(PART EIGHTEEN) - TopicsExpress


(PART EIGHTEEN) experienced an enormous library-type setting. There were a few people who were going about and collecting The Secret Knowledge, they wanted for themselves. I could actually feel the knowledge that was present everywhere. All about me, were seemingly endless rows upon rows of knowledgeable materials. RT said, this place contained some of The Universal Files, that mankind has been in search of since the beginning of his time. A person has to earn the right to enter here. Those who are of a very low nature, such as the war mongers and the hostiles, who justify their existence to misuse this information, will never find it. This is one of the many places which hides, The Greatest Knowledge of the lower worlds. Only those with a pure heart and being can enter here. Through, The Sound and Light of this region, we were experiencing all the knowledge of the worlds below this one. It is hard to describe the difference between where we are and how the material worlds operate. RT said, that it takes many lifetimes of training with The RealGuides, for a person to eventually come to this point in their attainment and awareness. From this position and experience, I had accomplished a wonderful knowingness that I knew was possible. After coming out of the secret location, Heather said, “I’m a lot smarter than I’ve ever been,” then she laughed with us. “What did you learn?” I asked, rather jokingly. “Well, ah...I don’t really know yet, but I do know. That’s the funny thing, I know what it is, but words don’t really seem to apply. Huh! I really can‘t explain it,” she remarked, as we both laughed. At this stage of the experience, we were starting to get into the areas of RealBeing. Unlike the mind and its involvement with reason and logic that only exists in its own realms, we were now in a much freer position, enjoying The Real Experience without the hindrance of the mental faculties. There is no Real Freedom within the mind worlds, only a constant sorting out of events, one from the other, and the illusion of resolving anything. The mind is based upon capacity, as is a computer. Therefore, the mind can never really resolve anything in The TruSense. It can be useful in a sense of certain mechanics, as is ones car a vehicle to use, but not for exploring The Real Universes, and ALL of Reality Itself. I was enjoying The Sound and Light of this level, so very much. There are many worlds and regions here, which appear to be rather gigantically egg-shaped, like Paul had described in his journeys, and each one has their own lord that governs them. The creations that one may experience here are of such a wide variety, where everything is so beautiful and without any decay. RT, pointed out that the illuminated states, which are sought by the mystical paths, are usually on the lower levels, and it is here that The RealU, beholds itself as what it truly is. RT said, that the idea of a ‘spiritual path’ was something that was devised by The Belief Systems. They invented the terminology and documentation, then perpetuated it for others who followed, and thus what has come about is the same ideas which have produced the ‘new age teachings.’ He said, The RealGuides are only interested in What IS Real, and not the labels that The Controlling Systems of the lower worlds use. “It is quite obvious that people are into labels and authority figures,” I said. “That is correct,” he said. “That is how the bigger minds control the smaller minds, through marketing and manipulation. There are very few who want to experience Reality as IT Truly IS. The Belief Systems have created the fear and intimidation to control the minds of the masses, and then hold them in certain levels which they overrule. No one can control, The Great Reality. They can only control others through agreement. As soon as the agreement is given up, the control is over with.” I could see that Heather was listening very closely. She was taking everything in so gracefully. From the level we were on, I had a much better understanding of what I had been experiencing on the earth. I was now in a position of Real Living and Being. All around us, the colors in this realm were incredibly vibrant. The greens, yellows, and whites are the most predominating colors. It is hard to fathom this area, when comparing it to the earth, where dust, dirt, pollution and the resounding unnecessary attitudes are rampant. “The overseer of this vast realm exists in an area that is devoid of all agitation and encumbrances. The RealU can experience the calm of itself from this area, and then proceed higher into the upper levels of Life after taking part in this region. He lives over-looking these vast regions he manages, and has the ability to know all there is to know by a true and direct perception. He is in the position of gaining instant access to any knowledge that he needs at anytime. Some call him, The Sacred One,” said RT. As we flew closer to our destination, we were met by a group of lovely escorts that flew gently with us as we approached. I would say they were more than any Angel I ever was. When we came to the ground they led us casually to the place of The Sacred One, of this region. It was a small beach looking shack, that was rather green and bluish in color and was positioned in a simple landscaping of green trees, and various