(PART TWENTY FOUR) - TopicsExpress


(PART TWENTY FOUR) and spread over the entire area into the nighttime sky. Then, I suddenly realized these were the other Universal Guides, and they were having some sort of meeting in this remote and hidden area. “Our position here is called ‘The Valley of The Real,’ said RT. “What you will be witnessing is The Reality, from The TruReality, The RealSound and Light from The ALL IS, coming to earth. Paul called it, ‘THE ROD OF POWER, but IT is not power, IT IS Real. Because of the misidentification of THE ROD OF POWER, those that claim they have IT have become corrupt. They have created a living drama for their followers to believe that they do have IT, when in fact they do not. The ISNESS, will reveal who does have The Golden Reality of Sound and Light, to those that are sincere with their RealAwareness. Those that follow the appointed authorities have been misled into a marketing ploy. I will show anyone through their own RealAwareness What IS Real.” As I listened to Rebazar, watching what was taking place made my heart beat faster. I was automatically getting excited and rather surprised at how I was reacting to what I was seeing. “What you are now experiencing, Duane, is the anticipation of the greatest event of your life. Where we are and what will be taking place, will only be for the select few who are here. The RealU, already knows the awesome wonder that will be taking place and is signaling this part of you,” he said. RT, reassured me that we would be first watching the event at this time. I began to calm down a bit. My RealAwareness knew more than I could realize. The entire scene that was laid out before me, was rather unbelievable and inspirational. There were so many individual Beings of Light, that kept manifesting in the center of this huge arena. As they kept appearing, their circle of light, became greater and greater, until it covered the entire area and beyond. I could see the light reflecting everywhere into the darkness and off the shadowed background of the mountains. The shimmering bodies of these individuals were truly magnificent. I felt so amazed that I was actually here and observing all of this. At some point, the expansion of each individual’s motion became rather still. Then, it was as though there was a profound silence, as if you could grab the air and feel its density. There was no way I could pull my attention away from what was taking place before me. Without considering it, I knew this is what I wanted my life to be, a life of unbelievably pure and inconceivable freedom. RT, taught me that I must lead a dangerous life to have the perception I wanted, something out of the ordinary, like no one else. As the silence continued, a soft wind seemed to blow so subtlety, with a faintness of the moving sea. Then, there was a sound I had never heard before, and it began to accompany the wind. I knew what I was experiencing was very Real. I briefly thought of the life that I had left behind in Orange County, it was nothing compared to having this experience right now. The sound became a little louder, and also from my inner ear, and made a ring like it does when I hear The SoundWave. I had the feeling I was being taken somewhere else, when something happened to my awareness. While I was watching this event with RT, he looked at me and did not say a word. I suddenly felt like an intoxicated man, all alone in his own world. At first, I was a bit startled, but then I decided to let go and just be with the experience. I began to feel a little dizzy, until finally the sound subsided and I was okay. RT laughed, as he looked at me and said, “Oh, I see you’re back from your trip!” He knew what was taking place. He said that it was a preparation for me for what was to come, and said some little funny things that had been hanging around my unseen worlds were now dissolved. They were creatures that had latched onto me from Krone. She is always trying to infect my life, because she does not want to be exposed for what she is really doing. “When you have The Golden Reality of The IS, Krone will automatically become exposed and she will do everything she can to mess with you. Of course, those that are the most emotionally entangled will defend Krone and Jerold. This is because so many of their followers have lost the strength to move outside of her control. No matter what, each person will eventually come to their own realization of the limitations of the fabricated institutions,” said Rebazar. Well, this is great, I really am so protected. I fixed my attention back on the event that was unfolding before me, in the wonder of it all. Then, my attention suddenly shot up to the sky, amongst all of the stars of the physical heavens. I had a feeling that something was occurring and it would soon begin to appear. As I scanned the sky, the silence of the night was so immensely dense. I loved the silence. There were no noisy birds, no barking dogs, and no obnoxious rude neighbors, just real friends who really cared. Up there, somewhere in the vast darkness, there was an initial small speck of light amongst the stars, seeming to grow brighter and brighter. I knew this is The Reality coming forth, the identity of THE ROD OF POWER. IT had a slight swirl to IT, as IT unraveled ITS way to present what IT IS, to all of us. Then, IT began to extend ITSELF to earth, like a sparkling shaft of light. IT took ITS time making ITS way downward, as though IT were showing the wonder of ITSELF, to