(PART TEN) task for us to present something so genuine in a world - TopicsExpress


(PART TEN) task for us to present something so genuine in a world of such distortion. Most of the social structure cannot see themselves for what they really are. We are not, for the most part, providing a change, but an elevation of the individual awareness into The Unseen Regions, beyond what the belief systems and the spiritualists can conceive. The Incomprehensible Freedom that Already IS, at first always creates a form of confusion amongst the minds of the unaware. But, eventually, there will be those that will recognize the true value of what we are providing. You have been fortunate enough to listen. The majority of people only consider with their minds and not with anything real. The mind is a complicated thing, and it takes a lot of training to realize what the mind cannot do and what The RealU is,” said Rebazar. “I know that I am fortunate, Sir. I am amazed that more people aren’t interested in what you know,” I said. “Most people are only interested in their personal life,” he said. “So, I have been going to the first heaven all this time?” I asked. “One of the many places we have been meeting is on the second level, an area that lies within this vast realm. There have also been other areas of Life, I have taken you, which are kept secret and private from the masses and the knowledge of them. Only you and I, along with The RealGuides will know where they are. What has been taking place is simply a shifting of your RealAwareness, from your physical self to the next body in the lineup of bodies that you already have. This should not be mistaken for Astral Projection, because The RealGuides, do not limit themselves to the psychic arts and sciences of the earth. Everyone does this in their own way, but most people have been taught the incorrect way of understanding what they are already experiencing. We are not ‘traveling’ in the true sense, but becoming more aware of what already IS. Most people are unaware of their own unique reality, because of how the educational systems have a control over the use of their limited knowledge. And then, those who are into the psychic arts, usually think in the terms of Astral Projection or Remote Viewing. These two are a lower form of positioning one’s self. The Real Universal Guides position themselves in The RealU, and are able to BE in any Reality they wish. They have The Great Freedom of BeingISness. Don’t you remember when I took you to that beautiful place years ago and told you it was the second level?” he asked. All of a sudden I did remember. “You’re right,” I said. “How could I forget? That was when we flew past the earth and all the stars.” “Now listen closely,” said Rebazar. “The social, educational, scientific, and belief systems are merely documentations set forth through mental concepts that have very little to do with anything Real. Certain aspects of them may apply on the earth, and the next two levels, but that is as far as they go, even though they profess to know all there is. These systems can be a small step toward understanding a true course in Life, but for the most part, they are simply a pacifier for the emotional and mental bodies of man. The systems that exist upon the earth are for those who are still in their training of the lower senses and need this form of support. What you are being prepared for supersedes all the systems known to man, including those thought of in the metaphysical and mystical sense. The Real Universal Guides are beyond what the mind of man can conceive or comprehend. You will take up the study of many of the teachings that are now on the earth, so that you have a comparison to what is Real. Remember when I told you that you would have to experience what is not real so that you can understand and realize what is Real? That is what is taking place in your life now, and will continue on for as long as you are with me. You will live many lifetimes during your visit on earth, and eventually enter into The Great Reality, and be forever free. Most people are frozen into their outer awareness and The Two Heavens of Man, thinking the whole of Life is something material only, and that all there is or can ever be is living a physical existence. And then, their idea is that the next step is what is termed, ‘spiritual.’ The spiritual part is a term that relates to the founding of those things that pertain to three of the five psychic levels. Over the ages, mankind has laid claim to the ideas of what he calls spiritual, so therefore all that pertains to his way of thinking lies within the realms of the limited and the believable only. You will soon discover there are positive and negative systems and teachings on the earth and in the psychic realms that are labeled ‘spiritual.’ The RealGuides have nothing to do with any of them, accept to find those who have the courage to move beyond all they have known. The RealGuides place themselves where they are needed to provide the opportunity of becoming aware of The IS. The Real Universal Guides teach from the position of The Unbelievable and The Totally Real. We are not interested in ‘old documents,’ which have been professed to be something they are not. We are not interested in what mankind decides, and then likes and dislikes. No! We are only here to assist those who are ready to leave the earth and the psychic realms for The Real Universes of SoundLight, and to become Individually Unique and Totally Free. At the same time we are assisting all of Life and providing The Real Sound and Light from The Source of ALL, The IS. This Reality is what most people are not aware of, but all are looking for. The invented systems have used marketing ploys and taken the attention of the masses for most of man‘s history. The saviors and saints in human history were the students of The RealGuides. Unfortunately, they have been misunderstood for the most part. Mankind can have his gods, for we are not concerned since our interest lies in what is Real.