natural floral arrangements. I really liked this place, because of how naturally everything revealed itself to be. Being a surfer, I love things simple, like the sun and the ocean. As we approached, I could hear the sound of the ocean, as though there were waves coming to shore. RT, telepathically told me, that every symbol from every language from all the levels below is located in this region. We walked up the small hill to the little shack, as a wonderful brilliant sun was gleaming in the vast sky. It bathed the surrounding terrain with its light, revealing spectacular colors and arrangements that were set in place everywhere. RT said, this lord had manifested all the lovely surroundings, just for our special visit. Heather, was so bubbly and enthralled with everything that made up the entire scenery. “I have never seen such lovely flowers, and all the arrangements are so great,” she said. “I hope that I can remember everything that I am seeing here. I want to do my garden just like this.” I laughed to myself and wondered if The Sacred One, read her mind and made everything so wonderfully possible just for her. We entered the thatched roof shack, and encountered the light that emanated from the overseer of this area. I was surprised to see he was seated on an average looking white wicker chair, that you would find in a middle-class house. There were other chairs that looked the same, and also pictures on the walls of lovely scenery, such as the ocean and the waves with palm trees. To me it looked like a place a surfer would live, like me. What was so amazing was the light that emanated from him. It was all around the room and went through the walls, and I had the impression it went far beyond this world. RT, telepathically said, The Sacred One is forever seated here, and that he rarely manifests himself except for special occasions, but when he does, it is in the form that we are now witnessing. I could sense the aura of humility about him, so much moreso, than The LordGod, who was something else altogether. It was a strange and wonderful experience standing before this wondrous Being. It was as though his appearance wavered before my vision, moving in and out while trying to attune itself to my awareness. It was more of a dreamy episode than the other entities we had encountered. His appearance was that of a rather gentle looking man. What caught my attention the most were his gorgeous eyes, as they were very straightforward, piercing and constantly changing colors. I had the feeling he was humoring us by doing what he was. Then, he spoke in a wondrous voice... “Welcome to my humble house all of you,” he said, with a soft and friendly voice. “By many, I am known as The Sacred One, and so it is. But, the three of you are of The Special Reality, that very few know of. I know you RT, and you have brought two wonderful guests with you, Heather and Duane.” Then, he looked at me very closely with his piercing gaze, that felt as though he knew every part of my being. A gentle laughter sprang from him as he stood up and bowed to all of us. “I am humbled by your presence. You RT, have brought ‘The One‘, he who will have, The Golden Reality of The Real SoundLight.” I was not aware of what he was talking about, but he was the all-knowing, so I just went along with what was taking place and whatever he said. “Yes, Sire” said RT. “We are on our way to The Great Reality, THE ALLIS.” “Then, it is my great pleasure and honor to greet you and The One, who is The Golden Warrior, with The Real Universal Guides. Come in and sit with me and hear my wisdom, so that you are filled with the knowledge that will assist you on your journey into The Real,” he said, as he sat back in his chair. We took our seats in the other chairs. I was feeling very satisfied at being here, it was almost as though I were at the beach in a little hut. I could still hear the soft sound of the ocean waves. The wisdom he spoke to us was not in words, but various sounds that were wonderful and cleansing. I put together some impressions for the humans to relate to and this is what he said… “All that you will ever need to know and realize is Here and Now, with What IS Real. The attainment that all are seeking cannot be found in any building, written word or authority figure. It can only be found with The RealSound and Light, from The ALLIS. I am the humble caretaker of this level, but I am not the ultimate like so many consider me to be. I am only a Humble Being, playing my part in the great spectrum of experience that Already IS. Those who seek me out and go no further are not yet ready to risk everything and become at one with The ALLIS, like all of you. You Duane, have been chosen, because you will only consider What IS Real Now. Those who come to me want knowledge, peace or something for their personal life, but the training The RealGuides give is very specialized, and not many are ready for it. This is why The Great Reality, has created all the different places, planes and levels, with ITS Endless Being. In this way, each NU, can choose their own place in Life. The Belief Systems of the earth, do have their purpose, even though what they have is a distorted version from what was originally presented to them by the messengers who were sent to earth. Unfortunately, some of the messengers were sent by The LordGod. And, from your