all those who could realize what IT IS. IT had a splendid flowing motion, a sense of real caring and consideration, so as to not affect anything around IT. Within myself, I knew this is The Reality, the awesome unknown that provided all things for all Beings everywhere. As IT beautifully descended to the center of The Illuminated Guides, and gently encompassing all of them, I was drawn back with RT. ITS brilliant radiance manifested gradually outward as a sublime essence of light shone everywhere. What a magnificent display as I watched in awe! The RealGuides ,moved themselves slowly back from the center of this great shaft of light, while IT made ITS way to the earth. Amazing, simply amazing, I thought to myself. I cannot properly describe the awesomeness of this, TruReality! Words are too limited, and do not adequately describe what I was seeing. I could faintly notice, amidst the brilliant light, that an individual was standing there alone. This one Being, standing in the center of all the light, seemed to be a bit bigger than everyone else. I was continually in awe of this magnificent spectacle, sitting rather dumbfounded. I realized, my whole Being was perfectly clear of any illusions. There were no second thoughts, I had completely let go to live this moment. I now felt The RealMe, was without any doubts, any cares, or concerns. I could have stayed in this moment forever. I slowly glanced up, gazing at this magnificent shaft of light, as IT flowed downward to all who can recognize IT. I could not see where it came from, as IT illuminated all the heavens, and IT reached the earth as a gift for all of mankind. I was experiencing the most concealed essence of Life, that has always been, yet few will ever discover. This experience provided me with what I had always searched for as, the profound sincerity, humility and the wonderful presence of Just Being. It was as though I was once again being stripped clean of every illusion that was contained in my Being, even those that were deeply hidden and unknown. The thought struck me that this was all so simple, so very easy to consider and relate to. This was something so genuine and obvious, yet very few if any, could even consider what I knew to be true. I had a great feeling of peace and maturity with all things. RT, sent me another impression… “This life is a test for everyone who truly follows their heart, but most of all dares to risk everything to know The RealSource of ALL. Eventually, many shall have IT, for RealGuidance and protection. The Reality that IS, can never be found anywhere, but here. Life ITSELF, has ITS own story to tell and it is best to listen to The NUSound IT IS. IT will let ITSELF be known in ITS own TruWay. IT IS, the ever silent and Hidden TruReality, unique and uncommon. Who can say how Life Really IS? Only The Real Universal Guides know who, The Real RiskTakers are. Only they will know and see The Great Reality.” He is so right! How could I possibly go back to my life in Orange County now? This whole experience was so overwhelming. I was wondering how I was ever going to compare this to my earthly life, that I still had to live. If those who I taught knew what I had experienced, they would understand why I continued the way I do, presenting What IS Real, to the world. I once again, focused my attention on the experience at hand. There was a real stillness, and yet some form of motion was preparing all who were present. It was a genuine knowingness that I had, as I watched the one individual, standing in the middle of this huge arena of light. The scene reminded me of some type of unbelievable Broadway Show. RT, motioned for me to stand up. Then, both of us moved towards the center of this event as we floated along. I could sense that something really fantastic was about to take place, as I felt like a child on an adventure with his parents. The wind slightly intensified, as a soft rolling of ocean waves was present, as we glided over the ground in our universal bodies. I looked down at the ground, only to notice that there were no shadows while we were hovering along. Everything was so Clean and Real. As we slowly moved forward, I saw the faces of The Universal Guides, as they smiled and nodded their heads as we passed by each one. Each one of them were radiating with such a wondrous glow, that I could not imagine myself ever becoming like one of them. I did not recognize most of them, and at the time, it really did not matter. As we moved toward the center of the great light, the individual within all the light began to take on a form. The closer we got, the more nervous I became. I was wondering why I felt as I did. I am only a spectator, as I recall the notion to myself, so what does it matter what will happens? We slowly moved forward into the overwhelmingly bright light. The sound of the unseen wind began to intensify. I looked over at RT, who nodded as if everything was okay, and insinuated that I should just go with it. I did seem to have a little bit of a struggle within myself, like a part of me wanted to run and flee, due to the intensity of this experience. I refocused my attention on the main individual, and the huge shaft of light. We were now right in front of him. At first, his features were rather undefined, due to the blinding light. Slowly, and very subtly, he began to refine himself into a detailed description, this is the only way I can adequately describe it! Suddenly, as if a shock wave jolted me out of a deep sleep, I began