“ “We already know that mankind needs his childish belief systems, because he lacks Real Experience. We assist everyone who performs a duty of love for whatever they do and which constructively and harmoniously contributes. Those who are interested in developing a True and Real Sincerity, will be shown what is Real. We are always looking for those who want to explore The Unknown Reality, that contains all the possibilities that benefit everyone. Most people are not willing to take on the challenge of the greater part of life like you are. We like you, because you just jump in and do it, even though you don’t always know what you are getting yourself into. You never have to worry about not being protected, because Life ITSELF loves The RiskTaker. You have taken the risk into The True Unknown and succeeded. You are experiencing Real Success beyond what the mind and body will ever know, while at the same time living out your earthly life span. The physical part is the first step in the evolution of the individual ‘Utun,’ to educate itself. The belief systems call it ‘soul,’ an outdated term that relates to something outside of you and lies unconscious. They have lost the real meaning and any Real Experience that relates to anything beneficial. They do not have The Real Connection to The SoundLight Reality, only an agreement from The Space Gods, to market a secondary light off the Astral and Mental Worlds. All they really have is mental and emotional agreements from their unaware followers. There is no Real Light in any of what they are marketing. All the Utuns of Life, must start somewhere, so they start in a material body in the very lowest of forms, such as microbes and plants. You once occupied many different forms until you graduated to a human body. And so in short, after thousands of lifetimes of trial and error, you became ready to know more than what can be presented on the earth and from the outer knowledge. That’s when I appeared in your life. You have been presented with ‘The Real Opportunity,’ and you have decided to stay with it. I appear to many individuals who are ready, but there are very few who will pay close attention, because they usually feel their personal life is more important. I can only present myself and allow each person to decide for themselves, as I have to be invited into their worlds. This is The Reality of Life That IS. Each person has the free will to decide their life and if they want The RealGuidance, beyond what they already know. All they have to do is decide and then learn to listen. The human ego is a tough nut to crack, and each Utun must decide to journey outside of itself to know more about the illusions and restriction it has created for itself. You are one of the rare cases, Duane, and you will come to know why as your future unfolds for you. You have the right attitude, a childlike curiosity to explore The Endless Possibilities. The average person becomes so self-assured within themselves of their illusionary worlds, that The True Reality cannot get through to them. They have locked themselves into their self-constructed areas, where their mind like to keep experiencing the same created patterns, over and over again. As long as they allow the process to be as it will, then they will not let themselves get past what they have already decided. When their little world is working for them, things are fine, and so they will stay the same for the most part, if not all of their life. But, when things start to go in a different direction and they can no longer control the outcome, they usually look to their invented space gods for help or answers. Of course, the gods will answer, but only on their own terms. If they see that a person wants to continually wrap themselves in the illusions they provide, then they will surely assist., but if that person wants Real Freedom, then they will step back. There are many gods that will answer the calls of the unaware.” he said. “You mean God?” I asked. “I mean, there are many gods everywhere,” he replied, as he pointed to the earth and the sky. “There is only One True Reality, The ALL in ALL, The IS,” as he brought his hand back to his heart. “Amazing” I said. “I thought I knew something, but now I’m beginning to realize that I have known very little all along. I was taught to consider a god that all people look to.” “In the dim and dreary past of human evolvement, people needed something to imagine and look to, because very few can truly consider what The Great Reality IS, because IT IS just too vast. IT is too much for most, and so through the ages, people have invented their gods, usually labeling others who are not seen physically to be their god. By doing so they have stayed asleep to The RealAwareness within themselves, which provides everything. Thousands of lifetimes have passed and so many are still asleep, but now is the time that so many will wake up to The IS. Unfortunately, there will also be so many more paths and teachings invented from the old outdated systems that will continually mislead people. Because of all the experience you have, you will be able to recognize the fallacy of others and present something very beneficial. You are going to have fun doing it. The Real Universal Guides have the answers that all are looking for. Each person already has all they need within themselves, but they have to be educated and shown how to get to it. All they have to do is learn to look and pay attention to their RealBeing, and do the sessions I will be giving you. Society has taught itself to look to the sensory part of itself and not to The WholeBeing