experience with him, Duane it is not hard to figure out where one will be led from his Influence. My purpose, is to furnish what is needed for those who are able to come this far with their journey through the various lower levels. The main theme is what is unseen, and not just the words and ideas. The biggest test for anyone, is to recognize the illusions on the first three levels, those areas known as The Creative Realms. It is just like when you were in school, and you went through all of the elementary grades. The same is true of The Whole of life, and all that exists. Each one of us has forever to journey into the unknown, unlike what is presented by The Belief Systems. Theirs is a business plan, as they pressure people into making decisions according to what they want. They want absolute control over as many as possible. What the controllers of these systems do not see is, they also limit themselves to the lower levels of Life, and what they need to survive as long as they hold to the same ideals. They not only have the burden of their own ignorance and what they keep from themselves as far as a RealAwareness, but they also have the drudgery of future lifetimes with those they have control over. It’s all so silly and childish. ALL Life, comes from a TruInvisible Source, not from a personality which the masses decisively look to. The marketers of earth use the personality as a vehicle for proposing a plan that supports them. The illusion they perform provides an emotional support that really doesn’t exist. When it appears to exist, the next moment it has vanished and the individual is left with nothing. The mind and emotions must then continue to search for more satisfaction, until the day comes when the lifetime is over, and it has been another life of gaining mainly nothing. The masses will always cling to themselves and forever wonder what else there is. They are the ones who never take the time to explore, The Reality that Life IS. They are too busy living out their dream dramas, that contains all the phenomena that the senses and the earth provide. The Reality that sustains all Life, is always in this present moment. IT always has been, and IT will always continue to be so. Never is IT, in the past or future. THE ALLIS, can only Be Now.” “The belief systems have convinced so many the time will be coming for their salvation, that it will be coming soon or after their physical departure. But, as you and I know, all salvation lies in The RealSound and Light, Here and Now. Each person can discover this simple fact through the halting of all seeking and the application of ‘BeingISness.’ This can only be done individually, not collectively.” “The Original Cause of all things is The PurSource, The Great Reality, The ALLIS. These of course are merely labels similar to those found with any system, but they identify The TruReality, in this time frame according to what is taking place Now. The old labels are a reference to times past, and mainly connected to the authorities of the earth and The Space Gods, whom the masses worship. Their only identity is their written documentation from the past that has changed according to the times. The masses are not totally unaware, so they expect a revision of what they identify with. The Educational Systems, which are looked to, are for the purpose of conditioning people to be followers. They are not for a development of a TotalAwareness, and becoming a unique individual. Those who do achieve status in the intellectual and educational fields are many times heralded as having accomplished something of a great purpose and value, which are only temporary positions. These small steps are a fallacy, and contrived by The Gods of Man. All such accomplishments can only remain in the cycle of birth and death. The identities and labels of the past were for those times and have taken on an assortment of definitions. What is not understood is the definition of anything is not significant, but The Real Connection to The TruReality IS. The RealSound and Light, come from The RealSource. The Belief Systems, the mystical paths, the occult sciences, and so forth, want people to think in certain terms. All they mainly have is the information and some lower light, that is usually from the second or third heaven. The average person who is not involved in anything, usually has the best advantage, because their mind hasn’t been led into a conditioning, from the old and outdated doctrines and edited historical events. There is a lot of preparation that is taking place even while you are here, Duane. It will still be years before you have a total grasp as to what you will be doing while you are still on the earth this time around. You are still young, but the time will come when you are ready. Life is always new and ever reoccurring in this immediate Nowness of What IS Real. The effects the mind creates with reason and logic is from the lesser side of Life, and The Reality that Already IS, is from The RealSource. The lesser side is the effect of what has been created and plays its part, but only up to a certain point in our experience. This continues until we are able to reside in the initial cause position of Being, who we really are. All forms of description are the mind’s way of being creative, but they have nothing to do with The TruReality ITSELF. The mind’s creativeness