All of us kids would giggle and laugh every time she would try to get through one of the doorways. She had to walk sideways and then slowly push her way through. It was an older house she owned, and the doors seemed to be made for little orientals. Every time she came out of the kitchen, she almost always had a big sandwich in her hand. I can’t even remember a time when she was without a piece of food of some kind. If we laughed too much about what she was doing she would do something to punish us. She was like one of those Gestapo enforcers in some of those World War two movies. My great burden was to try and tie my shoes, while sitting face first in some corner for most of the day. Then there was Katie, whom she would make lay face down on the floor with a pillow against her mouth and hands behind her back. It looked rather hard to do from where I was, but she would do it. There was also another boy that was about a year older than me and we became friends. We would make up jokes about the babysitter. His name was Steve. He was a black kid the babysitter didn’t like, but she liked the money she was paid to watch him. His punishment was to clean something, like the floor, the bathroom, or anything that she could think of. I know I didn’t forget to mention that her name was Sayde. We would call her Saggy Maggie, but not to her face. When she heard us, she would grab us by our ears and put us in our place. All three of us learned after awhile to be very quiet when she was around, especially since we didn’t want to be punished all of the time. Sometimes we just couldn’t help it, like the day Saggy Maggie got stuck in the kitchen door. She actually got wedged in the doorway shortly after having a huge breakfast. Katie, Steve, and I would sometimes sneak over to the kitchen door and peek through to see what she was eating. On this particular day, she had made herself a stack of pancakes about a foot high, with a whole cube of butter on the top. Then she poured on the syrup, almost an entire bottle. We sat there watching and trying not to laugh too hard. She would take these huge mouthfuls, and while she was still chewing, she would stuff more into her mouth. Half the time, she would be gagging on what she was trying to get down. At times, she would grab her neck, which was really big, and then force what she was eating down her throat. Then, she took one really big bite, which was so much for her that she started rocking back and forth in her chair until she fell backwards on the floor. When she hit the floor, all the food that was in her mouth came flying out all over her face, chest and onto the floor. What a yucky sight it was! All three of us ran back to the other room by the TV set and laughed for the longest time. We turned the sound down on the TV so that we could hear what was going on in the kitchen. There was some banging and commotion taking place while we were listening. She had grabbed one of the doors of the bottom cabinets to try and help herself up, but she ripped it off its hinges, because of her weight. Then, there was another bang on the floor, where soon after she began to say strange and odd words that I had never heard before. All of us began to laugh so loudly and that’s when she heard us. “What’s all that laughing about out there?” she yelled from behind the kitchen door in her usual roar. Then, the door suddenly swung open and there she was, standing there looking at us with the remains of what she didn’t wipe off of her face and dress. She didn’t look happy at all. All three of us were trying to keep a straight face, but it was impossible. Then, Saggy Maggie started coming through the door, in her own mind, that is. “I’m going to take care of all three of you and your funny little ideas,” she said, as she moved sideways to get through. As she moved through the doorway, she realized that it was going to be a tight squeeze. However, she was very determined to get through it and over to us. She pushed and shoved and tried to pull her huge belly in so that she could clear the doorway, but it just didn’t work. She kept forcing her way a little further and further, until she was at the point where she could go no further. Then, she began to make strange growling noises. “Grrrr,” she said, over and over again as she wiggled around and around, trying to work her way along. She was definitely stuck, while she waved her arms, trying to grab something to help her get herself through the opening. All of us laughed and laughed, while she became angrier and more upset with us. She kept saying that we better be quiet or the worst was going to happen. But we were little kids, and of course we loved to laugh and see funny things happening, so this was great! On and on she went with her moaning and groaning, but then, all of a sudden, she began to panic. Her face became rather white and pale with exhaustion from attempting to get through the door. She stood there for a moment with her hands at her side and her head leaning forward with her eyes closed. Little Katie said in a whisper to Steve and I, “Do you think she’s dead?” For a moment, we were all wondering if this would be the end of Saggy Maggie. It was like the eternal battle of good and evil right before us, and the good finally winning. Then, she lifted her head and opened her eyes. She was still alive! All of a sudden she was very calm and appeared to be very exhausted. She slowly looked over at us and said in a surprisingly nice voice, “Kids, could you please help me? I really can‘t get out of this. I really need your help, please!” All of us just sat for a moment and looked at each other, wondering what to do. We talked amongst ourselves and tried to come up with some ideas, which were really a lot of kids stuff. After a few moments, Maggie waved her hands at us. “Kids, get the telephone and call the police,” she said, while she was breathing hard. Steve was the oldest, so he got the phone and she gave him the number to call. It took about a half an hour before the police arrived. They knocked on the front door and we let them in. When they