of each individual directly. No RealTruth, but only pieces of what is thought of as a truth, can be found in any invented social order or documentation. Only those on the lowest of the survival scale promote the illusion of success through gaining what the earthly businesses have to offer. You are born on this rock in dark space, but you do not have to be 91) entirely here. Your imagination is the fluid key that helps get you past the restrictions, and then The Real Guidance comes into direct you. Most people look to their space gods or some past or present personality, or the gods they think are hiding behind the clouds somewhere.” “Ha, ha, ha,” I said. “You mean the god my grandmother talked about, the one that made the thunder by moving around his furniture.” “Yes, it is the god of children’s stories, the god man wants to be there when anything goes wrong in his life, then all he has to do is ask and things will be taken care of for him. He is The Lord God, from the third level, the second heaven of man. It is the god that man likes to control and to do his bidding, but the joke is on the unaware humans who fall prey to the worshiped gods. All the belief systems of the earth look to this same management system to worship; it is all the same entity who has different labels attached to him. The RealGuides know there is one like him as a governor on The Astral Level also. He is so much more enlightened than those on the earth, but still prey to The Dualistic Forces, and The Lords of Karma. He manages and controls the dualistic power that sustains the first and second levels. This is where creation is born, from the gods that profess to be the creators. The IS, IS already Perfect, so nothing has to be created. You will meet the powerful space gods someday and have the experience for yourself, as you did in your past life with me. You have met them many times, and so you will soon be brought up to date this lifetime on what they are doing now. The god of the second level lives on a mountain of light in the upper Astral Region, and has many names, according to the belief system a person belongs to. Many people feel, just because they have become familiar with the label of their god who they have come to know, they are on the right course to The Ultimate. Not so, because Life is so much bigger than humans have already decided! The governing lords of these two lesser heavens are not interested in anyone finding out about The RealGuides, and The IS. They are under the dualistic nature in the psychic realms, and their urge is to keep each soul in the lower levels of illusion and Maya, in various states of unconsciousness. Because they have convinced so many for so long, the vast majority have stuck with the ideas that have been invented down through the ages they have promoted, which are all manufactured fronts. The saviors and saints of the past were the students of Life, who tried to point the way to the upper levels, the ’many mansions,’ but who really listened? They only knew of The Two Heavens of Man, and not The IS. Today, they are looked to and worshiped as the intermediate between heaven and earth just like television preachers that have become so popular. Most of them have gone on their way, but some do still assist mankind, but from a lesser sense than The RealGuides. In the earth world there are volumes of documentation that describe fragments of the second and third levels, that really do not relate to The Great Reality. There are only bits and pieces about The Unseen Worlds. There are many teachings with a lot of pretty words and stories available that may make a person feel emotionally secure, but when their time is up on earth, they are still wondering where they will be going when they leave this planet. The fear that has been installed in them comes to the surface at death and displays itself in the individual awareness as the time of passing takes place. Not everyone is subject to this, but many are. Mankind has been sold a bill of goods that he cannot collect on, even though he is constantly marketed with the idea that he can. Instead of taking up the study of someone else’s rewritten works, he should take up the study of his own RealBeing. Once the individual decides a RealPosition for themselves, The Real Guides will appear to assist. The Unseen Worlds are the first step to The Reality That IS. From there, comes The Real Guidance, Freedom, and Love, that all are looking for. The outer life is the fabricated world of the ego and what it determines to be Real. The physical life has its place as a starting point, but if you do not risk giving up the containment that you have agreed to, then you risk not knowing what is so much more wonderful beyond what the senses will ever know. According to the limited view of the human mind, you only live once. This idea is very real in each lifetime, because you always get a new body and mind to work with. So, it would seem this life is all there is and has ever been. Lifetimes are like puffs of smoke, one moment you are here and the next moment you are gone. The RealGuides only promote Real Freedom, not any worship to an ‘authority figure’ on the earth or in the clouds, or even a personality from the past. The existing systems have marketed a false security to the masses to ’believe in.” “Let me explain how things basically stack up when it comes to any form of guidance. First off, you are born onto the earth and you have parents who raise you, who become your initial influence and guidance. Then, as you go along with your life, you have friends and eventually a mate that may assist you. Then, there comes a time when you will probably become involved in something religious. From there, you may come to realize there are spiritual paths that actually know so much more than the standard