to recognize the individual in the center of light. I was thinking to myself as to how this could be? I was beside myself, staring at him for what seemed to be the longest time. I looked at every detail on his face, as I went over every feature almost precisely. I was now confronted by the reality and realization of the most intense experience of my life, as I had to admit to myself that it was true. It was really me, that I was actually looking at! How could this be? How can I be here and at the same time, there? The individual, who looked just like me, nodded in a humble pose. I just stood there watching in awe at what was before me. I must say, I was truly gorgeous. Here, I saw myself so much more refined than the personal self, that I look at and deal with each day. How incredible this was! I was so perfect and so incredibly Real, that I was amazed! “This is The RealU,” said RT. “You are so much more than you will ever know. Life ITSELF, is presenting to you, the great possibility of IT, as you truly are. Each one of us is this uniqueness, because we are all from the same Unique Reality, The ALLIS. The created personal self, is a crude reflection that each person has created for themselves. Mankind, believes that his invented gods have created him, but that is a children’s story, contrived by, The Controllers of The DarkSide, which is done to maintain the illusion that earth is the center of Life, and the known heavens are the only reality there is. It is all such foolishness. You have been to The IS, and you know What IS Real. This is why you are able to experience yourself as you truly are. Each one of us contains the full potential of a unique and individualized unlimitedness. Throughout the ages, and actual lifetimes of physical embodiments, that all of us have roamed the earth with, each one of us has had the opportunity to discover the unbelievable wonder of what Life Already IS. But instead, mankind has decided to invent social structures of confinement, where The RealLight of Life, cannot penetrate, because he will not allow it to happen. The time for a New Adventure, with The TruReality, is being prepared. Paul, started it off and you will continue to expand upon IT.” “Mankind has established his rules and regulations, his laws, his belief systems, his authority figures, and his gods from the past, up through the present, and for what? Absolutely nothing! He could have practiced having the heart of a child and seeing, ALL Life as Light, instead of deciding a total-polluting industrialization of self-destruction. You are Here and Now in this moment. Nothing else can exist, but this moment, a beautiful realization of what will Always Be. The IS, can only be realized Now, and you have accepted IT as such. The masses have been educated to dim the very essence of themselves into a complex drama of darkness, for the mere sake of supporting those who would steal all they have. The Gods of Man, want the pearl of genuineness that each person already IS. With blind faith, and a lack of Real Experience, almost all of mankind has volunteered their greatest gift to an illusion of promised success. Mankind is living in a dream of science fiction, thinking that What IS Real, is some kind of fantasy that cannot be had. Look at the world today, is it really better with all of the available technology? Or is it being slowly destroyed with the marketing ploy that life on earth is getting better? Most people do not want to admit what is really taking place, because in their hearts they know they have nothing else. Greater social societies and structures have long existed, even before the present day drama of events, and they have all gone back to the dust. Society has been drugged by their appointed authorities to accept what they are told and be obedient to the make-believe rules which have been invented. Each person does have a choice, but the masses have been taught to fear their own gods, instead of explore beyond the illusionary control they project. Mankind has been taught to desire power, instead of realizing What IS Real and Pure. Once a person enters The Real Universes of The ALLIS, they no longer need anything, because they now have everything. The Real Universal Guides are always ready to assist those who show Real Courage, and take the risk. Who could have explained what you are experiencing now? No one! You have decided what others will not, so you are The Exceptional One. Very few will ever accept what you are presenting, but that does not matter. You know What IS Real, and you no longer need to consider any of the limited fallacies that the social structures of humans consider. Your very Being, The RealU, is in the perfect and already decided position of, The ALLIS,” said Rebazar. Suddenly, my heart had become an open doorway of radiance, as I looked at this Being in front of me, and saw nothing but light. I was no longer the form that I had seen, since everything now became formless. As I looked around, I could barely make out the presence of RT, and The RealGuides. Everything had become so much light, a light so bright that I cannot describe it. Was it a moment, an hour, or simply days that the light was there and I was adorned in it? I really don’t know! There was no longer any time or space or anything that mattered. There was no considering anything, since nothing could possibly be anything. I was no longer what I was. I was now something MoreReal. I had no more considerations, as I was the realization in