saw Sayde in the doorway, they were first a little surprised and also found the situation humorous. At that point, you could tell that Maggie was very embarrassed. The policemen immediately separated; one went into the kitchen from the other outside door and one was in the room where we were. They both pushed and pulled until she was free. Then, one of the police suggested getting a bigger door installed in her house. Maggie, didn’t know what to say, and thanked them for coming. I think the whole experience was a turning point in her life. After the policemen left, Maggie sat down on the front room floor with us and cried a little. All of us went to her and tried to comfort her. We said we were sorry we laughed at her, and that we would try and be nice from now on. All of a sudden, she became very nice to us. “All of you are good kids. I know I’ve been a little silly at times, but I do like you. So, tomorrow I’m going to bake you a chocolate cake and we’ll all go to the park and have some fun,” she said, as she laughed with us. “Alright,” we said, “That sounds great!” All of us gave her a hug and tried to help her up. Finally, she was up and able to walk. That night when mom came to pick me up I told her the story and she thought it was great. At first she thought that I was making it up, but then she realized that it actually happened. I was a little older now, so mom was beginning to listen to what I had to say. The next day came and Maggie had baked the cake. Not just a cake, but it looked as though she used about six boxes of mix. To me, the cake looked about three feet across and two feet high. She had put it together in sections. She said that she used sixteen boxes of icing to cover it. Each one of us had a piece, while Maggie sat and ate for quite a while, and all of us kids went into the living room to play and watch TV. Then it happened again! She tried to get out of the back door to take out the trash, and believe it or not, she got stuck again. Steve called the police, and you know the rest of the story. I was with Maggie for almost a year or so, and then I was old enough to go to what is known as a ‘regular school.’ Mom did not have to pay someone to watch me anymore. Maggie was a good person and I learned things from her that I would later realize. From that moment on, Maggie was really nice to us. She taught us a lot of things and stayed busy playing with us. After a while, I could see that she was losing weight. Eventually, I even shared some of my dreams with her and she really did listen. The rest of my days with her were fun. SCENE EIGHT As time went on, I did get a little older and so mom figured that it was now okay to take me to the beach and swim in the ocean. I was so excited! I was finally going to the beach, the destination of my dreams. We started going to the beach all of the time. Mom really liked the beach as well. We would go to a place called Long Beach, where the road went down from the main highway onto this long beach. Mom liked to hang out with people she had met at a restaurant called The Seafare. For a while they even had trampolines next to the restaurant. I got to know the owner and he let me stay around and jump all of the time. I would also go to the beach and meet other kids who were with their parents and play with them. After playing for hours I would lay on the beach and sleep, thinking about the beautiful inner ocean. I would go into my dreams and meet with Rebazar. He would take me to different areas, into what he refereed to as, The Unseen Worlds. He liked to fly me over different places and see things from a birdseye view, explaining all the while where we were. He said he was teaching me to identify the many different sections of The Astral World, to start with my education. “Today, I will take you further into The Second Level,” he said, during one of my experiences. We started off at the beach and then flew up into the sky, higher than we had ever flown before. We sailed past the clouds and beyond the stars. It seemed to take only a matter of moments, as we flew very fast. Eventually, we came to what one might say is the end of black space, and there we stood, until Rebazar showed me a secret opening from the physical realm, and into the next level. Then, we passed through a long tunnel with some strange writing, pictures, and other symbols on the walls. When we reached the other side, the light of the area was very bright compared to the light that I had grown accustomed to on the earth. Suddenly, as from a foggy mist that had melted away, there appeared a huge city in the distance, that was so lit up and seemed to glow with a wonderful feeling. I felt different here than I did on earth. I also noticed that I was not dressed the same. As I looked ahead, I could tell that it was the city I saw when I met the Angels. This place was like a fairyland to me. We flew closer to the city, and as we did, I could see people going about their daily affairs. I did not see any cars like on earth, but I did see things that flew in the air. I felt like I was in a Disney movie, something like Fantasia. “What are those things up there in the air, Sir?” I asked Rebazar, as I pointed to the flying objects moving swiftly in the sky. “Ha, ha, ha, “he said, “Those are flying saucers, the same ones that some people on earth see. Many of them come from this area and travel back and forth from the physical realm.” “I have never seen them before, can we get a ride in one?” I asked. Rebazar smiled and said, “You don’t need a vehicle here, you can fly. Only those people that are not aware enough have to use some form of mechanical device to get around We are special, Duane, so we can go anywhere, and I will teach you to do the same.” Suddenly, I knew that this place was so familiar, and that I had been here before. It was like an instant memory coming back to me. Then, I wondered when I had been here before. It was all so new, and at the same time so wonderfully friendly and revealing. “You have been here many times, Duane. During your last lifetime when you were an Indian, I