religions, and so you switch over to something more interesting. The process I have just explained, first off deals with what is taking place on the earth, which includes religion. From The Unseen Side of Life, there are also guides on the various levels that will be assisting the humans who are far down the evolutionary scale. From the three lower levels, we have assistance from fairies, angels and some of the saviors and saints. All of those mentioned here deal with reincarnation and karma, from the earth to the two known, Heavens of Man. It is an endless cycle, until one comes to recognize The RealGuides. Eventually, you graduate from the lesser guidance to The Real Universal Guides, who can take The RealU beyond the limitations of the psychic realms into The Real Universes of SoundLight. The reason most people have not heard of us is, because the controllers of the earth and the two heavens do not want to let go of their support system of others who are providing for them, so they label us as false. Mankind is far to into his senses and his intellect to see and experience beyond the veil that he has created for himself. This is where people like you come in, Duane. You have the courage to present more than what is found on the earth alone.” “Now that I have had Real Experience, I can see the difference from what you have explained, Sir,” I said. “It is your time to know,” he said. “You have to go through your earthly life, so you have a balance and something to compare with; besides, we are training you to have The Real Position. The knowledge that I will be giving you is not enough. You must go out and live your life, with the good times, the bad times, the heartaches, the triumphs, and so on. Everyone who is on the earth has to first learn what is not real, before they can learn what is real. Then, you have the task of unlearning what you have learned that has no value and then realize what has value from what you have learned. It sounds rather funny doesn’t it? Just because you have collected a certain amount of information and knowledge, it does not mean that you have advanced in your understanding of Life. There are so many who have a sea of knowledge within them, but are actually trapped by it. The knowledge itself is a tool to a certain point, and then becomes limited by itself and can go no further. The Reality That IS, contains The Real Experience that must be lived, even beyond what can be determined by the mind and the senses,” he said. “I think I understand what you are telling me,“ I said. “Is there something that I can read that will help me to better understand some of the things that you have said?” “The time is coming very near when you will have the outer knowledge. For now, simply write down those things that you can remember when you get back to your physical body,” he said. Rebazar stood there looking up at the vast blue sky. I watched him and I could feel the wonderful being that he is. He is The Living Reality, who lives it every moment. The greater side of him is actually in the unspoken word, when he is Just Being. He said he has taken the time to teach me, because of what would be coming up in my future. I watched him as he faded into the ethers, and then was gone. When I woke up, I was sitting on my bed with the book in my hand. I finished reading the book and got a little insight as to what the psychic point of view is. Later on, I went to the library and checked out similar books and read them. I discovered there were so many authors on the subject of the psychic arts and sciences. There seemed to be so much interesting information, but none of them talked about The Sound and Light Connection, nor The RealGuides. One thing I did realize is, I had to be motivated to learn about what else there is besides just the standard level of agreement I was raised from. There is a basic lifestyle on earth for all of us, and it is this material world and how we relate to it. With what Rebazar has provided for me, I have become so much more aware of what has already been established. What I have realized from what he has said is, all of us have contributed to this world and our invented agreements, and we can now move right through them into The Worlds of Pure Limitlessness. What he has shared has become an awakening of what is really taking place on the earth and the ideas that I have carried with me. I would someday come to see and understand the great wisdom he was providing me. It would become the very foundation of strength to endure the task of my own presentations. SCENE ELEVEN This was one of my earlier meetings with RT before I knew about The Presentation from Paul Twitchell. Rebazar came to the house I was staying at late one night and removed me from my body. I stood by the bed looking down at my physical shell, because I usually met him in The Unseen Worlds. I was to soon learn that very few people would be having the experiences I was having. “Is that really me?” I asked, looking at the physical body. Rebazar laughed and then turned on the lights to the room. “Yes, it is you, but not really,” he said. “It is the funny creature that you have invented and that you must discipline to become a Real Person. You have a lot to prepare for, so let’s get going.” At that time I really didn’t know what he meant. Then, he gently guided me through the ceiling and out into the open air, up over the rooftop of the house. “You see Duane,” he said. “You are able to fly through walls and go anywhere you wish.” I was amazed. “You’re right,” I said. “How could anyone possibly do this?” He looked at me with his coal black eyes while flying through the sky and said, “Your Universal Awareness, The RealU, has the ability to do unbelievable things, and I will teach you, because it is your time to know.” We flew high above the earth