The Nowness, separate from everything and at the same time all things. Everything in the light become totally still, very still. So still, that I wondered about myself being anything at all. I stood there in the silence waiting, and continually waiting. Then, it came to me that I was the answer! Yes, that was it! I was to decide. It came to me as a very subtle impression, very soft and almost non-existent. That was it! It is to be me deciding, just like Paul had decided what he was to do. I know I had wondered about this position, and I know I had been shown so many things which were totally unrelated and inexplicable to anyone. But, I had never really made the decision deep within myself. Then, I let go of my constant wondering and decided to step forward within myself. And, as I did, I began to receive impressions from somewhere in the light... “You have stepped into my heart and now we are one. I am with you always wherever you are, I am U.” That was it as the silence continued. Now, I understood the position with this, Golden Reality. IT IS ALL ITS Own. It was, The ALLIS, that provide ITS impression to me. The light began to softly whirl around me. I was once again standing in front of myself. This was truly a wonderful experience to see myself so radiant and pure. I just stood and stared. It was great, because it was not the ego; it was The Reality that Life IS. IT, had Become So, as my own individualized awareness. I could feel the great joy that my heart was experiencing as I was really living in The Now of this very moment. I knew, the only way that I was able to get here was, my willingness to sacrifice all the false values that I had come to know from my social upbringing, and all those lifetimes I had carried something I no longer needed. I was also willing to give up my own personal life, in order to be successful with all of this, in The TruSense. I could hear the sound of waves rolling in, as though they were from a distant shore. And as I did, the sound of them seemed to blend with all the activity of the light that was surrounding me. As it did, I looked at all of the light falling everywhere like sheets of brilliance. I was in such a splendid awe of what was happening. I was without any considerations at all. I now felt totally Alive and Pure. Then, RT motioned for us to rise above the area to get a more expanded view. As we did, the sound increased and the wind blew more fiercely. How great is this, was the notion I had! We sailed upwards with an effortless motion, like that of a feather in the wind. So light, so free, and so at ease. I felt an incessant, overwhelming and wonderful joyousness. We actually soared above the earth and its atmosphere, and witnessing how this, Great Reality of Light, entered unto the earth from the darkness of the unknown, above all the physical realm. What an awesome sight to see this light coming down to earth, knowing it would furnish so many with the opportunity to wakeup, and realize what else is possible. Mankind does not know that this is, The Wave of The IS, The TruReality, that makes all Life possible. Without IT, The RealLight, there is only the simulated life of the personal self, and all the temporary things that have occurred and been invented. From time to time this Sound and Light Reality, enters this world to uplift all who will perceive IT, and listen to The RealGuidance. Now, the world once again is given this exceptional opportunity of becoming aware of this ALLRealness. Paul and RT, constantly told me, a person has to make an effort to become aware of The TruReality, a type of searching and seeing, what others cannot. The IS, can only be, ALL That IS, and IT IS Unseen, and always with us, but we must learn to recognize what is taking place as IT, makes Itself known. As we floated into space, I could see the light had also spread across the earth, but not as concentrated as its center. I could faintly see little specs of light here and there in different parts of the US, as though there were little centers of light being lit up. I realized this great wonder was touching others with or without their knowledge. This is where people have the option to go with what they feel in the sense of their intuitiveness, or stay with what they have comfortably decided. First, comes The Real Experience, from some unseen universe, and then IT, eventually filters down into the human part of ourselves. So many of us have been taught to actually resist the greatest benefits that Life has to offer, so it is understandable that it takes time for the lesser part of ourself to recognize, What IS Real. Besides that, Reality is so magnanimous, limitless, far too Real, and never-ending. In comparison, we have the created realms that only display limitation, and so it does make sense that we will resist for as long as we can with something that is without boundaries or any human considerations. The human ego is usually in love with its attitudes, which creates a position of unawareness and being lost. I watched RT, as he flew around me... “You see Sunny,” he said, “He who has been chosen to be the bearer of The Golden Reality of SoundLight, will furnish the world with Real Experiences from The Great Reality. The various areas of light that you see will be future centers for so many. They will eventually learn about this New Nowness that is being prepared. The Belief Systems, claim to have the light of their gods, but what they have is nothing more than the reflective light from the