is only something that we experience while in The MindRealm. The higher levels pertain to a fulfillment of occupying a position where The TruReality, provides all that is necessary into a BeingISness. While The RealU, is still in the 180) lesser realms, it must be creative to survive. It must look outside of itself for sustenance, as opposed to being sustained by The TruReality that IS. This is accomplished through the application of deciding that we will be supported from The RealSource, and then this becomes our state of BeingReal. The emotional element does play a part, but it is not The Reality. It does support our journey if properly directed with an inspirational purpose to become a TotallyAware Radiant Being. At some point, just like you are experiencing here, all the emotional and mental bodies are dropped and you are free to be yourself at last. Anyone can have a wonderful life within the psychic realms, and go to so many different levels, but to experience The TruReality, and all the levels that apply is like night and day.” I could see that Heather was taking in a lot. She was sitting there wide-eyed and her mouth was o-shaped, like that of a child. I was feeling all the rush of what I was taking in as well. The Sacred One then said, we had listened very patiently and we were to continue our journey. All of us got up and thanked him. Then we went outside with RT. “We are almost through the first part of the journey,” said Rebazar, as he slowly ascended into the sky. Heather and I waited for a moment. “How are you doing?” I asked, with a little concern. “I’m doing okay. It’s all a little confusing, but I will manage,” she said with a little cute smile on her face. “Just be patient and you will learn so much. I know it is a lot for you to take in, but someday you will be glad we had this journey,” I said, as kindly as I could. “I know you care so much and I will be patient, because this whole experience is very wonderful,” she said with her lovely smile. We then leaped into the air and caught up with RT. She seemed to be doing better when we were moving along. I had the feeling that a lot of the dialogue was becoming too much for her. All the years I have taught, the words have become a lot for me also, but it would seem that someone has to do it, and it looks as though it’s me. The description of what we were going through is something that creates a good understanding, and especially if you will be teaching others. Otherwise what good is it? It can be good for personal enlightenment, but then again, you can just live your life and Just Be. For me, its The Real Adventure that matters. I want to be part of The Whole of Life, and not just someone who attends meetings and feels good about something. Rebazar, has taught me thats its about taking the risk and living the danger, and then THE ALLIS, eventually reveals Itself to those who have The Real Courage, to take on a RealPosition with IT. It takes so much to come to the understanding of what “Just Being” really means. So off we went to the next level. SCENE TWENTY TWO As we entered, and flew out into the openness of this new area, I could feel myself being transformed by what was taking place. I was really learning how Life worked its unseen magic. It is through my willingness to be guided and taught, not in the academic sense, but The Reality that everything IS, that has made this journey possible. There was so much more to the experiences we were having, but to explain all that took place is too difficult, so I have made the definitions as simple as possible. Being above the three lower levels was a great start for me to understand what RT, had been telling me from the beginning of my life on earth, and all that I had gone through. This journey was an individual choice I made, and RT only presented me with the opportunity. I would say that, Heather played a big part in my decisions as well. She actually helped inspire me to go further than I could have possibly realized. This is where the choices we make in Life are very important, as well as the people we associate with. I like to be around people who are self-starters and open to new opportunities. I always take the time to listen to anything that has RealValue, from a health standpoint, to my personal business, and to exploring all the possibilities that Life has waiting and will show me. There is an academic side to me that I use in certain areas of my personal arena, but the best part of my life is the bigger reality that has no boundaries, and is unseen. I know there is an endless field of opportunity that always exists, and the hint of danger that comes with the opportunity of going into the unknown. There are no guarantees, just taking a risk. Those who play it safe and always agree with what has taken place so far in their life, will be at that point until they decide differently. For anyone to become aware of Real Success, there must be some sort of turmoil to move through or out of until we are able to handle a Real Direction for ourselves. We really don’t even have to look for it, because as we Become MoreAware, great things will happen anyhow, especially if one has RealGuidance, with The RealGuides. All of us are in the same life, and Life ITSELF, works the same for all of us. But, it is our choices that make things appear to be different. There are so many programs