and over the city. We soon arrived at the Pacific Ocean. looked up at the sky and all the stars, and noticed how very clear it was. I love the nighttime sky and the real calmness it is. This experience was like such a dream, but it was really happening. I didn’t really sense a temperature change, I was neither cold nor hot. The reflection of the moon and the stars on the ocean was rather a soothing sight to see as we flew along. At this very moment I was able to grasp a part of the wonder of Life, as it stood before me, showing itself as though it knew the wonder it is. “Of course IT knows! IT is alive every moment and always expanding upon ITSELF,” he said. I had to laugh to myself as we flew along, because Rebazar always seemed to know what I am thinking. Eventually, we came to a group of islands that were scattered all about. As we flew closer and landed, I could plainly see we were in the beautiful tropics, but where I didn’t know. There were palm trees all about that stretched along a sandy shore where the surf gently rolled in and out. We landed on the beach and sat on the sand. I looked out at the surf and saw there was a great break here. RT said, that we would be coming here a lot, because of all the adventures that were in store for me. Then he spoke... Rebazar said, “We will sit here and I will provide you with some of what you need to survive for now and your future.” I never actually thought about my future, I seemed to survive from day to day, not really thinking about what was ahead. We sat on the beautiful sand, and then Rebazar began to speak… “What do you think lies beyond the earth and your life here as you now know it? Do you think that this is all there is, just getting up every day and going to work and making money and paying your bills? When you watch TV, do you think they’re giving you the real answers to Life, or any beneficial truth at all? What about science, do they really know what Life is all about as they claim they do?” Rebazar hesitated for a moment and looked at me and smiled. He stared straight at me with his piercing gaze with the utmost sincerity. I couldn’t remember all the questions he asked, so I said something... “I guess so, actually, I don’t really know,” I said, as I blurted it all out, and felt like a little kid. “The Real Universal Guides know what lies beyond the earth. Only they know What IS Real! The True Reality, is not to be found out there, but here,” he said, first pointing to the sky and then back to his heart with his entire hand and arm. “The greatest of all wonders Already IS! It is not the outward view of yourself, but first the realization of something more, and then the acute perception of The True Reality, The IS! Very few on the earth know what IT IS. The Beings of U, The RealGuides of The IS, do not work a nine to five boring job. They do not get what they need from a secondary source, such as television, the political scene or the volumes of information and misinformation that is scattered upon the earth and comprised from the existing religious and educational systems. Nor do we look to any scientific discovery as something essential. As for science, all they do is scratch the ground they walk on, looking for things that do not, for the most part, matter anyhow. What they are doing is only relative to what they have decided, that and nothing else,” he said in his robust voice as he laughed a bit looking at me with a gleam in his eyes. Rebazar, then turned his head looking upwards to the sky, and then stared back at me with a big smile. “The Real Universal Guides know all there is to know about the psychic realms and what lies beyond its limitations. They are only interested in The Real Universes of Real SoundLight and The IS. The scientists, the politicians, and the belief system businesses, know nothing about The Reality of BeingISness. The people who have established the different systems on earth are usually only interested in controlling others. There are those who may have a real intent about something, but they do not know the way to Real Freedom. They are the controllers who are only interested in themselves and building their clay empires on the fleshy bodies and graves of others. Look at the earth, where there are many beautiful places, but the truth is, it has become a graveyard and a dump site for the production of more stuff, which usually leads nowhere. The political systems, that have evolved up to this very moment only serve themselves, then ploy others to also serve them. They create restrictions for those who support them in order to keep them in a subservient position. This is all purposely done, even though the editors of the political speeches market you otherwise. Very few people really want Real Truth; they really want control over others and only a happy limited personal life. The scientists of the earth try to discover what Life is, with their outer viewpoint and search through the material matter of things, then to try and discover how everything has originated. From the bottom of the sea, to all the way up into outer space, all the intellects will ever find is more rocks. Through their research, they have actually convinced others they are really on to something. They have formulated their institutions to provide a service to themselves. They live off the contributions of others, just like the belief systems, and continually market their ideas of advancement for all of mankind for themselves. They make the claim they alone have the answers all are looking for. Not so! What I am sharing with you is a Real Look into what has already been decided. I love all Life, and at the same time I am keenly aware of What IS Real. I am also aware of what is not real and has very little or no value. Look at the earth world today, is it getting better or worse? It