psychic realms. They have chosen their agreement level, and so they live by candle light. The time is coming when The Belief Systems, will be exposed for what they are, and what they have been doing to the awareness of people on earth. You will provide the greatest road to truth the world has ever known. The Reality that Life IS, will provide all The Real Experiences, that are needed for everyone to realize that you are, The Real Universal Guide, and that what you are presenting is True! There will be many who will look to their Real Experiences, because of the presentation that you will formulate, that will identify the fallacies that have been marketed over their lifetimes on earth.” I listened patiently as RT, shared his great wisdom. The impact of where we were was not tied to time and space, because we were in The Nowness The IS. I wondered if I would remember all of this, but then again, it didn’t matter, since it is still happening. I gazed out over the darkness and the utterly clean feeling of the starry night. I loved being outside of the little body, away from the confinement of the personal life. Most of us do not pay attention to how fast we are growing old. When you are young, things seem to take so much time, but when you get to a certain age, time seems to fly. It is because our perception of what we label as time has suddenly changed. Then, all of a sudden you are rapidly getting old. Finally, you are elderly, just like so many other lifetimes before. That’s when so many of us look back at what we have been through. We possibly wish we would have done something different with our lives, like taking more risks and Becoming MoreAware. Each lifetime is another opportunity to prepare ourselves to adjust to the higher levels of awareness. Most people however, will just live out their ordinary routine and return for more attempts in the future. There is always Real Guidance, for those who take a chance and tempt their fate in this present moment. I wouldn’t have my life any other way, as I have proven it to myself. The great light was unending, as it displayed its brilliance and swam with its flowing motion through the sea of darkness. Within myself, I could see past the life I was living now, to the moment in Reality, that would bring me to this very spot of Being Free. We soon drifted back to earth and down the route of this huge shaft of light. Then, we were back standing in front of my RealSelf again. I wanted to touch The RealMe, so I stretched out my hand and so did he. I suddenly felt the wondrous sincerity that I would never have even imagined existed. “You have fulfilled your love for ME, as we shall Always BE.” I saw myself smile, and then, RT and I slowly floated backwards from the center of this whole experience. We floated until we once again were where we were, observers in the distance. We sat for what seemed to be the longest time and watched as, this Reality of The IS, spread ITSELF continuously all over. I really didn’t want to leave at all, ever. Little by little, The Great Light began to diminish, and The Beings of Light, that surrounded the area began to return to little specks of light. They reminded me of the fairy dust from TinkerBell. As I sat and watched, I realized The IS, is always perfect for whatever IT does. The lower worlds and those who exist here can only take so much of The RealLight and Sound, because there must always be a balance that must take place. Each person must learn their own relation with What IS Real. The IS, cannot give too much of ITSELF at one time. The Golden Reality of Light, THE NUWAVE, that came from above and lit up the entire area, slowly receded and was soon gone. Soon, there were only a few specks of light and they were also gone. A few puffs of wind remained for a moment, and then off they went. Now, that the wind had calmed, the area was once again silent. I sat in a daze, wondering what had really taken place. I realized that I could not even explain it to myself, let alone to anyone else what I had just experienced. Our minds can be a storehouse of babbling convictions, which usually is the case with most people who are limited to the earth and the make-believe invented drama. The Real Experiences, that Life provides are The TruUnexplainable Realities, that are worth living for. When the experience is happening, it is so Real, yet when it is over, you may wonder about it, and for your whole life. I now knew The Reality of What Life IS, can never be properly explained, no matter how it is presented. I began to realize that Life, would always seem to be a mystery, no matter what any of us could ever experience, which is actually wonderful. Life, had its own way, and I was aware that trying to explain my experiences would be the hardest thing for me to do. RT, looked at me and said, “You have seen the future, The FuturNow. There will come a day when this will be your Reality. It actually exists Now, but you are not ready to realize it yet. Jerold, is looked to as the master for now, but he will soon be exposed for what he has chosen. His Beloved Krone, will always posses him, and the membership will be asleep to what she is doing for a long time. You have the great heart and intent, Duane, to go all the way. You are amongst the very few who will succeed, where others have lost sight of The Real. This is why I am with you, because you are one of us. You are living your personal life like all of the other people on earth, but your heart is in The Real. Your