in the public that gear people to the first three levels of creation, and because the mind and emotions have to be carried around, it would seem that what a person determines from their personal life always makes sense. While we have a physical body, these creative standards do apply, but this is what all of us have been doing for lifetimes, applying ourselves to the limitations of all the funny things in time and space. When we start to gain The Real Awareness, of more than just our physical body and its environment, our conditioned mind tends to consider we are moving into the realm of science fiction or fantasy, so we tend to question what we are experiencing. We ask ourselves if it is all Real, or even possible to be Real. Of course it is, because there is nothing in Life that is not Real. We simply decide whether we want certain things in our life or not. The adventure and experience is always ours. Many of us that have been in a life or death situation, and survived the lessons that were realized. This is where The RealGuides try to make The Real Journey, as painless as possible. It is not that Reality is dangerous, but when a person comes across the benefits that it provides, there is the risk of being different and having to deal with that difference. In The Creative Realms of Conformity, each person who takes on the lower vehicles must deal with their surroundings, and those who are also deciding what they will. The price of RealTruth, becomes too much for many people to bear, and Reality Itself is far too Real, and so they will put themselves in the position of being directed by someone else, instead of looking to their own Being, for RealFreedom. As we gently flew along the white road that was just below our feet, the beautiful fields and the marvelous foliage enhanced the pleasure of the journey. It was just like being on a trip outside the city, only we didn’t need the use of a car. “I feel so free,” said Heather. “When I was young I dreamt that I wanted to fly wherever I went, and here I am doing it.” She was so happy and overjoyed about all we were doing. She really did inspire me with her childlike attitude. RT inspires me, with the great strength he has from all he has been through and what he does for all those who are willing to be taught. The Real Guides are living examples of what is possible. On earth, someone would try and market what they have and who they are, but where we were, all the nonsense the world can dream up does not exist, and we are free to be ourselves. We eventually came to a pass in the mountains where there was a tunnel. RT explained, that those who travel here must go through it, but not us, he said. “We will fly over it and be different.” Then he laughed, and as he did, we flew over to the other side. There were many seekers we saw on the road, who appeared in the bright sunshine. They looked so luminous, and were slowly moving back and forth on their journey through Life. We finally came to the beginning of the next region. There was also a tunnel that we had to pass through. RT said that it would be a good experience for us, and so we proceeded. We flew to the surface and walked from this point to take in all there was. It was a huge structure that appeared rather strange to the standards of the earth and how things are built, and road we were on made its way through this inner city. It was unbelievably gigantic, where we saw men, who were rather small in size, working on their projects, and who also lived here, according to RT. There were all kinds of activities taking place. Their main job seemed to be handling what appeared to be large bundles, and also they were managing the sorting out of strange animals, the likes of which you would not find on the earth. The little men were very busy with their machinery, moving things from here to there and constantly loading their bundles into strange freight cars. RT said, they were putting together the various creative parts, for what was needed in the lower levels. It looked like a big construction project to me. As we walked through the tunnel, I was looking at the architecture and design of this enormous place. it reminded me of something from other worlds I had visited with RT. There were strange pictures and artistic displays everywhere. They were so huge that they must have been hundreds of feet in height. Then, we came upon something very bizarre. “Look!” said Heather. “What is that?” She emphasized with a rather alarming voice as she pointed. RT laughed as we came upon a pair of eyes and ears, that were so huge, possibly miles high. “Do not be alarmed, Miss Heather,” he said, as he laughed, “You will find that you’re seeing and hearing has expanded, as we enter further into this world. “Those things are weird,” she said. “They won’t harm us will they?” I was rather taken by the appearance of them myself. They looked like real flesh, and even moved like the real thing. The ears seemed to listen, and the eyes were watching us as we walked past them. For some reason, both of us stepped closer to RT. He laughed again, and assured us that everything was okay. Then, I began to realize that my hearing and seeing had increased a hundred fold. I looked at Heather, and from the look on her face, I knew she was experiencing the same thing. We both laughed and laughed, knowing what each of us was