brought you to this city,” he said. “I was an Indian? That sounds fun,” I said, as Rebazar laughed. “Can I see when I was an Indian? “Of course you can. I will take you to where ‘The Universal Files’ are kept, so that you can see for yourself. In these special files you will find all of the experiences and events that actually occurred for every single person. Only The RealGuides have access to The Universal Files. There are those who know of the Akashic Records, but we seldom get what we want from them, because they are too limited, and not everything about The RealU, is kept there. On the earth, there are a lot of madeup stories about situations and events in the present day and history, but all the real evidence is recorded in The Universal Files. When you are ready and able to understand better, I will take you. So for now, just have fun seeing and learning whatever you want while you are here, or anywhere,” said Rebazar. As I looked around, I could see the people here were so beautiful and lively. Their style of dress was so simple and fun. They wore very casual clothes that looked like short robes, most of which were white, but others wore a variety of colors. One thing I did notice was that there were no businesses like those on earth. Everything was so clean, and I didn’t see any dust anywhere. “There are no businesses here with this part of the Astral Realm, as there are on earth. There are some parts to The Astral Levels that are like the earth in many ways, but I want you to recognize this area, so that you can visit anytime you want. This is one of the highest sections of this realm. The people here are into advancing themselves further into the higher levels of Life, through the arts and other means of trying to understand themselves. They are learning to center themselves, so that they can surpass this level,” said Rebazar. I thought this place was great. Why would anyone want to go anywhere else? “Ha, ha,” said RT, “Even though The Astral World is beautiful, until you have gone to The Seventh Level, and into The Real Universes, and become free, you are likely to return to earth in another unconscious life. Life spans are sometimes for hundreds of years here, but the inhabitants will occupy a new human body in the future, because they still have many unseen connections to the lowest of realms,” he said. I didn’t want to go back to the earth, even in this life, let alone in the future with some new mom, I thought. So, I really took a good look around, then decided then and there, that I would learn all I could and get past what Rebazar refereed to as, the psychic realms. “You won’t be going back to the earth after this life, Duane. You cannot see it now, but you have a lot to do on the earth this time around, and you will accomplish more than you can ever imagine. You and a few others will totally become aware of The IS, as most others will cling to old masters and contrived outdated ideas. Your heart is so much bigger than you realize, and you will be able to encompass what others will never comprehend,” he said. What he was saying went right past me, but it did sound interesting. There were big parks here that seemed to go for miles and miles without end. They had beautiful rich green lawns that were so clean and vibrant with lush trees everywhere. There were a lot of people doing different things, such as painting and sculpturing or playing musical instruments. Everyone was so happy and seemed to have a glow of real joy just being here. The houses were spread all over the place and mostly had white walls with different colored roofs. There were a variety of sizes and shapes. Most of them looked like temples. The trees and the landscaping were more colorful than on earth. One of the things I really noticed were the gorgeous birds, that sang a soft and beautiful melody. In the background, were three huge mountains displaying thousands of different colored lights all about them. Rebazar and I went over to a park bench and sat down. “What is this place called?” I asked. “Some call it their heaven,” he said. “It is actually a bigger part of The First Heaven of Man, The Astral Realm. We are in the main area where part of The Real SoundLight Reality enters this level. IT then spreads itself out to all the existing areas and eventually down into the physical realm.” “This place sure does look like a heaven,” I said. “Is this where people go when they leave the earth?” “This can be one of the places, and there are many more,” he replied. “How many more are there?” I asked. “I will take you to the other heavens and you will see for yourself someday. For now, we will take our time and explore this heaven, in order for you to have a better understanding of where you are in this life,” he said, as he stood up and I followed him. We began to walk down one of the long streets, and as we did, I looked very closely at the buildings. There was so much detail to them, yet they were simple. People were passing all around us, strolling like that of youthful beings. The children here seemed to glow, and they were all so very happy. “I wonder what it would be like to build?” I said, as I look at the structures we passed, then Rebazar began to laugh. I looked at him and wondered why my comment was so funny. “Your time will come to know all things,” he said, while I wondered what he meant by that. As we walked, I would watch the faces of the people and their expressions. They were all so happy with not a single grump in the crowd. These people had the freedom to do whatever they wanted here and all of them seemed to do good things and share with others. “Are there any bad people here?” I asked. “Yes there are, but not right here. They are in lower parts of this level. They cannot reach this area, because they are not allowed to. On the earth there is a mixture of people all over the place, but things are different in this position. There are many levels to this heaven that can be explored. Those who come to this place sometimes consider this heaven to be all there is. Everyone here is usually very happy, so their