life is not for personal gain, it is always to discover The Great Reality of The ALLIS. I am your humble friend and guide, and I will always be with you.” As I was patiently standing there and listening to RT, the surroundings began to change. It was as though Life itself, was preparing for the next act. RT slowly disappeared, and instantly I was back in Huntington Beach, standing in front of my house. It was another overcast evening. For a moment I did not know what to think. I looked around, and I could see that it was my neighborhood, and then looked up at the gray murky sky that usually covered the area, and knew that I had returned home. Then, in an instant I was back in my physical body with a jolt. As soon as I entered it, I jumped out of bed. My throat was really dry, so I ran downstairs and got some water. It was about 3:00AM, and I wondered what just happened? Being back in the body was another funny day of confrontation with the restrictions of my personal self. Outside of the body seemed to make sense, and inside of the body no longer made any sense. I became rather discouraged for a moment. I just wanted to go to sleep and forget my personal self and dream the great dream again. SCENE TWENTY SIX The time frame for The RealPosition, was coming closer. In my mind, I was thinking that it would be according to the dates that Paul talked about, which was October 22, but I was to soon find out that Life, would have ITS own way. I had been teaching classes at my house for many years. When I first started teaching, I was doing so according to the discourses Paul had written. After Paul left the earth, Derwood continued with a version of what Paul had started. Then, Jerold picked up the pace once more. Those I taught became my best friends, as all of us became part of the same great adventure. Our group became rather secluded from the membership, in the late 1990s, and I heard rumors that we were the ‘rebels,’ which was kind of funny, because we were just paying attention to our RealGuidance, while everyone else was happy enforcing the rules and marching along with what Krone had developed. The main part of our lives was always with The Real Experiences we shared, from The RealGuides, usually while our bodies were asleep. The Real Guides would provide demonstrations for us as to what was taking place with Jerold and Krone. When the class and I discovered Jerold was under the seduction of what I termed ‘The Influence,’ we stopped relating to the discourses he and she were writing. I knew years before what was taking place, but The RealGuides were giving Jerold time to fix the situation, which he never has. He now loves the ‘being worshiped’ position, which is perfect for Krone to do whatever she wants behind the scenes. The membership is solid TapLines, which can be seen from The RealSide, and also controlled by other Corporate Board Members. We were shown a whole lot by The RealGuides. All of us were more into The Real Adventure and The Risk of BeingReal. As we shared our Real Experiences, which The Corporation was no longer interested in, The Boys exposed to all of us what was taking place from The Unseen Levels. Most people are so fooled by the outer appearance of what is marketed to them, and so they never really take the time to discover what supports the illusion, that which is produced by the controllers of earth. The original presentation of Paul, was and is The Real Connection to The Real Universal Guides, and their position with The SoundLight Reality of The IS. The Real Genuineness of What IS Real, exposes Itself to those who have a heart of courage for The Great Sincerity of The ALLIS, which is so amazingly Real. Derwood, the fellow who stepped in after Paul, along with Jerold, the present HeadMaster of The Krone Korporation, have provided the greatest of lessons for me. This lifetime has been filled with such incredible experiences, that it is hard to relate them to most people. I put off writing this book for years, because of all the people I knew who were involved, but the time did come when I decided to write it. Very few of the people that I have known actually know what has really taken place. In this lifetime, I have had a wife and daughter and also lived with Heather, who has taught me so much. She came into my life at just the right time, so I could advance further into The Great Wonder of The Universes of Purity. To the world, what I have chosen would surely be at odds with the rule-makers and what is considered to be ‘normal.’ To The RealGuides, they have loved it, because I chose the ‘danger route.’ Heather and I, for so many years have had the life of Peter Pan and Wendy, and our Real Experiences together, have definitely topped anything the public perceives as a great love affair. To truly understand what we have meant to one another and what Life Itself, wanted for us to experience together, cannot always be explained in the conventional fashion. This is because most of the world is too lost in traditional restrictions. How each person decides their life is unique to them, but to just live according to the physical body is not all there is. Most people do not even notice the simple reality that nature expresses. For me, just looking at the wonder of how flowers bloom ,trees grow, birds fly, and so on, is a humbling experience. These things are more than demonstrating The Real Beauty that is far beyond, The Gods of Men. The Sublime Realness of the most unique ISNESS, can only be experienced