experiencing. RT, looked at us and said, “Don’t ever worry about anything ever again. All things will be revealed to you in time, besides, you are both very protected. You are merely becoming more aware, as you move into the higher areas. The higher you go into Reality, the safer you will always be.” I could really hear him now. He knew what I was perceiving, and had a laugh because of it. After the big ears and eyes experience, we walked out of the tunnel into a world so bright, that it took several moments to get used to the light. The light was so amazingly brilliant. It was like being inside a sun of all light. Then, I began to experience some sort of natural flow that exists throughout this region, along with the beautiful sound that resonates here. Eventually, we came to the edge of a very high plateau, that overlooked a vast amount of brightly lit islands and continents. I immediately recalled what Paul had mentioned about this area in his experience. His description was beautiful and beyond any common description, but was nothing compared to what this place really is. The islands seemed to number in the hundreds, if not the thousands, and seemed to keep going on and on, like an eternal line of their own creation. From where we were, it was as though we were on top of all Life, and looking out over the huge vastness of eternity. There were beautiful structures everywhere that appeared to be temples and palaces with their roofs made of precious gems. “Well, what do you think my friends? Is this not worth coming to see?” asked RT, as he smiled. “It is so wonderful, Sir,” said Heather, as she was all aglow and enthused, while looking at everything. The scene was something so breathtaking and unique, that is was actually unbelievable. It was like a fairyland, an enchanted place that one would read about from a storybook, only so much moreso. This is where some fantasy writers got their ideas from, a place like this. I felt like Peter Pan in NeverLand, and we were all magical characters from a movie that is so real. It is so difficult to articulate the impact taking place when having an experience like the one I was having. The light everywhere was so brilliant. Heather was so impressed that it seemed as though she was actually crying. “I feel so foolish, I really do. There was a part of me that believed the LordGod, of The Second Heaven, due to all of the years that I had loosely followed my religious path. But, after seeing what I have seen so far, I feel ashamed that I couldn’t see past the illusions that were presented to me,” she said with a hesitation in her voice. “Heather, all of us are learning about what else there is. This journey has taught me so much, that I am beside myself. I wish I could comprehend the whole of Life, but I am constantly realizing there is always so much more,” I said, as I hugged her and began to laugh with her at how sweet she was. “I’m fine with all of it,” she said. “It’s just so unbelievable to see and know that all of this really exists somewhere.” “It takes great courage to come this far and be able to endure all that you have,” said RT. “The great beauty that Life IS, in The TruSense, is such an impact to our RealBeing, that at first we are so taken by it. This is why only, The Bold and The Brave, will experience What IS Real. You are now far beyond what your personal mind can comprehend. The beliefs that so many hold so dear are always shattered, once The Real Experiences begin to manifest in our lives. Both of you have the good fortune to come this far, and the opportunity to go further.” Then, RT pointed to the location where we were to go, and said… “Look, out there, beyond our reach, that is our destination. Those are The Black Mountains, and at their summit lies the city in which The Overseer of this level lives, he is expecting us now.” I looked out at the great distance between us and the gigantic mountains, and saw there were strange lights emanating from behind the city. The lights seemed to play their own melody of artistic design, like lovely ribbons that swam from the city upward into the endless sky and beyond. Everything glittered as an amazing and enchanting sight to behold. As I stood there, I felt a great sense of satisfaction being able to come this far. RT, assured me I had seen nothing yet, and that we were only on the first part of the journey. Heather seemed to be fine and grateful as she stood there looking in awe at the great distance ahead. “This is all so wonderful, I love being here,” said Heather, as Rebazar motioned to us. “Let’s go,” he said, as he immediately flew into the air. Heather and I, also leaped from our high position and soared into the air, following Rebazar as he flew towards the lighted city. We took our time flying over all the wonderful floating landmasses and continents. Below the floating continents, was and endless space of unspeakable depth. We were actually in a nothingness of something like space, but so much more Real. RT, pointed out many things as we were soaring above everything. Heather was very attentive to everything. It was all like such a dream, a dream that had come true for both of us. We soon came to the marvelous city, that was so brilliantly lit up it would make your
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:23:46 +0000

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