is so obvious to see what has taken place in the last two hundred years with civilized man, as opposed to all the millions of years of evolution for the earth to mature to what it is now. All outer discovery and education eventually leads to failure, unless it is properly managed, but who has the awareness to do this? None! So, the institutions that do exist and profess to secure a person‘s livelihood are actually hiding The Real Knowledge of what Real Success IS. The Real Universal Guides start from The Center of Life, that IS, The TotallyAware Position and The Centralized ISNESS. All Life comes from one unseen source, The Great Reality. The scientists and the intellects are like a bunch of kids searching the earth and outer space, and trying to find the answers to what they think is Life. They dig away at the ground and find rocks, bones and all sorts of things that others have left behind, thinking they are on to something that will give them the answers they are looking for. The educational systems, which are programmed by the political rulers, have the same setup going for them. Children are like rabbits to them, to be bred and trained according to standards that will eventually fail. They provide the appearance of success for the time being a person is on the earth, but then nothing else. They teach how a person can look to an authority as a way of life, instead of The True Reality of their own Unlimitedness. They train people to look to the inventors of official published ideas, who they themselves do not know what Real Experience IS. Do they convey the essential knowledge about The Levels of Real Freedom? No, they do not! They would not dare to do so, because it would not favor their gods who hold their lives in check. The belief systems have made it a decree that, The RealGuides and The IS, do not exist, and there is no such thing as Real Freedom. Earth is not the only place there is with bodily forms. It is merely one of the first steps in Life, and you must realize that it is only a place in Life, not Life Itself. I have already dictated to Paul, the different layers that exist around the earth and the scientific approach to Life. He will write about all The Hidden Wisdom, that most people have not encountered. His knowledge will come from The Real Universes, and The Universal Files, that contain within them all The Real Experiences of human history.” “Who is Paul?” I asked. “You will soon meet Paul, in your outer physical life,” said RT, “And so you will meet him now. We will go into what you will come to know as a SpaceTime Frame, a FuturVU. You will write about it someday in your many books.” He motioned for me to be still and hold his hand, and as I did, we were instantly somewhere. It was a great plane of experience that was very simplified and ethereal. At first there was nothing but landscaping. I looked to see a vastness of smooth looking greenery like grass that stretched to the horizon and melted into it. There were other additives to the picture I was seeing, but for the most part, it was the green and the endless vast sky of softly lit blueness. At first, I just stood with RT and looked into the sky, as I felt something that seemed to be planned. There began to appear a soft light in front of us, and soon there were forms that came to be several beings that became apparent and stood before us. In the center was a man that was shorter than me and two others on each side of him. RT raised his arm and motioned to the central figure, “Paul Twitchell of your future, Duane. You will now also meet Yauble Sacabi, Fubbi Quantz, Lai Tsi and you know Gopal Das from your youth.” I didn’t say a word, because I could not bring myself to utter anything. The experience was all too real, and it had everything in it already. Paul came forward, and then handed me something that I never really noticed what it was. In the future, when I would look back at this experience, I would guess that it had something to do with The Rod of Power. Everything was so perfect and I could have stayed forever, but then we were back on the sand. “Ha, ha, ha Sunny, you have seen the future and you can tell no one, because they are not to know. Only you and I will know and the worlds of man will go on as they will. Now I will continue,” said RT. “The different layers that exist around the earth correspond to some of the different levels that already exist in Life. When your time comes to provide The Real Presentation, you will change the terminology according to what suits you. Paul will start out with where the world is at during his time. He will fit his presentation accordingly, but it will be distorted at some point by those who will follow him. We know this already and we are not concerned, because there will come a time when, because of what he started, the clarity of a New Presentation, will be even greater. After Paul departs, there will be changes in his presentation that will be made by those who will take his place, but for now what he will be presenting to the world is what people are ready for. You have a lot of growing up to do, and even when your time comes, there will be much more for you to realize and perceive. There will be two others after Paul, who will become unsuccessful in fulfilling their duties to The IS, because they will not see IT as you can. It will only be obvious to a very few. This will be a great lesson for all those who can realize the value of what is taking place, but few will. Every Utun has free will, and many will choose to stay with the personality of the times. It would be nice if things would go the way of The Great Reality, in the psychic realms, but the free will of each person decides their
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:29:38 +0000

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