and seen by those who have a special insight. Each moment that Life Itself IS, should be the only moment worth living for. Nothing supersedes The ALLAwareness of this very Nowness, because it is only Here and Now that, The ALLIS can be realized. With the class I was teaching, we were keeping a record of many of The Real Experiences, that were taking place. Of course, the rest of the membership knew nothing about our experiences and knowledge. I always enjoyed hearing the experiences of others, since it allowed me to view the totality of what we were doing. The main focus of The Real Experiences seemed to be on what The Corporation, was doing. This is what was being shown to the class as well as me. Life Itself, was sharing with all of us, what was not being constructed by us, but what was seen on the outer front. Personally, I really didn’t care, but it was a good exercise in realizing what not to do. It was like having our own secret evidence that only a few of us had. I attempted to relay our experiences to others in the membership, but found it to be a waste of time. As events took place, we found that these people liked their control positions, whatever! The history of this world only proves to society what it continues to ignore, even though most people consider these events to be something very special, they really do not see the whole picture. This is where a Real Comparison comes into play. Until the perception of Real Experiences becomes a part of a person, they are subject to a very limited view of how Life Really IS. There are only a very few who know about The RealSource, The IS, since most are usually relating to the business side of somebody’s marketing plan, and the worshiped authorities that provide their blessing for ‘business as usual.’ It really would seem as though I were picking on all those that I am relating to, but think of it like you were teaching your child what to look out for, as he or she went out into this world of confusion. Just like in business, it is better to have a plan, but sometimes you do have to ‘wing it.’ As I went into The RealSide, I never had to ask about Derwood, Jerold or Krone, because I was always being shown by The Boys, what was taking place, as everything I was experiencing would become, not only a Real Adventure for me, but a great sense of seeing so much more than what many of the authority figures of this world have projected onto to others. Paul, did the most wonderful job of providing so much and was taken for granted by so many. He does not concern himself with what others do not appreciate, but loves doing whatever it takes to fulfill what can take place as a gift for all. Humans are funny, and Paul knew this, and with all the silliness that went on with what he was presenting he was not concerned, because The TruReality is AlwaysNU. Derwood and Jerold, had the good fortune of simply walking into Paul’s creation, and continuing on. Me, on the other hand, I felt I was on the outside and groveling to try and get in. And so, it would seem that this is how it is to be, because most of the membership, and even those who were higher up did not look past the ‘vision,’ that Krone and Jerold projected. Life Itself, and The RealGuides, know The Real Intent of each and everyone who comes to them for assistance. A person may think highly of themselves for what they have gone through and what they know on the outer, and even have experiences beyond this level, but The RealGuides are mainly interested in seeing if the individual is interested in experiencing What IS Real, and getting completely past the old definitions of the personal self. They know exactly what to do and who to give The Real Unseen Knowledge to. Most people want The Secret Teachings, but they will never get them, because they cannot see themselves with the intent they have. It really does take so much more than just wanting to be saved from The PsycRealms. Now that I knew what was coming with, THE ROD OF POWER, it was in my awareness all the time. I was trying to figure out how all that was to come about would take place. Heather and I, had so much Real Experience together over the years. I always liked hearing what she had to say about what she was experiencing within the other levels, especially Blue Sky Island. Her main viewpoint was that she did not want me to have the position, especially since she could see into the other levels where people were already pulling at me. It is The RealLight that they are looking for. She also saw that we would not be together as much, as I would be writing a lot more. She always has wonderful RealSide Experiences, that are informative. The RealGuides really like Heather, and what is funny is, she has a little attitude about them. It was like she was rather skeptical of them, even though she has had unbelievable experiences with them. They would tell me things that I didn’t even know. Some people may think that just because you are connected to The RealSource, that you know everything, but this is not true. Actually, the more you realize, the more there is to know. It’s different from the memorized schedule that most people have with their nine to five routines; this is why it is great to have friends like Rebazar, Yauble and Paul. Within myself I wanted The Real Position, because for me, it is all there is and the adventure that goes with it. I loved
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:18:56 +0000

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