motivation to go further into the upper levels is not as great as someone on the earth where life can be much harder and very dangerous. Many of these people belonged to some form of belief on the earth, and other floating rock worlds, and even though they were very good people, they could only get this far and no further, because they accepted the ideas of others and limited themselves to their emotional and mental restrictions,” he said. I listened very closely to what Rebazar shared, but it was way too much, and I soon forgot what he said about the other areas of this place. I was too interested in where we were. This place is just too wonderful. You have to understand, I was still a little guy and everything was looking so immense and amazing. My little being was trying to take in all that was happening and all that I was seeing for the first time in this life. I tried to relate to what Rebazar was telling me, but I had nothing to compare to at the time, and so it was much later on in my life when I met Paul Twitchell, and began with his teachings that so much of what RT has taught me came to the surface. As Rebazar and I kept walking, I was suddenly back on the beach as I felt a cold rush of water all over my body. One of the kids that I was with on the beach, got a pail of sea water and threw it on me. For a moment, I was a little upset, because I was having a great experience with Rebazar, but I got up and played with my friend anyways. We ran down to the water and went swimming. Long Beach is a nice place to be with friends who like the beach. The water here has little waves and the sandy bottom extends gradually out so that you can walk out a long ways and still stand up. When I was at the beach and sleeping on the sand, Rebazar would ask me if the water was a nice temperature. I think he was trying to be funny. It was a great summer at Long Beach, and I didn’t want it to end, but it did since I had to go back to school. After school every day I would go right home and take a nap so I could go to dreamland, to be at the beach with Rebazar. We would meet each day during my naps and then again, at night when I was sleeping. Rebazar, asked me one day in the other worlds, “How do you like school?” “It’s okay,” I said, “But I’d rather be at the beach with you, Sir.” “I never went to school while I was on earth, I was taught how to travel outside of myself and become free from needing anything. Those who taught me were hidden from most of the world, because the regular population does not understand The Real Positions of The IS. Most of society is into the coziness of a self-limiting conditioning and their ‘knowledge systems,‘ which keep them earth-bound and unaware,” he said. “Wow, you were lucky, can I get out of going to school too?” I asked. “You must go through some of the procedures here, because of what will be coming up in your future,” he said. “Everything you are going through is so you can handle a lot of responsibility in the future.” Rebazar told me a little about his life and how he was raised. He was born on earth before Columbus sail off to discover a new land. He still has a body on earth until he no longer needs it. He keeps his body as a service to the people of earth, because there are very few guides like him around. He said that someday I would understand so much more about who he is and what our relationship really is. For now, he said, I should just live each day knowing that everything is taken care of for me, because he is watching over me all the time, along with his other guide friends. “Where is your body on earth?” I asked. “In the Himalayan Mountains,” he said. “Is that far from here?” I asked. He laughed and said, “They are on the other side of this world.” “Do you think mom would take me there this weekend?” I asked. He laughed joyously. “You don’t have to go there, because I will come to you. You are safe and secure here, so enjoy yourself right now,” he said. Most kids like me do feel secure, because they have their parents around to give them confidence. I was still at the age where I didn’t really mind going to school, because I liked the friends I had, and besides, I was too young to work. Rebazar would sometimes warn me about certain situations that would come into my life, and for me to watch out for them. It took me a while, but I finally started realizing what a great friend Rebazar always is. I would ask the other kids in school about their dream friends, but they would look at me like I was weird. Then, I found out that none of them even knew about their dreams or had friends in them. I asked Rebazar one day why my friends didn’t know anyone like him. “That’s a good question and I will be glad to try and explain. Do you remember your desire to get to the ocean?” he said, as he rubbed his beard. “Oh yes,” I said, “It is all I think about.” “Well, you created the desire for something. You, along with others were shown certain things in The Unseen Worlds, but only you responded. The other students let their ‘RealView’ go, and decided to live their ‘outer’ physical life only. They were not interested in using their ‘RealAwareness.’ The ocean that you desired, The Pacific Ocean is a reflection of The Real Ocean of Reality, that ‘The RealU’ came from. The Real Ocean is actually all brilliant light and sound, and the oceans on the lesser levels are a reflection of The Pure and True Reality. Your outer mind thinks it is the ocean in the physical world, but The RealU, knows it is The True Reality, that you are looking for,” he said. “What is The RealU?” I asked. “These are the terms that you will use to relate to your RealAwareness, that operates your five bodies. Aside from the body form you see, you are a great being of light, and will come to realize it someday. When that time comes you will become aware of all your lives here and on all the various levels. Until then, you will become aware gradually,” he said. “This is great, I like it,” I said.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:31:11 +0000

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